Now, its a family matter...

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All students of class 1-A were currently talking to each other about their performance in the sport festival. Most of them were satisfied with their ranking and how it turned out, the only one visibly unhappy was Bakugo Katsuki who was mad with Todoroki's final against him. It turns out that the son of Endeavor refused to use half of his powers.

However, as they were waiting for their homework teacher to arrive, their president Momo Yaoyorozu realized that someone else than Midoryia was missing.

After a few minutes Aizawa eventually arrived and activated his quirk to get everyone silent. He overlooked each of his students with an unimpressed look, until his gaze ended on Iida's empty desk. He shook his head in disapproval in response to the sight, but for those who had started to learn how to read their teacher, they saw a glint of concern in his eyes.  

Aizawa : All right, you lots. With the sport festival now behind us, your first internship is starting in a few days. As you already know, your performances and scores have opened or closed many hero agencies doors for your internship. Here are the results. 

EraserHead proceed to click on a remote to activate a projector. The number of propositions for each one of them was on full display, on the class's board, with in highlights "personal interest" made by a top 10 pro Hero. The class erupted in cries of joy and surprise as the number of possibilities for top 10 students and specifically top 3 was outstanding.

Kirishima : Yoooo Kakubro ! You got 1654 props and a P.I. from Mirko ! That's so manly !

Denki : Of course, Todoroki got a P.I. from his old man... But 1879 props, that's insane !

Uraraka : Tokoyami, you have a P.I. from Hawks, that is so cool !

Tsuyu : Yep, and 987 props is not too shabby either. Kero

Their teacher watched the chaos unfold before his eyes with a terrible envy to leave. He was about to call out the noise when he saw Momo Yaoyorozu, the class president looking back and forth between the rest of her classmates and the still empty desk of one vice president. Well... it seems that at least one of them realized at the end.  

Aizawa : SILENCE ! ... Is it impossible for this class to get new information, without hell breaking loose ? No ? ...

Mina : S-Sorry sensei.

Aizawa : I'm not asking you to be sorry. I'm asking you to change. Now Yaoyorozu, I believe you had a question for me, right ?

Momo : Yes... actually I have Aizawa sensei. Where is Tenya Iida ? 

In reaction to this quesion, everyone else looked at Iida's desk to realized that he was indeed not present with them. They all started whispering about why their classmate was not there, before Aizawa quickly shut them up with a stare. 

Aizawa : Finally, someone here acknowledge it. During you internship, you all better be more aware about your partners on the field... To answer your question miss Yaoyorozu, Tenya Iida is currently at the central hospital near Hosu, visiting his older Brother.

Sero : Ingenium ? And isn't Hosu where Midoryia is posted ?

Jiro : Did something bad happened ?

Aizawa : The answer to all of these questions is yes...

Bakugo : Bah ! Who cares about what happened to four eyes's brother or where the extra is ?

Kirishima : hey ! Don't be insensitive Bakubro, that is not manly at all !

Bakugo : Shut up s***ty hair !

Aizawa : Enough you two... Ingenium's team and himself were working in together with Manual agency to track down and arrest the Hero Killer Stain. And yes this is in Hosu, with the help of Midoryia.  

Bakugo : Ah ?! You mean that while we were doing the festival this giant f**ker was tracking down and fighting real vilains ?!

Aizawa : Bakugo... stop with your childish tantrums right now, I'm not in the mood to deal with them. This is my first and last warning.

Bakugo : Tskk !

Tokoyami : So... what darkness has fall on Tenya's older brother ?

Aizawa : Ingenium got a run down with Stain. It did not go well...


Tenya Iida was walking back and forth in one of Hosu's General hospital many waiting rooms. The usual rigid but righteous vice president of class 1-A was wearing a cold and dark expression on his face, and a mixture of rage and fear was radiating from him as he was there, walking back and forth, waiting for an authorization to  visit his brother.

The only informations he got before getting here, were from his parents at the phone. It was not much considering that his mother had a hard time explaining between her sobs. What he got from her was : "Tensei is badly injured", "fight with Stain", "the Emerald Wendigo" and "Hosu General hospital". Needless to say, he was on they as soon he got eliminated from the festival.    

After almost an hour of waiting, Kenji Tsuragamae, the Chief of Police exited Tensei's hospital room and walked to him. He rapidly presented himself and why he was here, then told Iida that he was clear to go see his older brother. In fact, it seemed that Tensei already knew he was here. Once Kenji warned him to not jump at his brother he let him go. 

Iida : Tensei ! Mother told me

Tensei : tenya, its been a while ! Sorry to have our meeting with me in such a poor state, but that is just what being a pro hero is ! 

Iida : Brother I was so worry for you ! When mother told me Stain badly injured you, I was on my way as soon as I could ! How bad is it ? Are you okay ? You're not gonna die, right ? 

Tensei : Woah woah, calm down little brother, calm down. There... take a deep breath.

Iida : So-rry, I was just... you know...

Tensei : Don't worry, it's okay... Now to answer your questions, I will need a week of rest before even thinking going back to work. So, do not worry I'm not gonna die. In fact, I can consider myself really lucky with this one. If it wasn't for Midoryia, Stain would have ended my whole career with the stab he was about to give me. 

Iida : Mi-Midoryia  is the one who saved you ?!

Tensei : Yep ! Pretty ironic is it not ? The nightmarish beast who comes to save the brave knight in shining armor.

Iida : ... He is not that monstrous... I see it more and more, now... 

Tensei : HA HA  HA ! He will be glad to hear that ! Although you may change your mind about the monstrous part when you'll see his new form of his...

Iida : ... His new what now ?!

Tensei : Don't worry about that for now. First, lets take some time together so I can give you a better picture of the story. As for any possible question you may have for your big bad classmate well...

You can ask him directly afterward, he is on the rooftop of the hospital... 


Hello everyone !

I'm terribly sorry for my lack of new chapters, but for 2 whole weeks I had a severe lack of motivation combined with a good amount of work. As for the third week I ended up sick like a mother f***er :/

Hope this chapter will be enough to satisfy you all !

Have a good read and see you next time!

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