Chapter 20

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"Jake? What are you doing here?" Diana asked crossing her arms as she stepped asides letting JT in.

"I wanted to apologize for the other day" JT said putting his hands in his pockets upset.

"Jake don't..I don't need to hear anymore of your apologizes just for you to go do it again" Diana told him and JT nodded.

"I know but this time I mean it" JT said and Alec looked at Diana and shrugged.

"Jacob Tyler I will give you one more chance at being in that little boys life, not for me but for him because I know he adores you but if you mess up I mean it it's done!"diana told him and JT threw his arms around her hugging her.

"Thank you thank you" JT said before taking a step back.

- 6 months later -

"How's the wedding planning?" Kay asked and Diana shrugged.

"It's coming along but with the baby being due anytime we agreed not to have it until the baby is born" Diana explained as her and Kay sat watching the kids run around the field prior to the game.

"How's things with Jake?" Kay asked and Diana shrugged.

"He spends time one on one with Aiden a lot which I love for Aiden but he's not had him over night yet" Diana explained as Alec tossed the ball to Aiden who grabbed it proudly.

"I just hope this one is a girl, I'm getting our numbered quickly since Brandon moved in" Diana said rubbing her stomach as Alec came up behind her wrapping his arms around her.

"What do you think Alec? Boy or girl?" Kay asked as Bryce sat beside her.

"I think boy, look around you" Bryce said taking a sip of his water.

"Boy just because I want us to have a team but I'll say girl so my wife doesn't cut my nuts off" Alec said kissing Diana's cheek.

- 1 week later -

"Alec? Get up!" Diana said shaking him from his sleep he groaned.

"What is it?" Alec asked in a mumble and Diana rolled her eyes.

"Alec I'm in labor, the baby's coming" Diana said and Alec shot up.

"What?! Are you sure?! Shit why's the bed wet?!" Alec asked as he got off the bed and then the realization hit him.

"Ok baby don't panic we got this ok" Alec said as he rushed around the room throwing his clothes on and getting the hospital bag.

"Alec, you're wearing two different shoes."Dina said with a giggle as Alec looked down and then quickly fixed his shoes.

"Tell me what you need" Alec said kneeling in front of Diana as she sat on their bed she leaned forward and kissed him.

"I need you to let Brandon know he's in charge of the boys, they have food in the fridge and pantry and the baby has bottles in the fridge pre made, the extra diapers are on the changing table and in the first drawer of—"Diana said before letting out a yell.

"Alright just relax" Alec told her kissing her head as he rushed to get Brandon before re-entering the room.

"Guys we have an issue" Diana said taking a deep breath.

"I don't think we are making it to the hospital"Diana said as she tried to catch her breath and Brandon looked at Alec.

"I—I can't! I don't deliver babies!" Alec said pacing back and forth running a hand through his curls.

"Call Jake and call Kay" Diana said in a panic and Alec nodded before calling both.

"I will walk you through it or try to" Diana said as she laid on the bed.

"Before we go any further I love you but I am not going near that half of your body" Brandon said as he stood beside the bed.

"Alec get towels, warm water, scissors and two water bottles and get the babies nose sucker" Diana said and Alec did as she said and a moment later JT and Kay arrived.

"I've called the hospital and the ambulance but she insists she isn't able to hold it"Alec said and Kay chuckled.

"Excuse me! I have held it for 9 months!" Diana screamed in pain.

"Alright baby breathe" Alec said and JT put gloves on.

"What are you doing?" Brandon asked as JT positioned himself.

"I am checking to see how dilated she is"JT said and Diana let out a cry.

"This should be a movie, my ex and baby daddy is delivering my baby with my fiancee" Diana said and Kay chuckled.

"You'll be alright, I delivered cash and helped deliver Zane" JT said with a chuckle.

"She's right she wouldn't make it, the baby's head is right there" JT said showing Alec and Brandon and Brandon fainted.

"I'll handle him"Kay said as she got the smelling salt and Alec helped JT.

"Ok I need you to hold her up Alec and hold her hand, Diana when I tell you I just need you to push as hard as you can" JT said as Alec stood beside Diana.

"Alright..push 3 2 1 and stop!" JT said as Diana did as he instructed.

"Ok we have a head and shoulders the rest should slide out with the next push" JT said before instructing Diana to push and she let out a scream crushing Alec's hand from holding so tightly as the baby's cries filled the room.

"Alright, I got him..I got you bud" JT said looking down at the baby as Alec cut the cord and JT then placed the baby in his arms.

"We have a boy, another boy" Alec said with a chuckle as he got teary eyed.

"Are you sure?" Diana asked and JT chuckled as he cleaned Diana up and the ambulance finally arrived.

"I know what a boy looks like" JT said kissing her forehead.

"Congrats I'll leave you to it, should I grab Aiden?" JT asked and Diana nodded.

"Just take him with you, I'll call you and let you know when to get him the less kids Brandon is responsible for the better" Diana said and JT nodded as Alec placed the baby in her arms.

"Look at him.." Alec said as Diana looked down at the baby.

"Hi my sweet baby boy you tried to kill me didn't you?" Diana asked softly and Alec chuckled kissing her forehead as Kay walked in with the EMTs.

"You did amazing" Alec said kissing Diana and she kissed him back looking at the baby.

"He's so cute he looks like you and Jaden" Diana said as the baby looked up at her.

"There goes my chances of getting a girl, but I'll take my beautiful boys" Diana said kissing Alec and looking down at the baby.

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