Chapter 1

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I knew exactly who was chasing after me. Dylan's beta and second in command; Jared. I knew every move he had. Which made running away from him and his friends all the more easier.

I was beginning to reach my packs border. I had never passed it before in my whole life. The thought of crossing it and being free set my wolf off in a speed I've never done before.

Chris turn back now!

I could hear Jared's voice in my head but I ignored him and kept running. I would never go back. There's nothing left for me. In one giant leap of faith I crossed my pack's border and landed safely digging my paws into the dirt around me. Jared and his mean stopped right at the border and snarled at me. I snarled right back. I wasn't afraid. I knew the wouldn't cross unless it was absolutely necessary. They knew the choice I just made.

You'll regret this. Dylan will hear of what you've just done. You won't be safe in any pack.

I growl at his words. I've done nothing wrong. I won't have my family die with me. I will live. But I will not live in this pack that hates me.

He says nothing but howls very loudly. Alerting Dylan that he has failed. He growls lowly and retreats back with the other wolves that were with him. I feel a sense of pride come over me and begin to slowly walk away from my pack and my parents as well. I look up at the moon and my pride is replaced with sadness. I have no one and no where to go. I have nothing.

You're so much better than them.

My father's words sends tears down my face as I shift back to my human form. I love you. I will not fail you.

4 months later

Bastards! I say to myself as I notice that I had been robbed again. Of course by other Rogues in the area. It doesn't bother me too much since I knew I had to move again anyways. I lived in an abandoned cottage I found. It was the nicest place I had stayed for about 2 weeks. I always had to move. As a rogue every pack saw me as dangerous and thought I had no other intentions except to kill their Alpha. Which is why I could never stay in one place for more than a week or two. There was always rogue hunters around that lurked in the nearby towns of their packs just searching for us.

I pack what little clothes that I stole over the past few months and place them in a bag to tie around my leg and I shift to sniff out my new "home".

It wasn't easy to get by on my own. I ran into several rogues myself, and although they knew I was one of them they showed me no kindness. All of them were men and saw me as nothing but entertainment for a few minutes. I always got away from them of course. I kept myself safe. But it was this one moment of weakness that destroyed everything I worked for.

I was sniffing around the forest when I suddenly began to hear the chatter if a pack nearby. Women and children laughing and the smell of food in the air. My stomach growled. But I ignored it and moved quickly and quietly as possible to get away from the pack. If they noticed me I would be brought towards their Alpha to be judged for life imprisonment or execution. It was the number one rule amongst all wolves that this is how rogues should be dealt with.

I was running now and zipping through the trees and jumping over logs and rocks, I began to enjoy my run so much I hadn't realized I had reached a road. On one end I could smell a human town nearby and the other end held no scent. A few cars zipped by so I decided it would be better to cross as a human. I step back into some bushes and shift back and put on a small dress I had in my bag that was easy to take off and put on.

Once it was on I began to sprint across the road, I thought it was clear. I didn't hear them coming at all. I as as almost on the other side when I felt a car coming at me and at the shock of it I froze like an idiot. The car screeched in front of me and my eyes met the driver. Pitch black eyes. Wolf.

"Shit!" I yell and shifted right in front of him and ran back into the forest.


His voice screamed and I heard 2 sets of paws chasing after me. No. I could never handle 2. No!! I felt panic run through me. I was never a fighter. I would have to out run them and hope they would tire themselves out. But they were just as fast as me and I could almost feel their breath at my tail. I didn't dare look back. If I did I knew their size would intimidate me and I would start getting scared and lose my way.

I pushed myself harder until I could barely hear the sound of their paws anymore. I slowed down still wary that they might be around. I finally relaxed when I heard nothing. But I was wrong.

He made no sound when his wolf rammed into my side and sent us both rolling down a small hill and into a stream. He growled and jumped on me again. My wolf whined in pain. He broke my rib. I know he did. The pain was enough to cause me to shift back to my human form. He stayed as a wolf growling at me until another one showed up and circled around me.

"Please I meant no harm. Look at me. Just let me go" I gasp. It hurts when I try to breath. I'm wet and cold in this stream. And slightly bleeding from some small scratches at his impact. Hopefully looking this pathetic will make them let me go.

In our pack. We don't let rogues go. The one who attacked me says in my head and I take a deep breath and claw at the mud and water around me. I'm trying to cover my exposed body and they look at each other. I assume they're talking to each other and I look away.

Some tears run down face from the pain but also from the frustration of being caught after being so careful. The one that attacked me runs away for a couple minutes while the other watches me.

"Please don't take me. Please I haven't done anything" I'm practically begging to him and he doesn't say anything.

The other one returns holding my bag and some pairs of shorts in his mouth. He drops them and I hear the sound of bones snapping as they shift back to normal. I look away until they're dressed.

"You shouldn't have jumped her so hard Trevor. It'll take time for her to heal now" the one that was watching me says. In their human forms they almost look like brothers.

The one he called Trevor says nothing but throws a towel over my naked body and picks me up. The other one grabs my bag.

I hold back a scream as he carries me over one of his shoulders. I was about to argue on how I could walk when I realized my injuries were worse than I thought and there was sharp pain on my left ankle. The one holding my bag walks in front of us and I want to ask to change into my clothes but no words leave my mouth. I'm too scared. I have no idea what they will do with me now. I cry for a few minutes but stop when we reach the road again. He places me in the back of his car and drives off.

I continue crying in the back. I've lost. I'm going to die...

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