The Great Hunt of Hosu

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Two days have passed since Tenya Iida has join Manual's team and started training under Izuku Midoryia. He learned how to use walls to evolve his speed vertically and but most importantly, to not fight against his momentum when he needs to completely change direction. Instead, he was taught to use his surroundings to progressively redirect it, keeping him mobile and to save energy and time. 

Izuku : When speed is your greatest strength... you must capitalize on it constantly... Always stay in movement, give your prey no rest... A fight is but a deadly, improvised waltz... if you dictate the tempo, impose the rythme, force your prey to only react... then only chance, an iron mind and great stamina will keep your prey from defeat.

Iida quickly understood the looks of pity he received from the other heroes when they learned that the Wendigo would be his teacher. Midoryia was a brutally efficient mentor, one who had to learn everything himself through tears and blood. Where all of them had a peaceful and ignorent childhood, Izuku had to fight and survive through his curse. 

And it shown through his training and lessons. When Tenya was training under him it was always outside, using the city of Hosu as their training grounds. Midoryia gave him the necessary time to recover when he needed to, but his training was never on pause. Izuku would make sure that Iida was always vigilant and warry of his surroundings. 

When they were training in parkour, Midoryia would periodically hide or loose Iida to see how his apprentice would proceed. When they were scooting the city, Izuku would surprise attack him to make sure Tenya had not a tunnel vision. When Iida was recovering his stamina, the Wendigo would ask him what he could deduce from the surrounding sounds.

Izuku : A hunter is always hunting his preys... in the heart of the night, when the monsters are active... death waits, for the slightest lapse of concentration...

This last quote seemed to deeply resonate into Iida's consciousness, especially now as they were in the city at night's first hours, with Manual and all of his team. All heroes posted in Hosu were currently mobilized to track down Stain while keeping an eye out for any activities from the League of Vilains.

They had decided to separate their team in groups of four, their leading one being composed of Manual, his best sidekick, Tenya and Izuku, the last one being at the front to sniff out any danger or targets. They kept going at the usual pace of their training, Midoryia still making sure that Iida did not show any signe of loosing concentration. They had go on like this far almost an hour before the Wendigo suddenly stopped in his track, getting at his full high and started to sniff the air far more erratically.

Manual : What is it ? You got something ?

Izuku : I have the scent of his portals... The league is here, but there is something else...

Manual : *gets his talkie walkie* Attention to all unites, this is Moonlight Hunter. The beast has detected the LOV ! Gets everyone on high alert they may bringing the big guns, over.  

From what his nose could gather, the portals of Kurogiri have only brought him and Shigaraki in Hosu. But for unknown reason they still active, with yet nothing more coming out of them. It took a few minutes, but soon five instances of a a certain scent emerged from those portals. He recognized from the USJ, the scent of a mindless and powerful beast bent only on destruction.

What was very bad however, was that not only there was five of them. But two were clearly high in the sky.  

Iida : What did you smell Midoryia ? What are they bringing with them ?

Izuku :Those mindless beasts... Five of them, with two clearly flying...

Manual : S**t ! Everyone, they have five Nomus ! I repeat, they have five Nomus with them ! Two apparently airborne, coming in to the city ! Starting evacuating protocols now !

Iida : Fi-five Nomus ?!

Soon enough cries and sounds of destructions had replaced the overall silence of Hosu. Their lines of communications started to fill with orders given left and right and reports of each group current situations. Most of the Heroes and police officers were starting to alarm and evacuate all civilians in the area, while the heavy hitters were gathering to fight back.

Endeavor : Moonlight Hunter ? This is Raging Inferno. We are moving in to engage those freaks, over !

Manual : Roger ! Okay, Midoryia go join Endeavor and his team in the fight. You are clearly not suited to evacuate civilians. Hitashi, you are going with him as you are not better suited then him for this. Iida you are coming with me to help evacuating the area.

Manual : I'm keeping an eye on you, f***ing monster ! 

Midoryia's answer to this was simply to grab the sidekick with his bigger hand before going in the direction of the fight in full speed. Once he got at the top of the nearest building, making sure to hold the other full more tight than needed to make him understand that he had enough of his behaviors, he looked back at Tenya. 

When both gazed at each other, Izuku signaled Iida to remember his distress beacon if he was to encounter Stain alone and decided to engage. His pupil nodded to him under the suspicious gaze of Manual who, even with his attention on his Talkie Walkie still saw this subtle exchange. For now he decided to let it slide, but now he knew that keeping an eye on his intern was more important than ever.

One he got every information he needed, he pulled Tenya's attention back to him and signaled that it was time to move. Iida did not pretested, but Manual could see his hard gaze a darkness behind his itern's eyes. Eraser Head told him about his suspicion of why the little brother of Ingenium took internship under him. And it seems that unfortunately, Midoryia has decided to encourage his intern into seeking vengeance. 

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