Do you hear the song, good hunter ?

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The night of the full moon is still young, many preys awaiting their futur demise from the eternal hunt. Purifying and ethereal, the pale song of the moon guide the chosen beast to his glorious feast. Vilains and heroes committing atrocities, both fell and learned true agony in the Wendigo's claws and merciless appetite. 

With each kills and bodies consumed in his new form, the voices became clearer and the lyrics were becoming a message. Izuku felt it in his core, the moon was calling to him and wanted to guide him towards his true purpose. As he continue killing he was hearing about a city of eternal night for his wicked preys, where the hunt was eternal.He was longing for this place, the idea of hunting and ripping appart those disgusting bastards for centuries without pause was making his blood boil with excitement. 

Has Midoryia  was finishing another rapist in a back alley, he felt a sudden change in the air. With the voices finally ending their chants, he was finally brought back to reality as his nose picked up a well known scent in the air. His senses and mind coming back to him fully, Izuku looked at his surroundings and started panicking as he was processing the latest events.

Izuku : What as happened of me ? ... Has the moon finally talked clearly ? ... They must not know ... they are not ready for it... and neither am I... focalise on the big game first...

Throwing himself back in pursuit of his main target, the wendigo's mind was running 250 miles an hour as he was pondering the consequences of his crimes during the night. He knew what would happen if anybody were to find out about his murders, although he did not felt remorse for doing them he was fearing the loss of his liberty. 

Thankfully his deeds only left blood on the crime scenes, they were horrible and messy sights but at least there was no wounds left behind to analyse. However he will still have to prepare himself for the inevitable suspicions coming his way, as well as finding good explanations for his new form which he felt was going to stay. 

He shall have to manege the situation as best as he can, thankfully his numerous years of living wild made him an expert in adaptation, especially when it comes to humans. He took a rapid detour as he saw a swimming pool nearby that he used to clean himself of the blood he got from killing those miserable rats.  

As he got out of the water and shook himself dry, he took a last glance at the blood he left inside the swimming pool before leaving. The automatic cleaning system should get read of the red liquid before the morning, but the last gaze he gave to it made him remember the last lyrics of the moon. 

"The ancient blood of the beast shall open the dream"

 Izuku : What was the meaning of this..?


It did not took too long to track the scent of the portal back to where it came from, but what great surprise when he only felt that the smell of the hero killer was the only one coming out of the portal. For now Izuku did not know if this was good or bad news, but this interrogation did not matter now as long as the had nobody to interrogate.

Midoryia took a deep breath and used his smell to identify the direction of his target, before letting out a loud and shrilling cry, informing the heroes that he was on stain's track. Since Izuku could not really use communication devices, he and Manual's team came up with a dozen cries all different from each other and having their assigned meaning. 

The Wendigo smiled fondly at the memories of doing so, since the process got quite hectic. They had the police and other heroes called 5 times on them because Izuku had to practice his cries. The 2 first times was because people thought he was going berserk and killing, the 3 other times was for complains about the noises. 

Soon enough he heard the heroes calling back to him and took it as the signal to start the hunt without them. He was a bit worried that they would misinterpret his cry, as his new form changed his voice quite a bit. Thankfully, his cries did not gave to much alteration to his cries so there should not be any problem of communication.

With a far more recent track, Izuku could now properly gauge his opponent. Stain was clearly experienced, as the Wendigo could feel the speed and precision of each movements the hero killer made to navigate the city. When he was tracking a prey, Midoryia start the chase by mimicking the first movements of his opponents. Then, he will move at his usual speed and use the lingering scent to see if mistakes were made along the way.

After 8 minutes of tracking, Izuku was now absolutely sure of 3 facts : Stain was a long seasoned hunter, the mind of his prey seems to have been recently filled with rage, and his next target is was definitely Ingenium. Not losing time, he released his cry meant to inform the heroes of the last info that confirmed their doubts and picked up the pace.

Minutes passed like seconds in Izuku's mind as the massive beast was getting closer and closer to the source of his concern. Soon enough, a new scent join the first one which he assumed belonged to ingenium as it was already tainted with blood. He landed on nearby roof and saw his prey looming menacingly over his own, ready to strike in the hero's leg again.

Since he could not move fast enough to intercept the blow, he let out an ear chattering scream that made all nearby windows explode and made both Stain and Ingenium's ears bleed. With the hero killer momentarily stunned on his knees, Midoryia leaped above the street to join them and strike his prey with his massive left hand.

Stain cried in agony as not only Izuku used all his strength into the blow, but also made sure to lacerate the hero killer across his chest with his giant claws. To make sure the fight was over and done with quickly, he also jumped down and picked up a car to throw it where Stain had landed to crush him. Once done, he got back to the injured hero who had louse consciousness.

Ten minutes later, all the reinforcements arrived and were astonished to see the fight already over and Midoryia's new, even more terrifying form. Izuku briefly explained the situation to Manual while medics took care of Ingenium, and a few sidekicks got down to retrieve Stain.

Manual : So they were not with him, hum...? I suppose we will see later if it's good or bad, once back at my agency I'll get a call with Nezdu and Ingenium's parents.

Sidekick 4 : Sir ! Sir ! We have a problem ! It's Stain, we... we can't find him !  

Izuku the Emerald Wendigo : Blood born God.Where stories live. Discover now