Chapter 16

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(Crystal's POV)

It's been week ever since Marius' "little visit" and since then he's been leaving more and more gifts for me.Mainly just jewelry which is strange since he only sends silver jewelry.He even had the nerve to send a lingerie set to me,that was the worst.Mark shifted at the sight of it and it took an hour just to calm him down.I don't understand what changed in Marius.How he went from wanting to kill me to claiming me as his mate.It still terrifies me to no end that he'll kidnap me.I don't even want to think about how Mark will feel about that.

He's still obsessed over what happened that night but I guess I am too.I keep having nightmares of Mark being burned to death by silver.Theres no way we can beat the technology the Corvin family holds.

But what makes no sense is that they are working with a wolf.Maybe he offered them something, he used to be apart of this pack.Who knows what information he has told them.

I've tried asking Mark to teach me to fight but he doesn't want me too,he thinks I'll get hurt or worse.Its rather ridiculous since I can't always be protected 24/7 but he's ignored my pleas.

I just want this to be over quickly and calmly.For Marius to die and for the Corvin family to leave us alone.

Luckily Alpha Dylan hasn't showed up during any of this and doesn't know about the problems this pack is dealing with.If he does then he'll see it as a weakness and try something bad.Mark already has enough to worry about and I really don't want Alpha Dylan to add to that stress.

Currently I had just shifted into my wolf form with Isaac,Trevor,Jeremy and Mark all outside watching me.It was suffocating but they were only doing it for my protection.However they wouldn't let me run at all.

"Mark!I want run please!I know you do too"I whined rubbing my head against his leg not caring how weird it looked.

He smiled and patted my head softly,"I do but just not now okay?"he said,I growled playfully.I really wanted to run now.

He grabbed the blanket he was holding and wrapped it around my wolf while I shifted back."Are we leaving now?"I asked surprised that time had gone by so quickly and the sun was nearly setting."Yeah we're going now"he smiled and looked backed Jeremy who nodded his head.

Mark put his arm around me making sure that the blanket stayed put and that I wasn't too revealed. I didn't really want to go home since I was afraid there would be another gift from Marius and I'm sure Mark knew that too.

When we went inside nothing seemed off which was a good start.I looked over at Mark who was already staring at me with lust in his eyes.I rolled my eyes and started to walk towards the stairs.I didn't reach the first step before he put his hands on my hips.

"You don't have to put clothes on just yet"he said his voice a little hoarse.I shivered as he gave me a small kiss on my shoulder.He moved his hands higher to wear I was holding the blanket up.I slowly let go and allowed him to take it off.He growled and threw me onto the couch,attaching himself to one of my breasts.

"Mark!"I gasped and ran my hands through his hair and gripped it tightly.He moaned against my nipple and bit it lightly.I started panting crazily as he moved his hands lower and started to rub me agonizingly slowly.

"Please Mark faster please"I moaned moving my hips against his hand.

He growled and sat up looking away from me.I whimpered feeling hot and bothered.I sat up and started to rub his chest.

He stood up and I pouted at him,"I have to go.Put clothes on please"he begged and I looked at him confused.

"Rogues are attacking...a lot of them"he said handing me some of my clothes that I left in the living room.

"So you're fight?"I said and felt my stomach twist in knots.

He nodded his head and looked guilty,"But what if-"I didn't even want to think of the what ifs.

"Please stay inside.Trevor and Isaac will be here as fast they can.I love you"he said kissing me hard.

"I love you"I whispered against his lips kissing him one last time and watched him run outside and shift into his wolf.

I put my clothes on not being able to not think of Mark fighting.Of him getting hurt,feeling pain,or worse.I felt more nervous as it got darker.What if he doesn't come back?What if someone comes inside the house?

"I'm fucking useless!"I yelled to myself throwing my hands in the air.

Trevor and Isaac stormed inside the house shirtless and scared.

"Luna are you alright?"Isaac asked and I nodded my hand.

"Did you just come from where the rogues were?"I asked and they nodded their heads.

"Was there a lot?"I asked and wished I didn't since they nodded their heads again.

"But we've got our best pack fighters out there and Mark of course,he's one of the best.You shouldn't have to worry about anything"Isaac said quickly reassuring me.I gave him a small smile and watched Trevor lock the front door.

"We can't take any chances though"he said and left to go secure more of the house.

I felt cold without Mark here,I can't even imagine what he's doing now.

"Do you need to sit down?"Isaac asked walking closer to me to make sure I was okay.

I shook my head,"No I'm fine I just need a minute to breath"I said.

"Trust me Crystal he'll be fine"he said and I smiled at him.

"You finally called me Crystal"I said and he smiled.

We were interrupted by someone clearing their throat.I looked at the top of the steps and practically felt my heart jump out of my throat,Marius.

"Sorry to break up this little exchange but I'm here to take what's mine"he said and I heard Isaac growl loudly next to me as pulled me behind him.

Marius laughed loudly,"Is that supposed to scare me pup?"he said.

I felt Isaac grip my wrist and run as fast as he could pulling me with him and not letting go.

"Come on once we reach the pack house we'll be safe"he said and I ran as fast as I could in my human form.There was no time for us to shift since Marius could attack us mid-shift.

I heard the thundering of paws behind us but I didn't dare look back.Then the sound stopped and I felt Marius jump over us and land straight in front of us.I let out a small yell as he snarled at us.

Isaac growled too letting his canines out and slowly backed us away from me.

"No more running princess,YOU'RE MINE"he lunged scratching his claws against Isaac's chest,his silver claws.He howled in pain but didn't fall.He pushed me back making me fall onto the ground and I watched as if shifted into a brown wolf with black paws.

"Run Crystal!"he shouted and started to fight Marius.As much as I wanted to get us both out of here,I had to listen to him.

I started running in the direction of the pack house again.I shouldn't have looked back but I couldn't help it.I had to know if Isaac was doing okay.I looked back and heard Isaac let out a loud yelp as Marius bit into his throat.He threw his limp body to the ground and looked at me showing his bloody teeth.

"Isaac!"I screamed but started running away when Marius started to run towards me.

"Mark!Mark!Help me! It's Marius-"I got cut off when I felt him run into me and knock me onto the ground.

I felt him shift and breath heavily over me,I whimpered as he dug his nails into my shoulder and turn me around to face him.

"I've got you now princess"he said and put his hands on my neck.I struggle and kicked as much as I could to get away but it was no use and I was to feel light-head.

"Crystal?Where are you!?Answer me baby please!"I heard Mark say in my head.

"I'm s-so sorry....I love-"I fade into darkness.

Please don't hate me. I know this chapter is really short and I left it on a cliffhanger,sorry. And sorry if there are any mistakes.


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