The ascending's first child

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A day had passed since he met with the Healing church and "reunited" with his father. When all the truth was revealed and the road towards his destiny was cleared of its fog. Now, for the very first time he was not alone on his journey anymore. The heroes, Vilains, the HPSC or UA, all were bribing him to become apart of a society, a world that was not meant for him. For all their claim that it was for his good sake, he was not birthed to satisfy humanity's greedy needs.

The church knew of his true purpose, and without any hesitations the joined him in his quest for godhood and getting access to the dream. Rituals and ceremonies took place to straighten his connection with the Old Ones who were reaching out to him since the beginning. Each of those acts made the voices clearer and more coherent, each hours he felt his old blood become purer and stronger. The changes made him knew that his body was preparing for his ascension.

This process continued for 5 days straight, which forced him to come back and forth between UA and the inner sanctum, acting to keep up the facade. They could not suspect a thing about his night activities, he had lived enough time in the streets alone to keep heroes and police officer's curiosity about him in check. Of course, they saw how each time Izuku came back he looked and felt stronger and distant. But, they simply attributed those changes to him training on his own. 

From what he could observe and smell, only Tokoyami felt that there was something else with Midoryia's changes. When Izuku joined them back temporarily to help in their training for the license exam, he could see from the look of the crow headed boy's eyes, that he was aware of him fading farther and farther away from the mortal world. This, made the Emerald Wendigo and the voices rejoice.

For all his life, Midoryia never manege to get attached to anyone. Nor did he ever felt any special bound with another person, whatever how much they were nice or helped them. Well... in reality there was 2 exceptions to that fact, which were Nedzu and Fumikage. He neither talked or asked his father about it, but those two brought a sense of kinship in his bestial blood. Since Izuku had learned about his destined futur, he thought about bringing them with him in the dream.

Of course, he knew that it was not possible with Nedzu. Even if the chimera was to learn about the truth and what he could become, what he could be apart of, he already had established his place in the mortal world. Besides, he has too much responsibilities to just abandon them. But, Tokoyami was a different story. He was young and also intelligent, and he had smell his curiosity and fascination towards him since the beginning.

Fumikage's interest in the occulte was also very obvious. His catch phrases, discussion topics and preferred literature were obvious give aways. More than enough time the little crow had tried to discreetly spying on him, and his sentient quirk declared his admiration towards Izuku loud enough to seal his decision. Though before this, there is one last thing to verify.


Aizawa : Alright everyone, that is enough training for today. You can get your get your stuff back and get home now, thanks again Midoryia for the help your providing.

Izuku : It is my pleasure, to help others grow sensei...

Eraser nodded to Izuku with a small smile before exiting the building first. As everyone started to go towards the locker rooms, while talking about how he was incredibly ruthless and seemingly 10 times stronger than when they fought him during their first lesson with All Might, the Emerald Wendigo blocked Tokoyami's path.

Izuku : Tokoyami... may we talk in private after you are ready to depart home...?

Tokoyami : Oh ?! Yes, of course. It would be my pleasure, beast of darkness.

Dark Shadow : AH AH ! Look at that, emo boy has his feathers ruffled by...

Tokoyami : Dark Shadow !

Izuku : Come find me on the roof... Once you have changed and are ready to leave...

Fumikage nodded, before joining his classmates. A few of them were waiting for him and had seen the conversation, telling him sorry as they thought that he did not good enough and that Midoryia wanted to give him special training. He did not mind them. Izuku watched them go away and scanned around as he felt an enrage glare towards him. He suspected it to be from Bakugo who seemed to have a peculiar hatred toward him.

After everyone was done and Izuku gave message of his departure to the staff, he got to the roof where he planned to talk with Tokoyami. It took only 8 minutes for Fumikage to join him on the roof, which proves that the little crow was eager to hear what he had to say. When he opened the door, the crow headed boy was rewarded with an incredible sight. The Emerald Wedigo was standing at the edge, possessing an ethereal aura as a gigantic full moon slightly tainted in red was crowning the beast.     

Izuku : I have asked for this private conversation between us... Because there is something in your being... That make you closer to me than anyone else... We are kindred beats, you and I...

Tokoyami : I am truly honored that you think so, great beast of the night. But I know that you are far superior than the mere mortals we are.

Izuku : That could be changed... But before I propose you a futur of unparalleled highs, there is something I must know... *kneel down* climb on my back... use my antlers as grips...

Fumikage was taken aback and hesitant about the request. Not that he was afraid of the beast, but he just... felt unworthy to mount such a otherworldly and mighty being of the night. After a few seconds of hesitation, Dark Shadow had enough waiting and did what Izuku asked them to do, bringing a surprised and flustered Tokoyami with him. Once both firmly in place, Midoryia screamed before throwing himself forward, jumping his way through the city as high speed. Once Midoryia found a high and isolated enough roof, he landed and stopped on it.

Izuku : Prepare yourselves, for I will reveal many things that will change you perspective of the and your futur forever... Are you ready...?

Tokoyami : Yes, we are.

Dark Shadow : You bet it, bud !

Midoryia used his smell to make sure they were truly ready and serious. Once done, he proceed to tell them everything. Him, his family, the Healing Church of the Old Blood, the Great Ones, the Hunter's Dream, Yharnam with everything that transpired there, the Old Blood, the Beast Plague and his destiny to ascend into an Old God. He did not omitted any information in his speech, even while knowing that doing so would seal Tokoyami and his quirk's fates.

Izuku : As I said before... we are kindred beats, you and I... and I wish to not reach my destiny and the dream alone... *cut his own wrist* Drink my divine blood, so you can reborn from it... Then, when the time will come... You will walk aside me in the dream... as my first son...

Fumikage was torn between excitement, awe and modesty. Not only did he learned that the Emerald Wendigo was of divine origine, but he wished to share a part of his godhood with him ?! How could he ever accept such a gift ? How could he ever pretend to be worthy of such honor ? But he was chosen, right ? So, he can't possibly refuse ! His parents would say so, they were cultists just like him.

After a few minutes of hésitation and a push from Dark Shadow, he found his resolve. He bowed and humbly accepted the gift, promising that he would prove himself worthy of such honor. He cupped the sacred blood in his hands, drunk it and fell to the grown. Midoryia watched him screech in agony as the transformation took place. Now he knew, that he will never be alone.


My boy, Tokoyami deserve nothing but the absolute best !

Enjoy this beautiful chapter !

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