Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

-  3 weeks later -

"Babe you look fine" Alec said as Diana tried on another outfit for that days game.

"You have to say that Alec, you're the reason nothing fits" Diana reminded him and he groaned.

"No mommy it's brothers fault" Aiden said as he threw a ball to Alec who caught it before chuckling.

"He's got the sibling thing down, that baby hasn't even come out yet and Aiden's already blaming him for things" Alec said and Diana felt herself get teary eyed.

"It's not the baby's fault" Diana said before bursting into tears and Aiden looked shocked before Alec wrapped his arms around her.

"Of course it's not" Alec said kissing the top of Diana's head.

"Daddy when can we go to the park" Aiden questioned as he hopped off the bed.

"Give us a minute ok bud?" Alec asked and Aiden nodded.

"Ok daddy but no more babies" Aiden said pointing his little finger and Alec chuckled at Aiden copying what Brandon had been saying.

"Bud go play" Alec said pointing out of the room and Aiden rushed downstairs.

"You look beautiful, relax we've only got a few months before he's with us and no more pregnancy and you're doing great" Alec told her as Brandon entered the room.

"Aiden told me he made you cry you good?" Brandon asked and Diana nodded.

"Something's wrong with me, the baby won't come out" Diana said bursting into tears again as Alec mouthed a help me to Brandon.

"You wanted this remember?" Brandon asked raising an eyebrow.

"The baby will come out Diana, you're almost 6 months in and you need be 9 unless you're a rabbit or a dog or something" Brandon said and Alec face palmed.

"I look like a dog?!" Diana cried and Alec kissed her and held her close to him.

"Of course you don't, Brandon didn't mean it baby"Alec said as Brandon quickly left the room.

"We're on the team Alec we have to be at practice within the next 45 minutes!" Brandon called as he walked downstairs.

"I'm going to fix my hair, Alec you change your cologne you're making me sick" Diana said before walking into the bathroom she was sharing with Alec and Aiden.

"It's my's my son.."Alec mumbled to himself as he pulled his shirt over his head and quickly sprayed his other cologne.

"Not that one, it's smells worse! Ask Matt or Brandon for one of theirs" Diana called from the bathroom and Alec groaned.

"I might be delivering a baby, Von"Alec groaned as he walked into the kitchen and Matt chuckled.

"I think your girl is going to kill us all before that baby is even at term" Matt said shaking his head.

"Can I borrow some cologne? Diana's saying mines making her sick" Alec said and Matt nodded before leaving the room he returned a moment later with a bottle of cologne and sniffed Alec.

"You don't smell to me, I'm pretty sure if she thought you smelled so bad we wouldn't be in this position" Matt said with a shrug and Alec rolled his eyes.

"Thanks" Alec said before spraying himself as Diana walked downstairs.

"Mommy I beat Brandon at Fortnite" Aiden cheered and Diana gave Brandon a glare.

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