A lesson of Humility

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All Might : All right, here is how the battle training simulation is going to work. You will descend into the fake city by groups of 2 to defuse 4 bombs placed into different alleys or buildings. The spots will be randomized each time to make it fair for each teams.

Aizawa : All your partners will also be picked randomly. Most of the time heroes are on the scene simply because they were patrolling nearby and heard the commotion, so they end up fighting with other heroes who got there the same way.

All Might : Your adversary, which is the Wendigo here, know where the bombs are but will  mostly patrol the city and not just guard the bombs. However, while being defused the bombs will send a signal to him so do not expect the process to go smoothly.

Aizawa : You can win by either defusing all the bombs, or defusing at least 3 of them and taking Midoryia down. You will have 15 minutes to complete one of those two objectives, the exercice is taking place into this neighborhood below, delimited by the white and black markings.

All Might : Half of the bombs will be outside while the other half will be indoors. No worry ! Those bombs are not realistic so need to have actual knowledge on defusing real ones, that will be an exercice for an other time. They will have a "mini game" to complete for shutting them down. 

Aizawa : Of course since the main objective is to defuse bombs, your gonna have to refrain from destroying everything around you. I thing you're all smart enough to realize that neutralizing the bombs is useless if you destroy the whole neighborhood yourself...

All Might : All right, enough talk and more actions now ! Get ready !

Everyone pulled their number and assigne team and started to talk strategy, except for team A composed of Bakugo and Todoroki who were the 2 lone wolves of the class. Aizawa knew about those 2 acting all mighty, so he made sure they would end up together and being send first to set up an example of how playing solo in real life situations is a death wish. 


All Might : Team A go first, the other come with us in the observation room ! Eraserhead you can switch ground Beta to nigh mode.

Aizawa did so, and a giant dome closed over the fake city plunging it into darkness, before all the city lights activated. 5 minutes later team A got the signal to move out into city, at first they got surprised to be in a false night state because they didn't listen to All Might, but they quickly got back on track.

Bakugo : I don't need your stupid a** for winning this exercice. I am gonna beat the s**t out of this Vilain alone. You got that, half n half ?

Shoto : It is not the main goal of this training. But I expected that you did not have the intellect  needed to get over your rabid dog persona... 

Bakugo : WTF did you call me ?! 

Shoto : Anyway, I have loose enough time with you. I'm gonna complete this exercice alone, without you slowing me down.

Todoroki departed shortly after, ignoring the cries of rage coming from the explosive blond behind him. Bakugo finally decided to start moving still hell bend on finding the Wendigo, not realizing that because of all the noise he was making a set of red eyes were fixing him from the shadows since the beginning...

Izuku heard everything, he quickly understood that the angry Pomeranian like kid was not an immediate threat, his objective was simply to protect the bomb and possibly taking the students out. Since this one was not focusing on the bomb it would be the ice kid his top priority, so he got after him as quiet and hidden in the shadows as possible.

Time to hunt !

Todoroki was permanently creating ice at his feet to skate throughout all the exercice area, he was looking around for the bombs while still keeping an eye out for any surprise attack. He knew how the Emerald Wendigo was operating, he followed the stories about him with great interest. This "beast" was fascinating him. In a sense he was even jealous of Midoryia, he always seemed so free... not like him imprisoned in a life set by his bastard of a father.

His thoughts were interrupted by regular beeping from a side alley, it looks like he found his first bomb. He slowly got to the bomb always looking for any signe of the Wendigo, once he think he was clear he activated a little screen on the side to quickly defuse it.

 He slowly got to the bomb always looking for any signe of the Wendigo, once he think he was clear he activated a little screen on the side to quickly defuse it

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This is what he was seeing.

It took him 2 minutes to complete the mini game but he manege to disarm the bomb. He got up and turned around, but as he was about to go looking for another bomb he felt something going straight towards him form the right. He turned and immediately started to throw ice thinking he would caught Midoryia trying to throw himself at him, only to have his eyes widen in shock.

It was not the Wendigo, but a f**king car thrown directly at him at high speed, and it was to late to dodge.


Back to Katsuki

Bakugo : Where are you ? You stupid mutt freak I'm gonna blow your face to smithereens !

Bakugo was propulsing himself from alleys to alleys and from houses to houses not taking one second to look for the bombs. He was getting irritated as he was not finding his enemy and was starting to blow random trashcans he founds.

Bakugo : This stupid f**ker is taking care for the bombs why has he still not reported anything to me yet ? Is he really that useless ?

*sounds of garbage being kicked accidently at the end of an alleyway*

Bakugo : AH ! There you are you f**king coward, will see how much you're gonna laugh on a true one one one fight...

Bakugo slowly made his way to the end of the alleyway with little sparkles constantly emitted from the palm of his hands, ready to unleash hell at his opponent. He got closer... closer... and...

Bakugo : DIE ! DIE ! DIE ! DIE ! *Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom*

Bakugo : WTF ?! There is no one here ! I swear to god half n half if this is one of your pranks...

As Katsuki finished his sentence his felt something liquid falling on his head, he shot his head up only having the time to see Midoryia over him with his hands and feet on the top side of each houses in each sides of the alleyway. Before he could react Izuku dropped on him, Bakugo being crushed by more than 2 tonnes of body mass.

Izuku : I have my hands on you... little pork steak...


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