A New Life

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Nedzu : So, Midoryia-san ! Now that the official first day of school is upon us, it is time to make a little check up on your mental conditions. Recovery girl is here, to ask you a set of questions that must be answered truthfully and in the best of your abilities. Is it good for you ?

Izuku : Yes... I will answer her... the best I can.

Recovery girl : Okay my dear, first question. How do you feel about the UA campus ?

Izuku : Better than the streets... there is more trees... 

I like trees... 

Wood and dirt are more... feels more like home... to me...

Recovery girl : I see... Second question. How is it going with the staff ?

Izuku : Better than expected... A few actually shows... positive emotions with me... hidden hate and fear... for the others... I'm not mad nor sad... I was expecting it... after all...

Nedzu : Do not worry to much about it Izuku-san, they will get over it eventually. They know about your conditions after all. Please continue !

Recovery girl : Third question. Does the big flow of new knowledge brought by your studies at UA, still cause minor harm to your psyche ? 

Izuku : Not anymore... going over my bestiale nature... was a complicated process... but now I can say... that I am more human than Wendigo...

Recovery girl : Good, very good. Final question ! How do you view now, your inhuman half and do you require psychologique help about this topic ? 

Izuku : I do not ressent my bestial part... It is what I am... during all these years... I have witness.. how many humans can be... far worst monsters... that I could ever be... 

Nedzu : Amen to that, my dear animal brethren ! Alright, now this this is out of the way, aizawa will soon come to give you an appreciation test to estimate your physical abilities. He is the futur homeroom teacher of the heroic class 1-A, and shall be yours too !  

Izuku : Thank you... for giving me a chance... to be accepted... or even tolerated... 

Nedzu : It is my greatest pleasure to help people like you, Midoryia-san. I know that until now you had a pretty bad relation with other people, and it would be lying to say that going forward would be easy now. But like me, you will soon see that many humans are actually worth the effort to live with, and see past over the first impressions they can give. 

Izuku : I trust your words and judgment... Mr principal... I have nothing to loose... and all to gain.

30 minutes later and Aizawa entered Nedzu's office ready to take Midoryia to the private testing ground for Vilains in rehabilitation. For now Izuku could access the main building and the rest of the infrastructure only after the school had closed. Everyone including the students knew about the vilain rehabilitation program that UA was planing to initiate next year, they even saw the new secured prison/dorms and training buildings. But they still had no idea that they already had a vilain student. 

Aizawa : Alright problem child, its time for your appreciation test. I suppose that the rat told you everything already and that your ready ?

Izuku : Yes, I am... lead the way...

They both got to the training ground were the appreciation test for the first years was made, still making sure that Izuku would meet as few people as possible. He had no cuffs or any kind of restrictions since 1 and a half month, but warned him that he will have to wear one once he got officially presented. Midoryia did not object, but he was still frustrated. 

Aizawa : Alright, this test is the exact same for everyone whatever their quirks are. Since its a pure physical test I doubt you will have any problem with it. Know that all teachers in UA dictate their own rules when it comes to teaching their class. For me, this test is the first event to gauge out potential and expel those who has none. 

This is were they learn that they are not here to have fun

Izuku : I see... I have seen the... horrific part of this world... even has been a part of it... I will not make... such foolish mistake...

Aizawa : I know you won't. Now take this ball, get into the circle and throw it the farther you can. No restrictions beside staying in it, I want your all.

Izuku did as instructed and threw the ball as hard as he could. Once the ball was in the air he took a deep breath and roared with enough power to send a powerful sound wave that hit the ball, sending it even further.  

Aizawa : Now, that's new... Fortunately enough the roar itself seems to be condensed in the shock wave, so no general panic in sight. You better knew about that...

Shows the result of Izuku's ball throw being 845 meters (0,52 miles)

Aizawa : Good, let's get going.

The second exercice was a 50 meters sprint, Izuku got on all fours and threw himself forward, clearing the distance in 3,4 seconds. Next was the long jump, who he cleared almost two times with a single jump, impressing Aizawa. The third exercice was a simple grip strength test, he got 738 kg of strength and broke the handle of the machine.

Izuku : My apologies EraserHead... but you wanted my all...

Aizawa : *sight* Its fine, problem child. Don't think about it and get back to the exercice.

The two last ones were a high jump test and a climbing test, both went smoothly for Izuku. He cleared the jump with little effort, getting to a high of a 5 story building at the pick of his jump. As for the climbing test which is the hardest for most of the students, he destroyed the record by climbing the 30 meters wall in 2.4 seconds.  

Aizawa : Okay, we are done here. With your results we can plan your futur training in the best way to capitalise on your strength and style. I trust you enough to get back in your dorm without supervisions, get some rest. Tomorrow you will officially be presented to the students and the public, your first lesson with a class is going to be with 1-A and All Might for the heroic lesson.  

Izuku : My thanks EraserHead... I will never forget... what you did for me...


At first, I tried to calculate the time it would take him to clear the 50 meters sprint, only to realise how much MHA say fuck you to physics. :p 

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