More hobbies

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Skylor's POV

I start to wake up from a nap and is half asleep. I saw Kai on the bed, on his phone. "Morning, Sky" he greets "What time is it?" I ask "6:30. Its Jay's turn to make dinner so get ready for either noodles or mac n cheese" Kai says. I get up and head to the bed, putting my head on Kai's chest "Where's Wyldfyre?" I ask "She's somewhere" Kai says. Then, Wyldfyre walks in the room and sees us on the bed "Hi, Skylor!" Wyldfyre says "What do you say to her" Kai says "Huh? Oh, right. Thanks for uh, reading to me" Wyldfyre says "No problem, happy ro do it again" I tell her "Oh and I need to ask you something" Wyldfyre says looking at me then Kai. I realize what she was talking about "Whats a boyfriend?" Wyldfyre asks. I snort, holding in my laughter. "A-A what?" Kai says with a chuckle "Whats a boyfriend?" she asks again "W-Well a boyfriend has a,uh girlfriend! And they are in love?" Kai says still questioning his answer. "So you and Skylor and boyfriend-girlfriend?" she says tilting her head "Ah, thats called a relationship" I say "Okay, thanks" Wyldfyre says and leaves the room. I burst out laughing "That was priceless" I say "Did you plan that?" he asks "Yeah, me and her talked" I reply. "Its good to know you and her are talking" Kai says.

We hear the bells ring for dinner and we head into the kitchen to see Mac n cheese and chicken nuggets. "Mac n cheese! My favorite!" Wyldfyre says "Really? Chicken nuggets are so much better" Arin says "Is not!" Wyldfyre says "Sit down, animals" Lloyd says. "Kai,wheres the ketchup?" Wyldfyre says "Seriously? You showed her Mac n cheese and ketchup? Gross!" Cole says "Excuse me, but it is very delicious. Thank you!" Kai replies "Here you go, kid" Kai says giving Wyldfyre some ketchup. "I was thinking, we bring girls day back. Especially now that Sora and Wyldfyre are with us." Nya says "Thats a great idea. I'd like to get away from the boys." Harumi says looking at Lloyd "What did I do?" Lloyd asks "Yeah, that sounds like fun." I agree. "Whats a girls day?" Wyldfyre asks "Its when all the girls go out and do random things. Its like going out with no boys which makes it better." Sora responds "Ouch?" Arin says "Sorry buddy, just telling the truth." Sora says. We finish up dinner and clean up then start to settle for the night. After I finish up in the living room, I go into to out room to see Kai brushing Wyldfyre's hair. "I told you to brush it every night!" Kai says "No need! My hair is perfect anytime!" Wyldfyre says.

They see me walk in and go quiet. Wyldfyre looks at Kai again then he says "Go on.". "C-Can you read to me again?" Wyldfyre asks looking nervous "Sure" I reply. After Kai finishes brushing Wyldfyre's hair, we settle on the couch and I start to read. After a few pages, I heard snores coming from Wyldfyre. I put the book down and smile at her. I get up grab her blanket and tuck her in for the night. "You know she talks about you non stop" Kai says "She does?" I ask a bit surprised since I just met her. "Yeah, she's always talking about your hair and how happy she is that someone looks like her. I think she won't tell me that she likes your voice too. Its good to know that you too are getting along well." Kai says "She just feels different to me. I don't know why but its like I have to be here for her." I tell Kai "Exactly, thats what runs through my head every time!" Kai says. I chuckle and lay on the bed. "Do you have plans tomorrow?" Kai asks "Yeah, I have work until 10 or 11 tomorrow. Why?" I respond "I was thinking we go on a date? Its been a while." Kai says singsong way "What about Friday? I have nothing going on Friday. Where do we go?" I ask "Restaurant?" Kai ask "Or we could go to the salon. Get all prissed up" I suggest. "Perfect." Kai agrees.

Kai's POV

I woke up at 12 and have probably been up for an hour. Skylor is sleeping and I can no longer sleep. I decide to get up to eat or drink. I leave the room, quietly closing the door. I walk into the kitchen to see Lloyd heating up some left over mac n cheese. "Lloyd? What are you doing up?" I ask him "We want mac n cheese" he responds "You and Harumi?" I ask. He nods his head "We stay up late on thursdays. Its what we do" he responds "Okay, well get some sleep soon, Kay?" I tell him "Mhm. What are you doing up?" Lloyd asks "Can't sleep. Don't worry about it." I reply "Your patrolling tomorrow, you need to sleep." Lloyd says "I'll be fine, Lloyd" I say "No, sleep please." he says "Yeah, I'll go to bed after you." I say. The mac n cheese finishes heating up and Lloyd grab two forks and leaves. After he leaves, I notice noise coming from the living room.I got to the living room to see Wyldfyre sitting on the couch, watching TV. "Wyldfyre, go to sleep." I tell her "No way, I'm good here." she says "But I'm watching!" she whisper yells. "Fine. One more episode and we'll go to bed." I state and go to sit on the couch with her.

I feel my self drift to sleep. Half asleep, I feel Wyldfyre fall onto my shoulder signifying she's asleep.

Jays POV

I woke up when Nya started getting ready for patrol. We ate some breakfast with everyone except Kai, Skylor and Wyldfyre. No idea where they went. Me, Cole, Lloyd, Zane and everyone else are left at home. Me and Cole run to the living room to get a head start on the new video game we got a few days ago. We open the living room doors to see Kai and Wyldfyre snoring. "Jay! Whats the-" I cut Cole off snd shush him. I take a picture of them then grab the game to play in my room.

hi guys🤩🤩 hope yall like this chapter!!!!! KAI AND WYLDFYRE WORLD DOMINATION 🗣️🗣️🔥🔥

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