Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"Uncle Brandon" Aiden said jumping on Brandon when he opened the door.

"Where is mommy bud?" Brandon asked and Aiden shrugged.

"Mommy's in bed with daddy" Aiden explained as Brandon sat on the couch.

"Diana!" Brandon called and Diana quickly responded.

"I'll be right out"Diana said before appearing a moment later.

"Hi" Diana said putting her hands on her hips angry.

"I'm sorry but I have a question" Brandon said confused and Diana gave him a look.

"Why is JT in your bed" Brandon asked raising an eyebrow.

"What?" Diana said confused and Brandon looked at Aiden.

"He said his daddy is in your bed" Brandon said and Diana sighed frustrated.

"Brandon stop trying to distract my anger ok?! No one is in my bed and you lost my son yesterday Brandon! In a packed ball yard!" Diana yelled at him.

"Do  you even care what would've happened to him if Alec wasn't there?!" Diana yelled frustrated.

"I'm sorry alright? It won't ever happen again, speaking of Alec have you seen him? He never came home last night" Brandon said and Diana shook her head no.

"I haven't seen him Brandon, please don't mention Jt again he is not in my life or Aidens"Diana said quietly so Aiden and Alec couldn't hear.

"You're keeping shit from me Diana" Brandon said frustrated and Diana rolled her eyes.

"Brandon, I'm not seeing or near JT now leave you're out of line " Diana demanded  and Brandon sighed.

"Look, I need to tell you, yesterday JT heard about Aiden getting lost" Brandon said putting his hands in his pocket guilt written.

"Brandon! I'm going to kill you! I can't believe.."Diana said her voice got louder until she realized both Aiden and Alec could hear her.

"Leave, just go..we can discuss this later"Diana said angry and it took a few minutes for Brandon to leave.

"Fuck.." Diana cursed under her breath knowing that meant jt prob also saw their son with Alec not to mention she didn't want him involved with Aiden period.

"You good?" Alec called from the bedroom and Diana sighed hoping he didn't hear anything about Jt.

"Yea"Diana said and Alec quickly got up.

"Thank god I had to pee for like five minutes"Alec said before rushing past her to the bathroom.

"Daddy!"Aiden yelled excited following Alec giving Diana a moment to her self just to think.

"Daddy! I'm going to Phillies today mama said!" Aiden said excited as he hopped around Alec.

"Aiden, I don't know if that's the best idea" Diana said worried that JT would be near Aiden.

"Mommy you said!" Aiden said and crossed his arms upset.

"Buddy give me and mom a minute ok?" Alec said and Aiden nodded rushing off to his room as soon as he was out of sight Alec wrapped his arms around Diana.

"Why don't you wanna go to the game?" Alec said kissing Diana's neck and she let out a breath.

"I..I..don't think we should continue doing this is why" Diana said putting distance between herself and Alec.

"Alec, Brandon knows something is up ok? He's going to be on even higher alert than normal, I'm pregnant with your baby Alec when he finds out you're dead when my family finds out you're even more dead"Diana said before quickly covering her mouth and rushing to the bathroom to vomit.

"Jesus" Alec muttered before sitting on the couch waiting for Diana to return.

"You're still here?" Diana asked shocked and Alec nodded before pulling her down on his lap and putting a hand on her stomach.

"You alright?" Alec asked stroking her stomach lightly.

"Yes it's normal" Diana said sinking back just enjoying his touch.

"Mm, is there anything I can do?" Alec asked and Diana looked up at him.

"Yes unimpregnate me" Diana said before kissing him and he kissed her back with a chuckle.

"No" Alec said firmly as he pulled away.

"Why don't I take Aiden to the game today you can have a break? I'm sure during the game Kay won't mind looking after him" Alec said and Diana shook her head no.

"No! I'll take him..that way he doesn't need to be in anyone's way"Diana said and Alec held her close to him.

"You two are never in my way"Alec said and Diana giggled before standing up.

"You say that now"Diana said before standing up and going to make breakfast.

"Mmmm, it smells amazing but I need to run ill grab breakfast on my way to the park I have practice today" Alec said before wrapping his arms around Diana and kissing her neck.

"Alec, you're making this more difficult I hope you know"Diana said and Alec chuckled.

"That's the plan"Alec said before turning away from Diana.

"Aiden I'm leaving now!"alec yelled and Aiden came running into the room hugging Alec like his life depended on it.

"Love you buddy, I'll see you at the game alright?" Alec said before kissing Aiden's forehead and giving him a fist bump.

"Later"Alec said shaking Diana's hand since Aiden was right there a moment later he was gone, Diana and Aiden finished breakfast then got ready for the game.

"Aiden, you're to stay with me the whole time today no sneaking off"Diana told him as she packed his bag and he played on the floor.

"Ok mama, can I see daddy?" Aiden asked and Diana sighed.

"You can see Alec for a minute Aiden"Diana said as there was a knock at the door.

"Who could that be now?" Diana said annoyed before opening the door and once she opened the door her face dropped when she came face to face with JT.

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