Intruder Alert !

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It was the end of the day and Izuku has now met all heroic classes from the first and second years. Nedzu decided to introduce them to Izuku the same way they did with 1-A, by making him a surprise opponent in a simulation exercice. The second year were confused as to why they were doing the same kind of simulation they did in their first year, but quickly got the catch once they heard Izuku's favorite to introduce himself. Most of them were afraid, some became cocky and overconfident, a few got really serious.

Only the last kind manege to pass the test, and none did by defeating the Wendigo. 

This was also very informative as it allowed Aizawa and All Might to really gauge out Izuku's skills and level of expertise in combat. The results were quite impressive, even though the boy was clearly specialized in surprise attack and guerrilla tactics he was still a force to be reckoned with in opened fight scenarios, of course he clearly needed to be trained in combat techniques but Izuku could clearly be an early third year student. 

Though training the boy is not going to be simple enough to end it in one year, the nature of his quirk and the way he fights and hunt being quite the opposite of each other. Izuku's tactics and ways of fighting are like Aizawa, yet he is a very tall and quite bulky creature despise his constant famined appearance, with also incredible strength and pain tolerance more fitted to a hero like All Might or Endeavor. Finally his beast like morphologie called for more specialized pros.

Aizawa : All right problem child we're done for today, we're gonna get you back to the rehab complex now. Once your back in, you'll get food and the rest of the afternoon will be free of work as we have to plan the rest of your time here.

Izuku : Very well... Thank you, again...

Aizawa : No problem, kid.


It was tomorrow and Aizawa walking toward his class, he was a bit late because he had to restrain Izuku from breaking out and ripping the journalists at the front gate to shreds. This process took almost half an hour, not only because the boy was ready to break through multiple concrete walls to reach the press and make them shut up, but also because he was very, very tempted to let Izuku do it. 

After this and a few classes it was time for lunch break and they decided to take Izuku into the staff break room were the teachers eat. They wanted to make him accommodate to the other students and vice versa as quick as possible, but as the trip showed it was too soon to make him go eat with the other students.  

For now everything was pretty normal, most of the staff was now confortable enough in the Wendigo's presence to act like he was not there and it allowed Aizawa to present him more teachers that will train him during his three years here as calculated by Nedzu.

Aizawa : I already regret having All Might here, now we have to deal with those vultures even here. 

Vlad King : Have you see how f**king crazy they are ?! Half of my class almost had to use their quirks to pass the gate !  

Present Mic : *shocked gasp* Vlad, language ! We have a kid with us here !

Vlad King : Sorry, still forget that the beast is a kid.

Midnight : Vlad...

Izuku : Have no worries... no offence was taken...

Aizawa was about to bonk Vlad on the head but suddenly the trespassing alarm of the school started to blare off very loudly, making Izuku cover his ears an release a cry. Mic quickly got ear plugs for the boy while Aizawa tried to calm him.  

Midnight : guys, I have Nedzu on the phone ! Apparently journalist morons manege to break in !

Aizawa : Seriously ? I'm not payed enough for this... Izuku stay here, Mic and Vlad come with me. We're kicking those idiots out. 

The three of them departed while Midnight stayed behind with Izuku, trying her best to keep him emotionally stable. 5 minutes later he completely calmed downed and tried to sleep until the alert was off. However, 5 minutes later he started to pick up a sent he did not recognized. He was starting to sniff the air erratically under the uncomfortable stare of Midnight. 

Midnight : Hum... you're all right kid ?

Izuku : *sniff**sniff* this sent... *sniff**sniff* come from someone... *sniff**sniff* I don't know...

Midnight : Well... you still don't know everyone here, so...

Izuku : no... *sniff**sniff* this sent... *sniff**sniff* this person... *sniff**sniff* doesn't belong here... 

Midnight's eyes widen as she heard those words, this means that they have a real intruder inside the school. She got up and put on a very serious face. 

Midnight : Ok, lead me to it. I'll send a message to Nedzu while I follow, to warn him about a possible real intruder.

The Wendigo did not waste a second, he jumped on all fours and started to run through the school letting his nose guide him, he made sure to not go to fast so Midnight could keep up with him. After 8 minutes of running he saw the glimpse of a purple light vanishing coming from a door ahead.

Midnight : S**t ! This is the archive room ! Who is the idiot who left it open anyway ! 

They both got inside only to see the room completely empty, what was strange however is that nothing seemed to be out of order or missing. Midnight furrowed her eyes and started to look the documents closely, it seemed the intruder did not found what he wanted or he heard them coming and had no time, but you're never too careful. 

Midnight : If he touched something his sent should be lingering on it right ? Try to find what he was looking for.

Izuku : Already on it...

Once again Izuku let his smell do the work, he had passed enough time hunting alone in the streets to discern how recent a fragrant trace was and could almost completely retrace someone parkour. After a few minutes his nose landed on one particular drawer, he opened it and sniffed the files to see which one had the strongest smell. Once he found it he gave it to Midnight who farrowed her eyebrows once she saw it.  

Midnight : Class 1-A's Schedule for the week, hum ? Why did they wanted that ? ...


Tomura gets in UA

Izuku :

Midnight : Enemy sighted, we need reinforcement ASCP !

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Midnight : Enemy sighted, we need reinforcement ASCP !

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