Preparing for Trouble

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Principal Nedzu, Aizawa, Vlad King, Midnight and detective Tsukauchi were all assembled around Izuzu who was sniffing the partially destroyed entrance gate. After the whole event had ben handled, the journalists expelled from the perimeter with threats of legal action, and the students back under control, Nedzu called him and Midnight to meet him at the front gate.

Nedzu : So Midoryia, have you confirmed your suspicions about our mysterious intruder ?    

Izuku : Yes, I have... It is the same smell, there is no doubt about it...

Tsukauchi : So the kid was right, the journalist breach was just a distraction. Quite impressed that there is vilains crazy enough to actually try to attack UA. 

Midnight : We all are detective, and I don't like that. Either they are idiots who try to eat more than they can chew...

Aizawa : Or we have big problems coming up.

Tsukauchi : But this still doesn't explain how the intruder got inside without being seen. 

Nedzu : Before they could confront the intruder, Midoryia have seen something particular just before they reached our foe's objective. You have a theory about how they did it Izuku-kun, care to explain us ?

Izuku : Before we reached the archives... I saw a bright purple light for a few seconds... It had the sent of someone else... if my intuition is correct... I will smell the same sent nearby... supposedly in a hidden area...

Tsukauchi : That sounds like a teleportation quirk. I really don't like this possibility, we have a big problem if this is it.

Aizawa : We will see soon enough, lead the way problem child.

Izuku started to sniff the intruder's smell again, this time following it from the most recent trace of it to the more ancient. After 5 minutes the new track brought him into a corner nearby, mostly hidden by a few bushes and trees. Once he reached it he started sniffing more intensely.

Izuku : Just as I expected... I can smell the sent of the other person...

Midnight : Damn it ! How are we going to track them down ?

Tsukauchi : For now we clearly can't and it's not our priority right now. What we must do is learn what they were looking for in UA's archives.

Nedzu : The detective is right, Midnight you told me that Midoryia san know what document they were looking for, correct ? 

Midnight : Yes ! Here it is, Izuku told me this was the document who had the most of the intruder's sent on it.

Aizawa : 1-A schedule ? What the hell would they want with the brats of my class ?

Tsukauchi : You have the Yaorozou girl and Endavor's son in your class, no ? They are pretty big and valuable targets.

Aizawa : They don't live in UA Tsukauchi, it would be far easier to attack them while they are not around a dozen of heroes 24/7. It's not like their existence and activities outside of school is kept hidden.

Tsukauchi : Yeah you're right, this attack is clearly targeting the school itself. But why 1-A's schedule then ?

Nedzu : To find an opportunity in our defenses. It is common knowledge that UA is very vast and has a few scattered facilities, we don't always train the students in the main campus and every one knows this. They are looking for when we will teach a class in an isolated place, where we will be the most vulnerable. 

Tsukauchi : Genius !

Aizawa : *frowns* But why my class specifically ?

Izuku : It was the closest class schedule... to the front of the drawer they searched...

Aizawa : f**k me

Izuku : *get right behind Nedzu, crouching to reach his high* this is the page they stopped at...

Nedzu : The USJ... this, is most likely going to be their target.

Aizawa : *narrow his eyes* I will be with 13 and All Might for the rescue training, its written on the schedule which means they know what they are up against. If they wish to go against All Might then they have big artillery, or they have the biggest ego in the world.

Tsukauchi : With what they just pulled out here I doubt that its the second option. Fortunately they just lost the element of surprise, which would have been their biggest asset. We will be ready to welcome them with open arms. Incredibly done Midoryia.

Midnight : I agree all the credit are for you, boy. Without your flair, we wouldn't even know that we actually got infiltrated.

Nedzu : I'm a bit offended Midnight, I instantly knew there was something really fishy with this breach. But I still must give credits where its due, without Midoryia we would have never know their real intentions before it was too late. Wonderfully done Midoryia san !

Izuku : Thank you all... but it was not much... so much praises are not needed...

Aizawa : Problem child... *gets right in front of him* I have not been very expressive since the beginning of the investigation, but you have no idea of how much I'm grateful to you. What you've just done may just have saved the life of my students, they may be incredibly obnoxious at times but they are my obnoxious brats, and I would not be able to forget myself if any of them died under my watch. 

So don't you dare sell yourself short or underestimate the consequences of your work, whatever how minimal it was. 

Izuku : I understand Aizawa sensei... I shall remember this...

Aizawa : Good. Thank you problem child and good work.

Midnight : Aawww, you're getting soft Eraser ?

Aizawa : *annoyed glare* Never, I've always congratulated my students accordingly when they truly have made good work.

Nedzu : Alright, we clearly have all the information we could get from the scene, I will call the entire staff for an emergency meeting in 30 minutes. Eraserhead, use this time to contact the kids and their parents and tell them that the USJ is postpone for a later day. Detective, is 30 minutes  enough for you to get your men up to date about our latest discoveries ? 

Tsukauchi : If they are not half asleep it should be enough. I may even get them ready before we start planning our defenses, once you're done debriefing with your staff.

Nedzu : Exellent, Midnight you may use those 30 minutes to get Midoryia-san back to the rehabilitation facility.

Midnight : No Problem, sir.


Hello everyone ! Sorry for the long delay, but I really didn't feel like writing those last days, and if I write without filling it its gonna be s**t. And I hate writing s**t !

Anyway, enjoy this new chapter and see you next week !


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