Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

1 week later

"Diana, are you sure you don't need any help" Sonja asked as Diana prepared dinner.

"No mom I'm good, if anything you can help keep Lisa and Dan occupied until dinner" Diana said speaking of Alec's parents who'd come out for the gender reveal tho no one knew why yet.

"Where's little Aiden?" Sonja asked looking around.

"I think he's downstairs with Brandon and Alec and Erin with Alecs parents" Diana explained and Sonja nodded before starting to set the table.

"Diana you know, I'd really like you to consider settling down at this point..darling this is your second baby with—" Sonja started and Diana cut her off.

"Mother, me and the babies are fine the way things are" Diana said as she tried to concentrate on her cooking.

"Dear you shouldn't be so jumpy especially—"Sonja started and Diana cut her off.

"In my condition mother? I'm not dying and I don't have a disease I'm pregnant!"diana said remembering what Alec told her earlier in the day about not wanting her upset.

"Alec!" Diana shouted and he came running a moment later.

"You ok?" Alec asked quickly entering the room and Diana nodded.

"Could you take my mother downstairs please?" Diana asked and Alec nodded before heading back downstairs with Sonja.

"Good you're back!" Aiden said clapping his hands as Alec sat back down.

"Daddy! Watch this!" Aiden said before attempting to do a roll.

"That's great bud" Alec said as his mother and father exchanged confused looks.

"He's Jts son" Alec said and Brandon rolled his eyes.

"And yours" Brandon muttered shaking his head.

"I get two daddies, my friends only got one"Aiden told Lisa and she chuckled.

"Alec, please tell me if there is something between you and JT we need to know about?" Lisa asked raising an eye brow and Brandon started laughing.

"No! No of course not, I've got a girlfriend I mean I like women.." Alec said stumbling over words.

"You said earlier today you were single" Sonja said and Alec shrugged.

"It's complicated, I'll be right back" Alec said before rushing upstairs.

"You and the baby are going to me owe for life for this" Alec said before grabbing a beer and downing it and Diana giggled.

"At least you can drink" Diana said shaking her head.

"Why can't we just be like fuck it all and say we're together?" Alec said and Diana shrugged.

"It feels more appropriate this way Alec" Diana said before kissing his cheek.

"Don't get too drunk and please make Brandon behave" Diana said and Alec nodded.

"Baby I will do what I can about the drinking but no one can make your brother behave"Alec said before going back downstairs, soon it was time for dinner.

"Thank you so much Diana for inviting us"Lisa said as everyone was sat at the table.

"You're very welcome, it's been a pleasure" Diana said as she exchanged a look with Alec, he gave her a reassuring nod.

"Um so the reason we invited you to dinner is because we figured it was time that this came out publicly but before that we wanted it to come out privately"Diana explained before she and Alec stood up.

"Firework time.."Erin whispered to Aiden who looked excited at the mention of fire works.

"So um, the reason we asked you to this dinner tonight is because we wanted to announce that the baby Diana is carrying is mine and we are very much together" Alec said taking Diana's hand in his own and Lisa looked stunned as did Dan and Sonja meanwhile Brandon's face went red.

"Diana Marsh!" Sonja said covering her mouth in disbelief.

"So this is your child?!" Lisa asked pointing to Aiden.

"He is..I mean not biologically.."Alec said looking to Diana for help.

"We intend on raising Aiden as Alec's with the baby"Diana said and Alec nodded.

"Son I can't believe you'd do something and stupid! At the peek of your career! Not only do you go get her pregnant if it is yours but then you have the stupidity in you to say you're going to raise another man's child!?" Dan asked before Brandon stormed out.

"This is really not what we were hoping from
You Alec, we wanted grand babies but our own and in the future when you settled not in the start of your career" Lisa said as Diana touched her stomach, maybe this wasn't the best idea and what if it was just going to be another Jake situation?

"Diana your father and I raised you better than this! This is the second time sweetheart! You're gonna be single with two babies" Sonja said as Alec interrupted getting angry himself with everyone's reaction.

"Excuse me? I'm right here and I'm not leaving her or the babies I love them all three of them!" Alec said attempting to stand his ground before Diana now had too much and stormed off.

"I think it's cool" Erin said with a shrug and Alec sighed running a hand through his hair.

"Look, this was Diana's idea trying to do this in the most respectful way, I'd have written in the sky and just got it over with but she was concerned with what you all think" Alec said before bending down to pick Aiden up.

"I don't care or give a damn what anyone thinks about it, if you're my family or hers you'll fucking suck it up and respect our decision! Otherwise I think you all don't need to be in this baby's life or ours! You're all out of line! We were announcing something to you not getting an approval cause last I checked we are adults tho right now some of us are choosing not to act like it! Also, consider the gender reveal tomorrow canceled!" Alec said before leaving the room holding Aiden.

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