Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Youre awake?" Alec said as Diana opened her eyes blinking.

"Wh—where am I? Why am I in the hospital?" What's going on?" Diana asked in a whisper.

"You fainted and I found you" Alec said and Diana groaned in disbelief.

"Where's Aiden? Is he alright?" Diana asked and Alec nodded.

"Brandon and I have been taking care of him but I haven't really left you, it's only been a few hours" Alec explained and Diana let out a breath and before she could question Alec any further the doctor walked in.

"Ms.marsh youre awake, you gave quite the scare" the doctor said chuckling softly as he checked Diana over and looked at her vitals.

"Well kids, everything seems fine just maybe a little too much stress on the baby, i would recommend not stressing mom out too much and mom taking it easy at home" the doctor said looking over his clip board.

"B-baby? What baby?" Diana asked shaking her head and Alec sat almost frozen in his chair.

"Oh you didn't know? You're 6 weeks pregnant congratulations" the doctor said before leaving the room.

"Oh my god" Diana said in a whisper and Alec ran a hand through his hair not speaking after a few moments of silence Alec cleared his throat.

"I..I mean I don't know if I can have a baby people don't even know about you and the fans they won't take it well" Alec said talking fast as his mind went a million miles per minute.

"Alec you don't need to be involved, I'm so stupid how could I let this happen?!" Diana said frustrated.

"I mean we let it happen not just you" Alec said putting his hand on top of hers before she moved it away coldly.

"Do not touch me, Alec I can't see you son is confused the baby's going to be confused and I'm confused"Diana said as tears streamed down her face.

"We have options I mean maybe we should consider them-"Alec said and Diana was quick to cut him off.

"This baby is mine Alec just like Aiden I am not getting rid of the baby I'm keeping it"Diana said firmly as their was a knock on the door and Diana quickly wiped her tears before Brandon, Kay, Aiden, Bryce and Krew walked into the room.

"Momma!l" Aiden yelled running to Diana and jumping into her bed.

"Oh my baby" Diana said hugging him and Aiden looked concerned as a four year old could.

"Mommy sick?" Aiden asked and Diana kissed his forehead.

"Mommy is fine babe"Diana said and Aiden reached for Alec who picked him up still in disbelief and trying to hide it.

"Mommy, daddy can I sleep at Krews?" Aiden asked looking up at Alec who froze as Brandon let out a laugh and Bryce looked at Kay in confusion.

"Yes you can if it's ok with them baby and Alec's not your daddy"Diana said and Aiden looked upset at her.

"Krew said I need a daddy and you like Alec mommy I want him to be my daddy mommy please? I really want a daddy!" Aiden begged as Alec set him down.

"I need some air"Alec said leaving the room.

"Aiden we will discuss this later" Diana said as she let out a breath praying no one else knew she was pregnant.

- 2 weeks later -

Diana and Alec have not spoke since she was in the hospital. The only one who knows she is pregnant is Kay. Diana and Aiden also have not attended any Phillies games.

"Mommy, I'm bored" Aiden said as he played with his toys on the floor.

"Bud, you're gonna be going to see uncle Brandon so mommy can go to work" Diana said as finished doing her make up.

"Mommy, will my daddy be there?" Aiden asked and Diana sighed frustrated before sitting Aiden on the couch.

"Baby listen to me okay? This whole daddy thing..Alec isn't your daddy, I know you don't understand this baby but your daddy is far away okay? He's away working so he can't be with us right now but one day you'll get a daddy okay? But it is not Alec" Diana said and Alec frowned.

"But you love Alec mommy! Why can't he be my daddy?" Aiden asked and Diana was about to answer him when the doorbell rang.

"Aiden I mean it, you're not to act up today" Diana told him and Aiden nodded as Diana went to answer the door.

"Uncle B!" Aiden yelled rushing into Brandon's arms.

"Wolfie, you ready to go?!" Brandon asked and Aiden nodded grabbing his bag.

"Are we gonna see Phillies?" Aiden asked and Brandon nodded.

"Thanks B, I'll pick him up after work please don't let him have junk the whole day and thank Kay for me I know she is going to watch him during the game"Diana said and Brandon nodded.

"Not a problem have fun at work" Brandon said with a chuckle before he left with Aiden and soon they were at the ball park.

"Can I see Alec?" Aiden asked as soon as Brandon had him on the field.

"We will see" Brandon said with a chuckle as he sat on the field letting Aiden running around.

"I should find my daddy" Aiden thought to himself as he looked around, he glanced back at Brandon was distracted in conversation with a few of his teammates that had walked up.

"Be right back uncle B"Aiden said quietly as he snuck off to find Alec.

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