Training a new Hunter

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The night had just fallen and it was soon time Iida to finally leave his brother and the hospital. However, he had one final matter to take care of before going back home. One final person to meet and most importantly, thanks to save his oni-chan's career. It took some time for him to find the access to the hospital's roof, as he had to ask the way a few times.

When he finally arrived to the door leading to the very top of the building, he felt a mixture of anticipation and curiosity. He, like everyone else had doubts and caution towards the terrible beast that was Midoryia. However, the act of rescue towards his elder brother and role model made all of them wither away. Of course there was the curiosity about this new form.

When he opened the door, he was... truly left without voice by the sight that greeted him. At the edge of the roof in far front of the door he came in, Stood the the new figure of his bestial classmate : Towering, beautiful yet terrifying, standing tall before an enormous full moon that bathed him in ethereal light. He was an angel of nightmare.   

Izuku : You are finally here ? ... I was expecting you...

Iida was taken out of his trance by The Wendigo's new deeper voice directed towards him. His friend had not turned around to face nor did he shown any sign that he had heard him, Izuku seemed to have his gaze directed towards the astral body above them. Maybe if he wasn't so taken aback he could have realized that the moon's size was not normal.

Iida : How did you know ? 

Izuku : Your scent is strong... and heavied with raging emotions...

Of course ! How could he forget about Midoryia's incredible sense of smell. It was what saved their class of a terrible encounter in the USJ after all, and it certainly saved Izuku's own life many times over. He slowly but surely joined his bestial camarade at the edge of the roof. He took a few minutes to look at the majestic fool moon before posing his hand on his classmate's arm, making the Wendigo look down at him at last. 

Iida : Thank you... for saving Tensei's carrer. I will never forget that.  

Izuku : *looks back at the moon* Your thanks are premature... the prey has manege to escape. There can be no celebrations yet...

 Iida : Maybe... but saving my brother is something you did, not something you will have to do.

Midoryia hummed in understanding before silence quickly fell back on them. What Iida may not know, was that the cold and calm exterior he was showing did not fooled his bestial friend one bit. Izuku was capable of smelling the emotions of others, and the younger Iida's scent was loaded with great fury towards Stain. the Wendigo looked back a him.

Izuku : Your hatred towards our prey is palpable... You seek revange don't you ?

Tenya tensed slightly as he heard those words. He wanted to denied that it was true, but he knew that Midoryia could read him like a book with his sense of smell. He answered by simply redirecting his gaze towards the floor and clenching his fists. He prepared himself for his friend scolding him, but he got something very different.

Izuku : Do you wish to become a hunter... and to join me in the track ?

Iida : You... you would let me ?

Izuku : When the internship will come, choose Manual's agency... I will train you...  

Iida : *smiles* Thank you...


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