A Prey in Hosu

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Izuku never saw himself as someone that could impact people with words. Even after all his time learning and mastering the ability of speech with Nedzu or other teachers, he stayed a person of few words. Not only did he lacked an anatomy better suited for making long and constructive sentences, but he was simply not a social person. He was a beast after all, and most importantly he was a hunter. A lonely one. 

Because of this, he had not anticipated the impact his little speech would have on the others. In fact, he still didn't understand why he made one in the first place ! Normally, defending himself meant getting physical, this was his nature. Something was just... compelling him to do it, like a voice in the back of his mind.  

Izuku : I will have... To ask Hound dog... about this. 

He was still very conflicted about the experience. Surely the effects seemed mostly positive, his class and other children seemed to look at him in a better way and Aizawa was pleased by it. As for the principal, he still didn't know what that hysterical laugh was... Whatever, he surely did not planned to make this a daily occurrence.


A couple of days passed since then and now Izuku was better familiarized with his classmates. He was still not participating in normal classes, but since the Sport Festival was only a week away, most of their schedules became physical training anyway. Although Midoryia would not participate in the Festival, he was still here to help.

Midoryia was mostly there to fight the students when they decided to test their progress, for he was not only the most experienced student by far, but he was also one of the most durable. More than 100 matches were organized between him and the students of 1-A and yet none came close to defeating him.

The 3 students that lasted more than 5 minutes against him were : Fumikage, Shoto and Katsuki. The three of them were undeniably strong but they all had their own major weakness. 

- Tokoyami was far to relient on his quirk and Izuku was fast and smart enough to separate the two and go for the owner before they could regroupe. 

- Bakugo was a serious threat in a frontal assault, but he was very abrasive hated fighting against fast opponents that could use the hit and run strategy. Once he was mad enough, he becomes very susceptibles to fake outs and sudden change in strategies and tempos.

- As for Todoroki, the boy was just too overconfident and narrow-minded. His quirk was powerful and versatile but he was just taught to overwhelm his opponents with brute force, leaving him desperate when it doesn't work. And ice is a terrible weapon against a Wendigo. 

However, Izuku was not just confined to the role of a glorified training bot. Indeed, a few specific students from 1-A had a very similar fighting style, or at least also used stealth like him. Uraraka and Mina uses the hit and run tactic because of their medium range abilities, while Iida used it in more direct way like him. As for Toru, Jiro and Koji they really needed his help for stealth and spying abilities. 


It was now the last day before the sport festival and all class 1-A were training as usual inside their assigned Gym. It was 5 pm and Izuku was finishing a stealth lesson with Koji when Aizawa came in to talk with Midoryia.

Aizawa : Hello class, do not pay attention to my presence I'm here for Midoryia. Problem child come with me, the principal wants you in his office. 

Izuku : Very well... Koji, remember what I said... see if you can get... a good mimicking bird...

Koji : Okay... I'll ty to get one.

Izuku : The rest of you... continue without me... I gave you enough... to last until 7 pm.

With that, Izuku exited the building with Aizawa in direction of Nedzu's office. Most of the trip when without words, but it was still refreshing to see students passing by them without flinching or sending a bad stare. Both could not overlook it.

Aizawa : I still didn't tell you, but know that Nedzu showed the recording of your little speech to the staff. We we're quite impressed and surprised by it, didn't expect that you would do this.

Izuku : It was a surprise... for me too. 

Aizawa : You didn't planned that, did you ?

Izuku : No. I don't know... how to feel about it... will ask Hound Dog... to ear what he thinks.

Aizawa : I'll get you an hour with him. Now, here we are.

Both proceed to open the door and take a look inside. In the room already facing them was of course Nedzu sitting on his office chair, while on his left was standing detective Tsukaushi and the pro hero Manual.

Nedzu : Ah ! Midoryia-san and Eraser, happy to see you here ! Come take a seat.

Manual : Wow, you both didn't kidding when you said he was impressive to look at. You're really sure he is super stealthy ?  

Tsukaushi : He would have not escaped us for so long if he wasn't Manual. Hello Midoryia, long time no see.

Izuku : *nods his head* Detective... A while indeed... still a pleasure.

Manual : And well mannered, who would have thought.

Izuku : You wanted to see me... principal Nedzu... does those people... requires my assistance ? 

Nedzu : Good deduction Midoryia-san. You see, me and detective Tsukaushi, with the help of a few other heroes have been tracking the Hero Killer Stain for a few years now. Do you have knowledge of thus individual ? 

Izuku : I have... A human, nocturnal hunter... like me... targeting heroes... he deems corrupt.

Manual : Yes, a sociopathic idealist like many others. The problem with this one is that he actually has a significant amount of followers. 

Tsukaushi : But we did not call you here to talk about ideals Midoryia. As you just said his Mo is very reminiscent of you when you were still wild. Our best men failed to capture him or at least tract him down efficiently for years.

Izuku : And this were... my expertise com in... You want me... to track him down...

Manual : Correct, Nedzu and the detective both told me about how you manege to track back the LOV agent and prevent a disaster. We need someone like you, who not only has the nose of a dog and the mind of someone like him. 

 Tsukaushi : You're the best shot we have to track him down. So, what do you say kid ?

Izuku : Very well... I accept at one condition... I want a record... of the festival.

Nedzu : That can be arranged :)

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