Chapter 15

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(Mark's POV)

My wolf woke me up sensing something was extremely wrong.I sat up in bed only to hear an annoyed moan from beside me.I looked over and saw Crystal there sleeping soundly.I smiled and looked at her pale skin the moonlight.She's mine all mine and I love her with my whole being.I leant down and gave her a lingering kiss on her neck.I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong,very wrong and my wolf wouldn't rest until he knew our mate was completely safe.

I got out of bed and slipped my boxers back on,something was off but I didn't know what.I sniffed the air and couldn't catch anything unusual but the balcony doors were closed not letting any fresh air in.I placed my hand on the handle to open it but a small whine had caught my attention.I turned around and saw Crystal sitting up in bed rubbing her eyes.I bit my lip looking at her half naked with beautiful sex hair.

"What are you doing up?Its late come back to bed"she said her voice raspy from waking up.

I felt inner turmoil on whether or not to be with her again and ignore this feeling or to quickly check around the house.

"Please"she moaned stretching her legs and lying back down.Now I couldn't resist her.

I went back to her wrapping her in my arms and kissing her neck.She giggled running her hands through my hair.

"Are you sore?"I asked rubbing small circles into her hip bone.I hated seeing her face in pain that way.

"A bit....but only because you were so big"she said dragging her nails down my chest.I feel my boxers become extremely tight.I guess we both can't have enough of each other.

"Oh really?"I smirked and she nodded her head smirking back.Oh god I love her so much.I placed my mouth on hers softly before she tugged on my hair obviously wanting more.I moved my hand lower to her and felt that she was completely ready to take me.She moaned loudly pulling my boxers down.

"Please I need you"she whispered in my ear.I moved the sheets down and hovered over her giving her one last kiss.I rubbed my self against her folds just to see her reaction and almost became undone at the sight of her squirming and moaning.She surprised me by raising her hips allowing my tip to be inside her.I groaned and slowly moved in not wanting to cause her any discomfort.I slowly moved my hips all the way in and took deep breaths to control my urges to not stop plunging into her.

She opened her pretty little eyes and looked up at me,"Move now"she growled and I kissed her deeply rocking my hips back and forth feeling every inch of her.The louder her moans got the faster I moved and growled each time she screamed my name.

I watched as her legs began to stiffen and her breathing became quicker.Her insides closed around me as she cried out my name digging her nails into my back.I groaned loudly as I released inside of her.

"I love so much"I whispered kissing the top of her chest which was quivering.

"I love you even more"she said nuzzling herself in my neck.I stayed inside of her not wanting to move since both my wolf and I enjoyed being connected to her like this.

"Why did you wake up and get out of bed?"she said running her fingers down my arms.

"My wolf sensed something was wrong"I said and that same feeling came back again.

"Well I'm sure it's just nothing"she moaned when I softly thrusted my hips forward just to tease her.

"Well I hope so"I moaned and kissed my claim on her neck.

Next thing I knew my wolf became enraged and in full alert as a loud snarl was heard from outside.Crystal screamed out loud as a large black wolf came shattering through the balcony doors and stood snarling at the foot of our bed. I snarled letting my fangs come out and covered Crystal with the blanket not wanting anyone to see her like this.I felt my claws grow as I crouched in front of Crystal not wanting any harm to come to her.

One look at the black wolf and of course his disgusting smell I became even more enraged and was a split second away from shifting.

Marius took a step back as he shifted back to his human form and smirked at me.

"Get the fuck out of here before I rip you to shreds!"I growled and felt Crystal trembling behind me.

"How rude of you to treat a welcomed guest like this,Mark"he scolded me and I growled louder.

"You are no welcomed guest of mine,Marius"I barked at him and he laughed.

"Aren't you going to introduce me to that pretty little thing behind you?"he asked,he really was asking to be killed.

"Hello Sweetheart"he said and I growled loudly enough to shake the whole room.

"Shut the fuck up!"I screamed and he laughed.

"Please excuse my banter I was merely just having some fun.The reason I came here was for her."he said smiling wickedly and trying to look around me.

"You're not going to lay a fucking finger on her!"I shouted and he glared at me.

"I can do whatever I please to my mate!If I choose to kill her for being with you then I will or I can forgive her for acting like a whore"he screamed and snarled.He really does believe she's his mate,either way he's not getting to her.

"Your mate died years ago!"I screamed and he shook his and I saw his eyes changing to pitch black.

"Your lying!Shes alive and you've taken her from me!"He growled.

I felt Crystal place her hand on my back,it was shaking and I know she's beyond terrified with the situation.

"She's dead like my family is,I've learned to deal with that and you need to as well!"I yelled trying to be reasonable.

He shook his head crazily not believing me.I hadn't noticed until now that he was carrying something in his hand.He lifted it to show it to me.

"Really clever these humans are and how advanced their technology has gotten.Especially the technology of the Corvin family.You've heard of them haven't you?"he asked but I was paying attention more to what was in his hand.

"I will have her one way or another and this pack will die off"he said pressing a button on the device making it beep wildly.He threw it on the bed as he shifted and jumped off the balcony.I growled grabbing Crystal and jumping off the bed as she screamed listening to the device go off exploding.I felt what was inside immediately,liquid silver.I howled in pain as it splattered onto my back.

I took a few deep breaths trying to deal with the skin on my back burning.I opened my eyes to see Crystals horrified expression and tears running down her cheeks.She reached her hand out but I pinned it back down.

"Don't theres silver everywhere"I groaned.

"But you're hurt!"she squeaked out and I shook my head.

"Are you okay?"I asked and looked at her closely making sure that she was unharmed.She nodded her head slowly and sniffled cupping my cheek.I grabbed her wrist and leaned into her touch.

"Come on we can't sleep here"I said slowly getting up,the wounds on my back were still stinging.I looked around the room and saw the silver was soaked into the bed and splattered along the walls and a little bit on the floor.I walked carefully to my drawers and grabbed some clothes for me and Crystal.

I felt some drops that had fell on the carpet sting my feet.I growled lowly and picked Crystal up so she wouldn't touch the floor.I took her to the guest room which was a few doors away from our bedroom.

"Your back!"she gasped and I nodded my head."It looks black I think the silver has gotten into your blood.Mark you need a doctor."she said and her eyes started to water again.He pained me to see her like this.

"I'll be fine,it'll heal by morning."I said putting some pants on.

"You're sure?"she asked and tried to turn me around to look at it.

"Yes I'm sure."I said and grabbed her wrist.I pulled a shirt over her not caring that she could have done it herself.She was shivering?Why was she shivering?

"Crystal?"she didn't look at me,"Baby please look at me"I begged and heard her sniffle.I picked her up and sat her on my lap while she cried into my chest.I don't want her to cry,I want her to be happy.To be happy about us and not have to worry about that fucker.

"It's all my fault!"she sobbed and I kissed the top of her head."No it's not don't you dare think that."I said sternly.

"He's not going near you and he's definitely not taking you away from me."I growled.

I stayed awake all night making sure she stopped crying before she fell asleep.But it wasn't like I could sleep anyways,the healing process on my back was extremely painful.The only way I got through it was watching Crystal sleep peacefully in my arms.By the time morning came I linked to Jeremy to get somebody to clean up all the silver and glass in our room.

I felt Crystal begin to wake and I smiled at the way she stretched her legs moaning.She opened her eyes and stared at me sleepily.Then as if she remembered last night all at once she shot up in bed and looked at my back.I laughed as she felt around for any wounds.

"I told you it would heal"I said smiling but she didn't smile back.

"He could have killed you"she said quietly.I leaned down and kissed her deeply,"But he didn't and I'm still here"I said cupping her cheek.

I got up leaving her on the bed to get some clothes for us since I certainly didn't want her going anywhere wearing just my t-shirt.Once dressed I told Trevor and Isaac to meet us at the pack house since I wouldn't want Crystal here unless I was too.

"Come on"I grabbed her hand and held her tightly to my side still fearing that Marius was still inside the territory.

"I'm not staying here?"She asked and I shook my head and was grateful that she didn't ask why.

Once we reached the pack house Trevor and Isaac followed behind me with Crystal at my side.I reached to my office and saw Jeremy there waiting.He looked at Crystal curiously but I glared at him and he stopped.

"Wait for me outside I have some business to take care of"I told Crystal and softly kissed her lips.She nodded and left with Trevor and Isaac.

"Alpha there were other attacks that happened last night as well it wasn't only just you"Jeremy said hesitantly.

"What happened?"I growled and he gulped.

"Some liquid silver bombs were thrown into houses.When we went to check it out we caught the scent it was human."He said and I felt my anger rising.

"Are you saying that humans escaped from wolves!?"I yelled and he shook his head frantically.

"We caught several humans trying to run away and put them in cells and they're asking to speak to you and....the Luna"he said carefully.

Why the fuck would they want to speak to Crystal for?I certainly have no need to speak to them anyways.

"Just kill them they don't deserve my time."I said and he nodded his head.

"If I may Alpha I think they got in without us knowing because of Marius,he must have some secret way of coming in and out of the pack and he's obviously working with them"he said and I nodded my head that had to be it.

"We need to set up more wolves around the perimeter of the territory and also for everyone to stay indoors at all time and to not go to the human settlement at all"I ordered and he nodded his head.

For the next two hours we worked on trying to find a way for Marius to get in without us knowing since we had a wolf at every post around the pack.It was like he was invisible to whoever he passed or he had someone working with him inside the pack.The thought infuriated me.I looked at the door and thought of Crystal,he wanted her and he wants this pack to die.I can't let either of those things happened.It would be to risky to attack them in front of the non-hunting humans.We'd be exposed so the only chance we have is to wait for them to attack us and take them out.The only good thing about this was the Alpha Dylan was involved and didn't know a thing about the Corvin family.

I told Jeremy to take care of things while I left the room.I saw Crystal sitting down leaning her cheek into her hand with Trevor and Isaac on either side of her.She stood up when she saw me.I dismissed Isaac and Trevor and grabbed her hand.

"Are you hungry?"I asked and she looked at me strangely but nodded her head slowly.I just wanted to do everything that I could to forget last night.I never want to be caught off guard like that ever again.

We went to a small restaurant in the pack to eat.I tried to strike up some type of conversation but she barely spoke a word and only took a few bites of her food.After we finished eating I was getting a little worried on how quiet she was being.

"I should offer myself to Marius....maybe then no one would get hurt"I heard her say in her head.

I snapped.I stopped and turned her around to face me,"You're not offering yourself to anyone! You're mine and only mine!"I growled and she nodded her head looking scared.I held her against me needing to smell her scent to calm myself down.

"I love you"I heard her sweet voice say.I tightened my arms around her,"I love you"I whispered and pulled us apart and walked back home.

Once back there I could smell that someone had been here,someone not from my pack.The scent was weak which meant that they had been here hours ago.I gripped Crystal's hand tighter and walked upstairs.

"What is it?"she asked but I shushed her.

We went inside our bedroom which had been cleaned of all silver and glass and was neatly cleaned.But there at the center of the bed was a small velvet box with a white card next to it.I let go of Crystal's hand and picked up the card.

'For my princess'it read and I growled loudly crushing the card and throwing it in the ground.I felt Crystal put her hand on my shoulder and we both looked at the box on the bed.She reached out and grabbed it,I didn't even want to know what was inside since it would probably make me even more angry.

She opened it anyway only to close it and toss it on the bed.I picked it up and opened it and saw a silver necklace that said 'i love u'.I growled loudly and threw the box across the room.I looked at Crystal who just looked scared.

"Sick bastard"I muttered I'll be sure to be the one to give him a painful death.

UPDATED! Hope you like this chapter! Sorry if its short or if there are any mistakes!


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