Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

- 2 months later -

Alec has been trying to be apart of Aiden's bonding with JT, Aiden's almost 4 months old and Aiden's birthday is approaching as well as the London game.

"Thanks for coming!" Diana said as she let Bryce, Kayla, krew snd brook in the area they'd rented for Aiden's birthday, Krew and Brooklyn rushed over to the trampoline area and Diana and Kay sat with the other moms and Diana's mom and Bryce joined the other dads.

"Still not telling Alec yet?" Kay asked and Diana sighed.

"It's not even at this point that I am hiding it from him" Diana said shaking her head.

"I just haven't had the right moment yet, I'm thinking maybe in London" Diana said as she held little Jaden who sat happily supported in her lap.

"He's the most adorable baby" Lexi (JTs wife) said and Diana smiled politely.

"Thank you, he's all his daddy" Diana said as Alec snuck over and sat beside her.

"How we doing?" Alec asked and Diana passed Jaden to him.

"He's having a blast of course he has a blast just looking at me so it doesn't take much" Diana said kissing Jadens cheek as Lisa chuckled.

"He looks just like my baby" Lisa said proudly.

"So has JT seen Aiden today?" Lisa asked as Diana shook her head no trying to tell Lisa not to continue.

"I bet he got him a good gift being his dad and all" Lisa said as she played with Jaden.

"What?" Lexi asked confused and Diana and Alec exchanged a glance.

"Daddy watch this!" Aiden said before attempting to do a flip and JT chuckled as he held Zane and watched the kids play.

"He's not your daddy, your daddy is over there Aiden" Gracie said shaking her head and pointing to the direction Alec went in moments earlier.

"No, he's my daddy" Aiden said firmly pointing to JT.

"Daddy, are you my daddy or Aiden's daddy?!" Gracie asked as she rushed over to JT with Aiden and Mae not far behind her.

"Well..answer her" Lexi said from behind him her arms crossed as she stood with Diana and Alec.

"You told her?!" JT asked as he  turned  to face Diana and she quickly shook her head.

"I can't fucking believe this, I've been busting my ass trying to make it up to you Diana! I'm sorry for what happened between us but this is a new low even for you!" JT yelled at her and Alec stepped between them.

"Watch it that's my girlfriend and she didn't do anything JT it's not like that!" Alec tried but JT pushed passed him as Lexi gathered their kids and stormed off as well.

"Mommy" Aiden said confused and Diana shook her head.

"Not now baby, go play with Krew" Diana said feeling her stomach turn at what had just happened, soon it was later that night and they were back home.

"This is not your fault" Alec told Diana reading her mind as he wrapped his arms around her watching Aiden play with all his presents as the baby was in his swing.

"He had five years now to tell her" Alec said shaking his head as he kissed her softly.

"I want this to be official Alec, I want you to adopt Aiden" Diana said teary eyed and Alec kissed the top of her head as she began to sob.

"Shhh you're just upset if that's what you want we can consider it but for now relax" Alec said as he laid back on the couch causing her to the same.

"Speaking of this official thing, is this because I asked to get a place near my parents?" Alec asked as he rested his hands on her stomach almost knowingly.

"No, I just want us to be a proper family" Diana said and Alec chuckled.

"Baby it's 2024 no family is proper" Alec said as Aiden looked at Diana.

"Mommy daddy is mad at Me" Aiden said and Diana shook her head.

"No baby he's not, it was his fault not yours"Diana said and Aiden looked at Alec.

"Mommy can I have my Alec daddy back" Aiden asked and Diana nodded.

"I only want this daddy ok?" Aiden asked pointing at Alec and Diana nodded, soon it was that night.

"You good?" Alec asked and Diana nodded as she came from the bathroom.

"Are you sick?" Alec asked and Diana shook her head no.

"Well now that the boys are asleep, I have to talk to you about something even tho I wanted this to be done more proper" Alec said as he rambled and Diana look puzzled.

"What do you mean" Diana asked sitting on their bed and Alec signed as be paced, Diana was confused because she never saw Alec this nervous except when she told him she was pregnant with Jaden.

"Alec what?" Diana asked worried and Alec ran his hands through his hair.

"Alec Daniel Bohm talk" Diana said and Alec got on one knee infront of her.

"After seeing what JT did tonight, I know this is the perfect time to ask this..Diana will you marry me!" Alec asked holding out a ring box and Diana looked stunned.

"Yes" Diana said quickly and Alec chuckled placing the ring on her finger and kissing her.

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