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Kai's POV

We enter Lloyd and Harumi's door. "Hey guys, whats up?" Lloyd asks "Hi, so we wanted to talk about the kids." I say closing the door. "What'd they do this time?" Harumi asks chuckling "Nothing, probably? We wanted to talk about how the kids are schooling" Skylor says "School? Since when did we talk about that?" Lloyd says sarcastically.

"Seriously though, its rough out there if you don't have a good education." I say "Do you want to try it out? Arin and Sora are behind one grade but Wyldfyre, her grade is a bit of a problem. She has no idea what a school is or if she has ever went to one." I tell them "We can just educate her on how to read,write and some of the basics. We can maybe get her on a tutor if you guys want? We have plenty of options." Lloyd says "Maybe we get her a tutor for Math, English you know, basic human knowledge than she can learn the rest in the sixth grade?" Skylor suggests "Good enough to me. Arin and Sora?" I ask looking at Lloyd. "Their both clear, they went to school for most of elementary except the sixth grade. We have them finish the sixth grade then put them in first year highschool." Lloyd says simply.

"What about Sora?" Harumi chimes in "She's incredible in Robotics can we put her in a class or a school?" Harumi says "I used to go to school with a robotics class. You get in only if you pass the class. If you dont, you can still go to school there. The Robotics class is just an option if Sora wants to." Harumi continues.

"So, we're sending them to school?" I ask "Yup, the first ninjas to atleast try and finish school." Lloyd says "We have a month to tutor Wyldfyre about the basics. Are we ready for this?" Skylor asks "I sure hope so." Harumi answers. "So, who'll tutor?" I ask. "All of us are gonna help her out. Who ever is home will teach her." Lloyd says "Okay! We're actually doing this." I say almost in disbelief

"Just hope it works out." Skylor says leaving the room.

SO SHORT WTH 👹 Kinda boring but i give you llorumi + kailor being parents to the kids😈

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