Chapter 23

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When I woke up Mark had been holding on to me too tightly and I could barely breath.

I pushed on his chest lightly but he only moved closer to me,"Mark....wake up"I said closely to his ear and watched his eyes open slowly.

He shot up in bed immediately wide awake,"What? What is it? Is it the baby? What's wrong?"he rushed out placing a hand on my stomach.

I giggled and shook my head, "You were holding me too tight"he sighed in relief and laid back down.

My stomach growled and he groaned."Sorry"I whispered and snuggled into his arm.

"Come on I won't have my baby starving"he said and pulled away from me. I whined and got dressed along with Mark.

"Do you think Rebecca is okay?"I asked Mark while we were in the kitchen.

"She'll be fine."he said while he was making our breakfast.

"But she seemed really scared" I said while I waited for them to come downstairs.

He placed my plate in front of me and kissed me,"Their mates Crystal, she'll get over it"he said and I smiled and kissed him again.

"Why haven't they come down yet?"I said when he sat down next to me with his plate.

"They already left"he said and I almost choked on my food.

"What?When?"I gasped and he chuckled.

"Early...very early said she left some important things back.....there"he said and I felt his anger when he said "there". After we finished eating I remembered the night when Marius kidnapped me. How Isaac...

"Mark? Isaac....he's alive isn't he?"I asked and he nodded his head.

"Yeah he's fine, still healing in the hospital but nothing serious. Which means you'll need new guards..."he said and I thought about Trevor's betrayal. What could have made him help Marius?

"So you're not staying here today?"I asked my voice sounding small. I didn't want him to go. I just got him back and being without's just....beyond awful.

"I'll stay if you want me too"he said and I smiled.

"Of course I'd want you too!"I exclaimed and he laughed taking away our finished plates.

"Then I'll stay"he said leaning close to me.

"How sweet"I heard Gabriels voice say. It frightened me and I gasped as I jerked away from Mark and nearly fell off my chair if Mark didn't grab my arm fast enough.

"What are you doing here?"Mark said through his clenched teeth. I felt him let out a growl as well.

"I told you I'd be back in the morning"Gabriel smiled widely making his eyes crinkle a little. My wolf still didn't trust the strange vibe coming from him.

"Ms. Devereaux such a pleasure to see you again"He smiled at me his eyes flashing into a different color. I ignored it and tried my best to return the smile.

Mark growled again except he was louder this time.

"Oh calm down you stupid dog"Gabriel snapped walking closer to him.

I placed my hand in Mark's to calm him down and he squeezed my hand back.

"Go upstairs" I gave him a strange look but he was concentrated more on Gabriel.I didn't want to argue with him and just slowly walked away from them.I was barely up half of the staircase before Mark cursed Gabriel off and stormed out of the kitchen.

"Mark what's wrong?"he wrapped his hand around my wrist and wrapped his arm around me and placed his head into my neck.

I shivered when I felt his hot breath on my claim."I love you so much"he whispered and I smiled and kissed his chest.

"I love you too"I heard Gabriel clear his throat and Mark growled loudly scaring me back a little.

"I'll kill him"he growled and stormed upstairs.

"Mates" Gabriel scoffed,"Such a waste, glad I got rid of mine"he said and smirked. I felt my blood run cold and I followed after Mark.

He was changing his clothes when I came into our room,"I thought you were going to stay"I asked and sat on the bed disappointed.

"I have to go, but you can come with me"he said and I shrugged.

"Crystal please I won't have you stay here not when I haven't got any guards for you yet"he said giving me clothes to put on.

"What is Gabriel? wolf she doesn't trust him...he's....unusual"I said and he took a deep breath.

"He's evil Crystal and twisted, I only went to him because he was the only one I knew that could help me get you,he's a wolf yes but a dark one that sold his own soul for power....I don't know what else he wants from me but I just hope he leaves soon"Mark finished.

I didn't know what else to say so I just quickly got dressed and left with Mark outside while we walked towards the pack house. Gabriel wasn't following us so he must have stayed behind or left, hopefully.

"Can we see Isaac?"I asked longing to know if he was okay.

Mark looked at me for a moment before nodding his head and putting his arm around me.

"Of course"we changed direction and stopped at what I assumed was where the pack's infirmary was.

"He's in there, the doctor says he's awake so you two can talk"he said pointing towards a door, I nodded and kissed his cheek before going in.

I was surprised he was letting me go in alone, but knowing Mark he'd probably be listening in.

When I walked in the room, I felt a ball of guilt form in my stomach when I looked at Isaac. There was four large claw marks dragged along his chest, the wolf in him had healed up the skin a bit but it would still leave a nasty scar.

His head tilted my way and he smiled brightly.

"I had heard they finally got you back, I'm glad you're okay"he said and I walked over to the side of the bed and placed my hand over his.

"I'm sorry you got hurt....I shouldn't have stopped running...or maybe I should have help-"he interrupts me.

"No, it was good that you ran otherwise you could have ended up like me as well"he said and I gave him a polite smile feeling tears prick my eyes.

"I'm sorry Isaac" I said and held his hand tight.

"I did what I had to do to protect my Luna"he smirked and I laughed.

"Please don't call me that"I smiled wiping my tears away.

The door opened and Mark and the pack doctor came in,"I'm sorry to interupt but he'll need to rest more"the doctor said and I nodded my head and squeezed Isaac's hand one last time before leaving.

"Those scars....on his chest...they'll never disappear will they?"I asked Mark as we were walking back.

"No....they won't"he said solemnly and the guilt I felt became stronger.

"He knew what he was getting himself into when I assigned him as your guard. And he was right...if he didn't make you run you wouldn't be here now."Mark said holding me closer to his side.

"And once he's up and out of the hospital he'll be taking the role as my new third in command"he said and the thought of Trevor's betrayal came to my mind.

"We're still looking for Trevor and Marius...but you shouldn't have to worry about that. You won't have to worry about anything. I'll keep you safe"he said kissing my forehead. I smiled and opened my mouth to say something when Jeremy ran over to us looking very serious.

"I just saw Trevor in the woods, Alpha. He wasn't with Marius but.....they're planning something....something bad"he said and looked at me.

I felt Mark growl loudly beside me. I knew deep down that whatever Jeremy had to say, it be something we both wouldn't be ready to hear.

Whoop whoop! Another update :) Sorry for taking so long but I was working on the spin off story for Rebecca and Jeremy called "My human" which I will be posting the prologue for it soon :D I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and I'm sorry for any mistakes or if it was too short or bad /.\


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