Who's she?

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Kai's POV

"Hey sky" I greet her, kissing her. "Hi Kai" Skylor responds kissing me back. "How was work today" I say putting my arm around her but keeping my other hand on the wheel. "Fine, that girl still keeps complaining about her noodles" she tells me "When is she gonna just not come back?" I respond "I bought some noodles for everybody. I know how much you guys love my  noodles" Skylor says "Sky, come on. You don't need to get us noodles everytime you go to work" I tell her. Skylor only works three days a week but works late hours. She always brings us something from the restaurant. I get that she loves us and all but I don't want her to put extra time on us when she can go home and rest. "I know I don't have to but,I want too" Skylor says. We get to the monestary and it is around 10:30 and I expect everyone to be up except Wu. Before we go in, I realize that there is someone in the monestary that Skylor hasn't met yet so I stop her from going in. "Kai? Something wrong?" she says confused "Listen, theres someone in there that kinda means a lot to me and I want you to meet her." I tell her "Okay? I do wish you told me earlier" Skylor replies.

"So, ready?" I ask her "Sure" she says, playfully rolling her eyes. I open the monestary door to see Nya and Jay playing around and Cole having some cake and Wyldfyre asleep on the couch. "Oh Wyldfyre..." I mumble while Skylor stands there. "Is this the girl you wanted me to meet?" Skylor asks smiling "Yeah,can you grab that blanket?" I ask her, she looks at me confused while handing me the blanket. "Wait, does she sleep here?" Skylor asks "On the couch? Yeah, for now." I tell her "No. No way. She's sleeping in our room." Skylor says "What? Our room? Where?" I ask "The couch that we can pull into a bed. She can sleep there right?" Skylor says "I guess she can" I say, gently carrying her. I realise that Wyldfyre is a pretty heavy sleeper. I smile at her stupidly. We go in our room and prepare the pull out and lay her on. She immediately snuggles in and starts snoring. I look at her while Skylor just lays her chin on my shoulder. "She's pretty" she whispers "I know" I whisper back. She leaves to take a shower and I lay on our bed. Skylor comes out in her pajamas and lays next to me.

"Wyldfyre looks...nice" she says "Nice? More like annoying" I tell her "I like her hair. It looks like mine." she says. I chuckle"Yeah, it always reminded me of you" I tell her "I guess I'll meet her in the morning." Skylor says, kissing my cheek and facing her side. I take one last look at Wyldfyre and I lay down and drift to sleep.

its so short wth😔😔

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