Good and Bad news

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It's been 1 and a half year now that the Emerald Wendigo had changed his ways. Me and Eraserhead tried very hard to find him, but we could never predict were he would strike, and it was made even harder when he reduced to 2 attacks a week. Until 14 days ago when a young girl came to us to report her encounter with him. We were not expecting much back then, it just looked like many other cases of the Wendigo and since the first incident with a direct potential victim left alive, more and more new witnesses were in direct contact with him.

We were both in the interrogation room with this Kyouka Jirou and we were not ready for the story she was about to give us.

Tsukauchi : Wait wait wait, you're telling us that he saved you ?!

Jirou : Yes ! Well... maybe it was not his original motive. He still is a killer after all, but once he... devoured my assailants and looked at me, he seemed to have been really moved when I gave  him my thanks.

Aizawa : Moved you say ? What was his reaction exactly ?

Jirou : He... frozed in his tracks when I showed him my appreciation, at first he seemed more confused than anything else. He tilted his head to the left. You know, like most animals do when they stare at you asking what you want ? This is when I remembered that he was born like this and never had parents teaching him to think and react outside of his instincts, we all learn what happen in the hospital 15 years ago, after all.  

I wrote everything she was telling us while using my quirk on her. Not that she would lie but I didn't want her to omit certain information for her and the boy's sake. I got a chill when she mentionne what happen back then, I still have great hope for the boy but... the crime scene at the hospital will forever haunt my mind.  

Aizawa : You're all right Tsukauchi ? I can take it alone from here if you want.

Tsukauchi : I'm fine... I'm fine, please continue Ms Kyouka.

Jirou : Right. So, remembering that I tried giving him a good impression while making myself as confident as I could, hopping that he didn't and wouldn't see me as a prey. I smiled at him and give him good vibes you know ? I have a good friend who's quirk allows him to talk to animals and understand them. He analysed to Emerald Wendigo and recognized the pattern of a hunting predator, so he gave me useful tips in the event I would meet him. 

Tsukauchi : I see. How did he react to such a display ?

Jirou : He put his hand on his torso, right over his heart. It seems like he never got any positive feedback from someone else, and so, had no idea what he was feeling or how he was suppose to react. I was scared that he would perceive this experience as an attack and kill me in response. But he seemed to have understand quickly what was happening to him, he gave me a last stare, nodded to me ever so slightly and got away without saying anything.     

Aizawa : Did you noticed anything else ?

Jirou : Outside of what happen between the two of us ? No. I just looked at him leave before getting back the courage to get back on my feet, call the police and my parents.

Tsukauchi : Very well, thank you very much for your courage Ms Kyouka. Just sign your testimony here and an officer will come soon after to escort you back at the entrance.

I gave her the paper and a pen to write down her signature and got to the door with EraserHead. However, just before we passed to door, the young girl called us.

Jirou : Wait ! Before you go, it may be just my imagination but I looked at his face while he got away and I'm pretty sure I saw great satisfaction and a hint of resolution in his eyes.

Tsukauchi : Thank you Ms Kyouka, again.

We got into my office and closed the door behind us. What we have right here is precious information and quite an ominous last sentence.

Tsukauchi : We really have to catch the boy as soon as possible.

Aizawa : Agreed, Thanks to his hunts being nocturnal I don't think we have to fear the risk of him being confronted by a brain dead hero like Endeavor or All Might. However, I'm concerned about a vilain group finding him first. At best he would be a convenient way to get them rid of bodies, at worst they would turn him into a living weapon.    

Tsukauchi : At least he is more than capable to defend himself. He did killed a number of vilains that were not the kind to be taken down easily. But I get your point, what are the stories about the Wendigo in the Underworld ? 

Aizawa : Well known, as you are already aware of, the media did not miss his great debut. Especially since one of those vulturous manege to leak 2 photos of the massacre inside the hospital. A few big fish think they can get him to work for them and some psychopath practically worshiping the Wendigo, but most of the underworld are as afraid of him as the common people are. As for knowing where he is, the are not more advanced than us.   

Tsukauchi : Well... at least that's that. But it's not important right now, the case with the young girl as reach the heart of the kid. We now have to stand ready for a big new shift in his hunts, the young girl gave him his first positive feedback to hi crimes. her last sentence is clear, he just found out that "helping" the right person in the right situation will get him better satisfaction. I'm pretty sure it will not be long before learn not to eat before the person he saved. 

Aizawa : Indeed, he also reduced the number of his hunts because of his bad experience with the women one and a half year ago. Now that he can get positive emotions from killing bad guys, he is gonna do it more often.

Tsukauchi : EraserHead, with this new set of mind he is gonna look for altercations between vilains and civilians. We may finally gonna have a way to predict where he is gonna strike, or at least a pattern. Keep your contacts in check, and when he is gonna have opportunities, look for any signs of him.

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