Chapter 6

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When I woke up the next morning Mark wasn't there.

"Shit!" I heard him yell downstairs. My instincts took over and I ran downstairs afraid that someone was attacking. Instead when I walked into the kitchen I saw him scraping something burnt and crispy off a pan and smoke coming from a toaster. He saw me enter and dropped the pan and smiled at me. It was the first time I saw him smile. It was contagious and I smiled back.

"I thought you wouldn't be awake for awhile so I wanted to make you something" he said and I giggled at his attempt and grabbed the pan.

"You do need me after all then" I joked and started cooking for us instead. He watched me intently the whole time and listened to everything I had to say.

"How did you manage to eat before I got here?" I laugh as I see him bite his last piece of bacon. He shallows and smiles.

"I had a friend of mine come and do that kind of stuff for me. I'm not usually home a lot so I needed someone to take care of stuff like that for me. I gave her a day off though" he said and I feel a pang of jealously thinking about another woman being in his house.

"She's 30 years older than me just so you know" he says and smiles warmly at me.

"What can't I do that? Read your thoughts and stuff" I say feeling a bit annoyed at how he comes in and out of my head as he pleases.

"Try it" he says and stands up straight and looks at me deeply. I stared back intently and sure enough I get in his head.

I love you Chris I gasp and stand up immediately.

"What?" He says alarmed and I shake my head.

"Don't. Don't say that. And don't call me that. I don't even know you" I say trying to keep my distance.

"You're my mate. It's only natural I feel like this. You feel the same I know you do. I know you're scared of me and I'm sorry. Please" he says and pulls me closer to him.

"Don't call me Chris like that please" I beg him and relive my father's execution in my head again.

"I'm sorry...who was he?" He asks and I push him back.

"Stay out of my head! That's none of your business!" I yell and run my hands through my hair frustrated.

"I want to know. Tell me." He says calmly and I shake my head.

"Tell me why you hated me when you saw me. Tell me why you left me in that cell and let me go through hell. And have my ribs be broken and to be yelled at by all those perverts and hurt me and left me and.." he stops my rant by growling again and pulling me towards him.

"I've already killed the rogues in those cells that harassed you. As for Jeremy and Trevor. They've already been punished for treating the way they did when they captured you. As for me.... you can forgive me if you want. Just don't leave me. Crystal I'm sorry. I'll never let you go through something like that ever again." His words make me tear up and I cry onto his shirt and ball my fists. I'll never stay mad at him.


"He murdered my father for treason and my mother killed herself the day after his execution." I begin explaining in Mark's living room.

"I grew up with Alpha Dylan...I thought we were friends. I never thought he'd want to get me killed. I left about 4 months ago and I've been on my own ever since." I twiddle my thumbs in my lap and feel Mark grab my hand.

"I have heard about you then. He sent out a message to Alphas around his territory about you. I thought nothing about it. He'll never know you're here I swear." He says and I smile feeling more comfortable with him. However I don't feel like thinking more about the past anymore.

"How do you live in this house all alone? You couldn't possibly need all these rooms just for yourself" I say and he smiles slightly but doesn't look at me.

"Its my family's house. It has been for generations. It is meant to hold more people. But they're all gone now. I wasn't the first in line to be the Alpha. My brother was,him and his mate were going to be great leaders after my father stepped down. I was 15 when out of nowhere a small army of Rogues attacked in the middle of the night and killed them. I don't know why they let me live. I'm happy they did since all I can do is make their lives living hells and make sure they get exactly what they deserve.."he says and it starts getting quiet between us.

"No more dwelling on the past" he says moves a strand of hair away from my face. I smile and lean in a little closer just to smell him and close my eyes to enjoy it. I feel his breath close to my lips and I decided to be the one to lock our lips together and wrap my arms around his neck.

I feel his lips stop and I continue to kiss him until I realize he won't continue anymore.

"What's wrong?" I ask but he shakes his head and stands up.

"Come on. I have some business to take care of and I can't leave you alone unless I've got your guards ready" he says and we start walking outside.

I look at him puzzled,"Why do I need guards? You think I want to leave again?" I giggled but he doesn't take it as a joke.

"It's for your own protection. I'll have the best 2 men for you I promise" he says.

"You won't be with me everyday?" I ask feeling a little disappointed. I expected that now that we found each other and accepted eachother we'd have time to connect and bond. But I guess not.

All of a sudden he stops walking and stands in front of me.

"It's not like I won't see you.  Most of the day I'll be gone but I'll always come back and we'll do whatever you want" he says and kisses my forehead.

I smile and we continue walking. "What business do you need to take care of?" I ask and he sighs.

"Some wolf is seeking refuge from his Alpha for some reason and I have to decide whether or not to let him stay. It depends on how powerful his Alpha is I don't want to start as war" he says and and reach a building I assume is the pack house.

I notice Jeremy standing outside the door with Trevor and I smile at him. He looks at Mark first before giving me a slight nod.

They open the doors for us and I feel my heart stop, sitting on a couch with a smug smile growing on his face is Jared. The beta from old pack.

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