The First Hunt in Hosu

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It was finally the day for the annual Sport Festival to take place. All the students from UA were equally fearful and excited to take part in it, however class 1-A soon realized that there latest classmate was not present with them. Discussions started between Aizawa's students and theories began to form for explaining his absence. 

A few wondered if their bestial classmate manege to get sick or if he got an impediment, while manly Bakugo and Mineta claimed that a monster could not be apart of the Festival. All were quickly shut down by EraserHead we explain them.

Aizawa : Midoryia as no need to be part of the festival, because most heroes already know of his skills and the value he brings. Rather than participating here, he has been called in Hosu to work on the field, were his new found expertise will be more useful.

Katsuki : tssk, you're letting this monster work on the field...? 

Aizawa : Yes, now shut up and get into the locker room. The presentation starts in 32 minutes.

Class 1-A : YES SIR !


Izuku was inside a large van with Manual and his team, driving towards his agency and futur base of operation. The tension between the heroes and Midoryia was almost thick enough to be cut with a knife, as only Manual had a detailed briefing about the newly reformed beast. 

The pro hero had started to explain Izuku about the Hero Killer and how they wished to proceed from now on with his help. During the explanation, the Wendigo had his sight fixed on the city outside which put a few sidekicks quite on edge.    

Manual : ...and you already now how are situation is right now. But with your help, I'm confident that we will finally catch up to him !

Izuku : ...

Sidekick 1 : HEY ! Are you even listening to Manual, f***ing monster ?!

Manual : Hitashi !

Izuku : I am listening... But the hunt as already begin... It started the moment we entered... his new territory... 

Manual : That is why you're starring at the window ?

Izuku : Yes... I am simply... already analyzing our futur hunting ground... 

Hitashi : So you did not listened at all. Stain only strike in remotes areas or in dark alleys, we are still in the main road !

Izuku : Completely rejecting the idea... by the simple thought of logic... is a dangerous and stupid decision... both a hunted prey and a cornered predator... have instincts taking over their logical senses... whatever how strong or experienced they are... I must learn the terrain as best as I can... and in its entirety... 

Sidekick 2 : We would waste human ressources by placing sentinels here, besides we wouldn't want to worries the public too much.

Izuku : Even one single man posted here as a civilian...  for acknowledging us of his possible presence here... Could be crucial for preventing an escape... and its better than just nothing...  

Manual : You heard the kid ? Take some exemple from him, and stop acting hostile Hitashi ! By the way, we are almost there.

Izuku : Very well... For how long the hero killer... has been active here ?

Manual : Two and a half week.

Izuku : Then tracking him with his smell... Will be more difficult than expected... Has he ever strike multiple times at the same location ? ... Does he have a preferred route ? ... A sector were he is more active...?

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