Prey Slaughtered

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Total chaos was reigning over the city as the Emerald Wendigo was going through the Hosu, jumping from roofs to roofs. He kept the sidekick of Manual in his hand all the way, even though the little man finally got the message to not anger him anymore. This took a lot on Midoryia's mental strength, as this man's behavior and his endless hunger where making the voices coming back to his head.

Each glance he took at his surroundings to make sure they would not be surprised attacked by the flying nomus, his vision would briefly flash and the city landscapes would be replaced by visions of a grim yet magnificent Gothic city under an endless fool moon night. The voices now completely comprehensible, chanted about a dream of hunters where the wicked souls would become beasts to be hunted down for eternity.

When they finally arrived at there destination, he put down the sidekick and looked over the number 2 hero, his son and a few other pros, fighting against the three grounded monsters. The last words of the voices were told to him as he observed the ongoing battle, words that would guide him from here on out : Seek the old blood, and become the dream's GOD.   

As the voices recede back, he saw that one of the nomus manege to circle around in the back of the Todoroki, ready to take the pro hero by surprise. He had hoped to enter the scene without directly interfering with the fight to not appear hostile to both, since none of the two had seen his new form before. Alas, it was not to be this way.

Shoto : Father, behind you watch out !  

Endeavor : Wha...? S**t !

Too late, as the nomu had lunched himself on the number two hero and was now pinning him to the ground. With both his arms locked to over his head he ignited himself on fire to force the monster to get out of him, but the mindless flesh construct did not care and both would die here without outside intervention. 

Before Shoto finally concluded that he couldn't let his father die here despite how much he wished to, the nomu was tackled all the way from over Enji's body to the nearest building's wall. All heroes present had their eyes widen as they say the massive new form of the Wendigo briefly locked with the nomu, before reaping both of its arms of and proceeded to slam the mindless beast on the ground.

Some heros had to look away or even emptied their stomach, as Midoryia proceed to eat out the nomu's head, before lifting it in the air and simply tearing the beast in two. The Wendigo cried out victoriously before throwing the body to Endeavor's feet, signaling him to burn down the remains of the creature.  

Endeavor : You're done for vil......   Wait ... You're that monster in Manual's team, the Wendigo ! You're also in my son's class if I remember correctly.

Izuku only nodded in response as he ripped out a chunk of asphalt and throwing it at another nomu who was about to punch another hero who was still recovering from his brutal display. This put everyone back into the fight as Midoryia proceed to ram with his antlers the third one who had just been partially frozen buy Shoto Todoroki. 

The boy watched in morbid awe at the new form of his bestial classmate, who he just realized the identity. Midoryia had completely impaling the still frozen nomu, making multiple chunks of his body break apart. The beast, who was still very much alive despite loosing 42% of his body mass, grabbed the base of the Wendigo's antlers to tear them apart.

Rendered furious by the pain caused, Izuku tried to pry the nomu off of himself by trashing his head around and even headbutting nearby walls and the floor. He finally manege to throw off the Nomu at the cost of his left antler being broke in half. Midoryia screeched in pain  as his bright red blood started to poor out of his wound.

Shoto : Midoryia !

Shoto was to slow to completely stop the nomu who had already regenerated. He used his power to trap the meat puppet into a glacier, but it still manege land a solid punch in Izuku's plexus, sending him to crash through the wall of a nearby building. This first and second floor broke and crumbled on Midoryia who had no time to recover or dodge. A cruel silence took over the scene for a few seconds before Shoto had to concentrate back on the nomu who had just broken free of his ice prison.  

Izuku was in a very bad situation. His blood was still gushing out of his broken antler and a broken pillar had pierced through his stomach. As he desperately tried to push off the pieces of cement and steel rebar and break the pillar out of his body, he heard the voices coming back to him in full force, as he felt something strange with his blood.

From the corner of his eye and with his limited range of vision, he could see and feel his blood "crawling" back to him and flowing down his skin. It was forming some kind of protection layer over his fur and skin. He could tell that there was more than this, his blood felt like some kind of energetic fuel, wanting to be set ablaze. It is then, that the ominous song begin :

Bestial blood, blessing of old gods 

Bestial blood, lighting the path ahead

Bestial blood, weapon against all odds

Bestial blood, painting the night sky red

Bestial blood, brightest of fire

Bestial blood, it bring  the prey terror

The situation was getting dire outside. Three of the seven lesser pro heroes who where with the Todoroki have been killed by the still rampaging nomu, one taking most of Endeavor's attention while the other remaining pros were trying to assist the number two's son. As two new pros were killed and one of the brainless living weapon was cornering the younger Todoroki, the battlefield was shaken by a big explosion coming from where the Wendigo was send cashing. 

Once  the projectiles of the explosion were all dodged, all looked towards the source of the event only to have their eyes widen in surprise and fear. What they saw, was a cloud of dust brighten from behind by a raging red light. Slowly walking from the fog was Izuku Midoryia, ignited in blood red flames.

Recognizing Midoryia as the main menace beside Endeavor, the nomu forget Shoto Todoroki to charge him instead

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Recognizing Midoryia as the main menace beside Endeavor, the nomu forget Shoto Todoroki to charge him instead. This resulted in Izuku slamming it down, not only breaking most of its body  but also igniting the mindless puppet in fire. Midoryia proceed to bite down on the nomu's head, filling it with magma like blood which completely melted it. a few seconds later Endeavor was finished with their last nomu. 

There were numerous causalities, but the preys were slaughtered.

Izuku the Emerald Wendigo : Blood born God.Where stories live. Discover now