Chapter 27

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"You really think everything will be okay?" I say and run my hands through Mark's hair as I sit in his lap. Our meeting this morning has ended and Mark decided to take the day off to spend it with me. Everyone else had gone home. Although I was disappointed to hear that Isaac was back to doing rounds around the pack when he had just barely got out of the hospital.

"I know everything will be. Gabriel is an idiot but I trust him." He says and I nod wanting to belive him but I can't fight the thoughts in my head that tell me something will go wrong.

"You worry too much you know?" He says and places his hand on my waist.

"Its my fault all of this is happening. I should be worried. Then again if somebody had accepted me the first time we met I would have never met that stupid rogue" I say and glare at Mark. He doesn't take my words to kindly and growls lowly.

"Please. Don't bring it up. I already hate myself enough" he says and moves his hands away from me. I'm surprised at his touch being removed and even more surprised when he gets up.

"What are you doing?" I ask missing his touch. He kisses my nose. And I notice his eyes growing slightly darker.

"Let's go for a run I know your wolf wants to" he says and I nod. It had been awhile since I've shifted. I didn't want to waste time and took off my shirt right there in front of him. But when it came to taking off my bra I threw my shirt in Mark's face to stop him from seeing me naked. I laugh and bolt out the back door shifting and run straight towards the woods.

"Crystal" I hear Mark call me through our mind link. I stop and give him time to catch up, I wag my tail when he finally arrives although he doesn't look too happy.

"Never run away from me" he says and I laugh internally at his harmless warning.

"Then stop running so slow" I tease him and start running again.

We spend the next couples hours playing this game until I tire myself out. I shift and lay down naked in the grass. Mark walks over me and shifts on top of me.

"Finally tired?" He says with a smirk on his face. Damn Alpha. I'm sweating like a pig while he looks like he can take on an entire army.

"Shut up and kiss me" I say and wrap my arms around his neck.

He does as I say and attacks my lips hungrily. He pulls back only for a moment so I can catch my breath but he whispers in my ear.

"I'll do much more than that" he says and places a kiss on my cheek. I moan and accept him gratefully.

Mark's POV

It was dark by the time I finally tired Crystal out. She laid on my chest sound asleep as we laid in the grass far away from our home. I almost forgot the danger that awaited us. Just being with her and watching her sleep. I never felt so complete especially when I looked down at her stomach and realized what was growing inside. A breeze passed us and I saw her shiver and hold onto me tighter. I carefully picked her up as to not wake her and walked us back to our home.

She must have been extremely tired to not have woken up once even when I placed her in bed. I put on a pair of shorts and a gray shirt and was going to go into my office to get some work done when I smelled something outside, something human.

I felt my wolf beginning to surface protectively worried that a wolf hunter dared to cross into our territory. I smell it on the other side of the front door but when I open it there stands Rebecca with her fist in the air as if she was about to knock before I opened the door. I rolled my eyes at her intrusion and thought it was strange how she could have gotten away from Jeremy without him following.

"What is it? Crystal is sleeping you can't talk to her" I say and I can smell the fear coming off of her but she keeps her head high.

"I didn't come for Crystal. I came to talk to you." She says confident and I raise an eyebrow at her. As much as I hate her family, she helped my mate and belongs to my best friend.

"Make it quick then. What do you want?" I say and she clears her throat.

"I can't have you tell Jeremy this. I want to be there for the plan." She says and I scoff. What could she offer other than being another person we'd have to watch over.

"I know my Uncle. I knew Marius briefly. Their alliance isn't broken. He'll be there and he won't be alone. I won't get in the way I can stay far back and still keep Crystal safe." She says and I feel disrespected at her comment. As if I can't do that myself.

"If she's hurt you'll be too angry and too many people will be attacking you all at once. I won't hurt your kind I have good aim. If someone makes the first move from far away I'll make the second and make sure it's their last move" She's deadly serious.

"How are you here without Jeremy?" I ask and she glares at me. I growl making her face change. If she's going to be apart of the pack she'll learn her place.

"He thinks I'm sleeping" She says and looks at the ground. Now I really don't want her around Crystal she'll make it too easy for her to do what she wants.

"I'll consider what you said. Now go before Jeremy realizes you're gone" I say and shoo her away. She nods and starts running,she's pretty fast for a human.

I shut the door and begin returning upstairs when I hear Crystal awaken in the next room. She slightly panics when I'm not next to her but the moment I open the door she looks relieved. I smile and get in bed to hover over her.

"Stop leaving me in bed alone" she pouts and I chuckle kissing her forehead.

"You need to be asleep" I scold her and she rolls her eyes.

"I'm hungry" she huffs and catches me by surprise and pushes me to the side. I watch her naked behind jump out of bed and put on one of my shirts. My heart aches when I think of her being alone and terrified when she was kidnapped. Rebecca's words come to my head and I realize just how much danger I am putting Crystal in. Who knows what kind of tricks Marius could have hidden from Trevor. If Trevor even believes Jeremy could switch sides. People are going to die tomorrow night. Good people. I might be one of them but I'll be damned if Crystal dies instead of me.

"Hey!" I hear her sweet voice call out from the door way.

"Come on I know you're hungry too" she says. I smile and nod my head following after her. She interlaces her fingers with mine and I give a small squeeze. Everything will go as planned. It'll be over soon. I say to myself but not really convincing myself.

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