Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

"You ok?" Alec asked stepping into Diana's room as she sat on the bed crying.

"No, I'm not okay.." Diana said as Alec sat beside her after putting Aiden down.

"That went horrible! Not one of them was supportive besides Erin!" Diana said as Alec lightly pulled Diana to him wrapping his arms around her.

"Mommy, why is everyone mad?" Aiden asked as he hopped into the bed.

"Everything's fine baby you don't worry" Diana said as she kissed his cheek.

"You guys are welcome to come with me, we can do the gender reveal our way and our parents I promise will come around"Alec said as Aiden started playing on the floor.

"I don't deserve you or how hard you try and you've continued to try this entire pregnancy so far" Diana said as she put her head on his shoulder.

"Diana you're having my baby"Alec told her as if he were reminding her.

- 2 weeks later -

Diana decided to go back on the road with Alec. She and Alec have hardly spoken to their parents but today is the day of the baby shower and of course they were invited. Brandon has also barely spoken to Diana or Alec.

"Thank you guys for helping me pull this off" Alec said as Bryson nodded beside him while the set up for the reveal was being set up.

"It looks amazing you did good" Diana said kissing his cheek and Alec chuckled.

"Well so many of the guys have had kids this year and I just wanted this to spedial" Alec said putting his arm around Diana as Aiden rushed up to them.

"Mommy! Mommy can I go in the bounce with Gracie mommy?!" Aiden asked asking about the bounce house set up and Alec's face went pale.

"Who is Gracie Aiden?" Diana asked puzzled and before Aiden could answer the little girl rushed over beside Aiden with JT.

"Gracie mommy"Aiden said excitedly and Alec looked at JT.

"I hope it's ok we came" JT said and Diana nodded not saying anything.

"Mommy, can I go with—"Aiden started and Alec cut him off nervously.

"Go ahead bud just be careful"Alec said before both the kids ran off.

"You brought your family?" Alec asked and JT nodded.

"I didn't know how to explain it to Lexi since we do have a game here later today..she's always at the game and when she heard their was gonna be a baby shower she couldn't help but.."JT said and he was cut off as Lexi approached them.

"Hi Alec! Oh this must be Diana! Hi! Congratulations on the baby! We got you guys a gift it's on the table" Lexi explained and Diana just nodded before speaking.

"Hi thank excuse me.."Diana said before walking off and Alec smiled softly.

"Excuse me guys" Alec said before following Diana over to the food table.

"That was a dick move on his end" Alec said as he stood next to Diana.

"She doesn't even know Alec" Diana said frustrated before sipping her water.

"I just wanted today to be stress free for both of us" Alec said ad he wrapped an arm around Diana and she sighed.

"This isn't your fault, I know I have to deal with this whole issue of Jake especially for Aiden's sake but it's hard when we have so much else going on and obviously today isn't the day" Diana said and Alec nodded in agreement.

"We will approach the subject and deal with it together" Alec said as Alec's parents approached them.

"You came"Alec said and Lisa nodded.

"I wanted to apologize to you and to Diana, we didn't mean to be so out of line, we were stunned is all" Lisa explained and Dan nodded besides her.

"It's alright, I understand I was kinda shocked too" Diana admitted and Lisa hugged Alec.

"May I?" Lisa asked gesturing to hug Diana and Diana nodded hugging her.

"I've thought this out a lot, months ago a baby wasn't even in my head but now I want this, I want Diana and Aiden and everything that comes along with the baby" Alec explained and Lisa and Dan nodded.

"I also want it clear that this is my baby, your grandchild but you're not expected to be involved but more than welcome to be and we'd love for you to be" Alec said and Lisa nodded.

"Of course! We want to be involved and help in anyway we can!" Lisa said hugging Alec again it wasn't long before his parents walked off and Brandon approached Alec and Diana.

"You came?" Diana asked and Brandon nodded then rolled his eyes at her.

"Of course I came Diana, you're my fucking sister" Brandon said before shaking his head.

"How could I have been so blind, the way you look at her..the constant wanting to be and do everything together, I feel like a fucking idiot..I feel like looking at things now, it was obvious from day one" Brandon said shaking his head.

"Brandon it's ok, you're not an idiot I am for wanting to keep it from you because Alec never wanted to you know? He told me to tell you repeatedly about us and I just couldn't.."Diana said and Brandon gave Alec a glare.

"If you hurt her or the kids I'll kill you" Brandon said bitterly before hugging Alec then Diana.

"Are you really going to leave our place?"brandon asked and Alec sat beside him.

"Having Aiden and the baby I really don't know, but we would want you to come with us and of course Matt" Alec said and Brandon nodded.

"Diana doesn't know but I've been looking at places cause hers is barely big enough for her me and Aiden" Alec explained and Brandon nodded.

"My mom does send her love and wanted to be here but she's with my dad" Brandon said and Alec nodded and it didn't take long for it to be time for the gender reveal.

"So how are we doing this?" Diana asked and Alec chuckled.

"You and Aiden are going to be out of the line of fire and safely on the side there, Brandon is going to throw me a ball and when I hit it blue or pink powder will come out" Alec said and Diana nodded as Alec went to the plate and Diana held Aiden not far off to the side but far enough so neither got hit.

"3..2..1!" Everyone chanted then Brandon threw the ball to Alec who hit it and blue glitter and powder went flying.

"It's a fucking boy!" Brandon yelled throwing his arms up in the air excitedly as Alec rushed to Diana and kissed her.

"We're having a boy!" Alec shouted excitedly as he put his Aiden on his shoulders.

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