Chapter 28

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Mark's POV

Tomorrow morning comes and the day goes by fairly quickly. I'm tuning in and out on all the conversations I'm having with the pack members that are going to be involved.

Crystal had spent the entire day in our room with Rebecca. I could easily tune in to hear what they're saying but I decide to give her privacy.

"Dear Marcus how are you holding up?" Gabriel ask as he enters through the back door. I growl at him annoyed at him for using that name to address me.

"That door is locked for a reason pest" I snap at him. He shakes his finger at me and gives me a disapproving look.

"That's no way to treat the man who has the lives of your best fighters in his hand" he says and I glare harder at him. He's right. His key element to this plan is to cover the scent of the pack members from Marius and Trevor by using his magic. If they were able to smell anyone else except me and Crystal he would know something is wrong and the plan would fail.

"You're not a man. You're a monster" I say the final word and continue talking with Jeremy and Leo. I had Isaac be in charge of my duties today, despite his age, he's very mature and is one of the strongest wolves I know. Although I don't really approve of his close friendship with Crystal.

It's nearing sundown when I finally hear Crystal come downstairs with Rebecca.

I smile when I take in her beauty and meet her at the last step,she looks at me dissprovingly and I feel her discomfort.

"What is it?" I ask and place my hand under chin to make her look at me. She plasters a smile on her and shakes her head.

"Nothing. I'm just nervous that's all" she says and she takes a deep breath. I take a deep breath and look at what she chose to wear, a black dress with skirt flowing just barely above the knee.

"Hmm I think you should put on some pants" I say and place my hand on her waist protectively. She looks behind me at Rebecca and shakes her head. What are they planning?

"There's no time for that. We'll have to go soon. We're walking aren't we?" She says and I nod. She moves my hand down and begins to hold it.

"It's time Mark" I hear Leo say and I nod my head. I look over at Jeremy who's saying his goodbyes to Rebecca. I feel guilty knowing that she'll be secretly following us but I decide it's a problem for Jeremy to deal with later. He leans in to kiss her but her head changes direction and his lips land on her cheek.

I look away and decide it's not for me to watch their strange relationship. I look at Crystal and give her a smile and place a kiss on her forehead. We exit through the back, me and Crystal are leading with about 20 wolves behind us and in front of them stands Gabriel.

"Gabriel. Begin." I order him and he nods. Crystal looks at me confused and then back at Gabriel.

His eyes slowly turn pitch black and he extends his arms and moves his fingers around as a dark smoke emits from them, the smoke moves behind him and hovers around the feet of my best fighters and we continue to walk, Gabriel keeps the similar movement going and we continue on until night falls.

"Stay close to me" I tell Crystal and she nods when I wrap my hand around her waist and push her into my side.

We begin getting closer to the clearing Jeremy said Marius would be. He finally walks ahead of us and looks around.

"What is it?" I ask and almost on cue Marius walks out with Trevor following behind him. I begin seeing red when I look at that traitor's face but having Crystal at my side keeps me calm.

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