Chapter 29

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Crystal's POV

I didn't argue against Mark spending his whole day with part of the pack since Rebecca said she needed to tell me something anyways.

"I'm not weak" she tells me as we sit down on the leather couches in my bedroom.

"Of course you're not weak Rebecca. You're mated to a wolf. You can be just as strong as he is or even more so!" I encourage her but she shakes her head.

"That's not what I meant. I'm a wolf hunter" she says and I feel a little offended at her words.

"I mean..I was a wolf hunter. I can help tonight." She says and I sigh. I can't put her in that kind of danger.

"Rebecca..." she interrupts me.

"Don't. You all see me as some weak human. I'm not. I've fought and killed before. You're going to be killing my family tonight" she says and I wince at her words feeling slightly guilty.

"If you tell us what your parents look like then I can tell Mark.." she shakes her head again.

"My parents have been dead for years. It's my grandfather I'm worried about. He's the only person I care about the most from my family. I can't let him die." She says and I see her eyes get glassy so I grab her hand.

"Rebecca I don't want to hurt you. But the night they rescued me. A lot of wolves and people died. I'm not sure he'll be out there tonight" I say and she squeezes my hand.

She takes a deep breath and nods her head before getting up and reaching into the case she brought with her, well actually snuck in with her for some reason.

"Then I want to be there for you "she says and holds something covered in a thick cloth in her hand. She sits back down and uncovers it and I flinch when I see the small silver blade.

"Rebecca you can't just casually bring silver into this house. That's a threat!" I scold her but she doesn't say anything and grabs my hand.

"I want you to keep it for tonight. I don't know if you'll need it but it doesn't hurt to have it" she says and I shake my head.

"I can't even touch it!" I exclaim and she brings out a leather garder that looks like it was made to carry the knife.

"You can wear this under a dress. The handle isn't silver. It might feel hot against your skin but it won't burn" she says and lays the covered knife in my hand. I gasp but relax when I realize she's right. The metal is extremely warm but the cloth between my skin keeps it from burning.

"Rebecca. Jeremy wouldn't want you out there" I say and she rolls her eyes.

"I don't care what he thinks. He doesn't control me. And even if he does find out I'll tell him you didn't know a thing" she swears and I shrug my shoulders worrying for my only girl friend in the world.

"Okay. Just be careful. Please." I say and she nods and we embrace in a hug. I want to fight her and tell her no. I want to tell Jeremy to make her stay but she can take care of herself. I just don't want more people dying than necessary.

"You have to get dressed now" she says and I nod and go change into a dress long enough to cover the blade I wrapped around my thigh in the garder. When I leave the bathroom after changing I notice Rebecca stocking up on arrows in a pouch to sling across her back.

"You're really serious?" I ask her and she smiles at me.

"I'm one of the best in my family." She beams proudly and touches her bow fondly.

"I'll find a place high enough to keep an eye on everything and Jeremy won't notice. Let's go" she says leaving the room and I follow after her.

Once we're outside Mark gives Gabriel the order to camouflage our wolves. Seeing him do it sent chills down my back but I focused on Mark to calm myself. The darker it got outside the more nervous I felt. Finally we stopped and Jeremy began walking ahead of us. Marius came out with Trevor and fear overcame me.

As far as I could tell they seemed to be alone but I didn't like how close Trevor was getting towards Jeremy. Then almost out of nowhere they began fighting and I gasped worrying for Jeremy. That's when I felt Marius' eyes fall on me and making feel disgusting but I had to be brave.

I hear wolves growl behind me and I see that Gabriel's spell has broken and Marius knew we weren't alone.

"You think I'm stupid enough to come alone?" He says and smiles as he lifts his arms up but nothing happens.

"You have no one!" Mark yells and pushes me more to hide behind him.

"Really?" Marius says and begins lifting his right hand. I squint my eyes to look farther behind him and I see something silver shine in the moonlight in the trees.

But before I can even react to warn Mark the arrow goes off and an excruciating pain collides with my shoulder. I let out a shaky breath and stumble for a second. Mark looks behind me and I see his eyes turn black with rage. The arrow begins to burn my skin and I feel blood beginning to trickle down from the wound.

"Mark.." I whimper wanting to reach out towards him. That's when I hear the same sound again I feel like someone has torn out a huge part of my body as I fall to the ground. This arrow went straight through me and I feel my blood beginning to spill below me. I hear another arrow but no one has been hit, that's when I hear a man groan from Marius' side. Rebecca..

"They're in the trees go!!" I hear someone yell and I feel Mark's presence behind me. My wolf cries out for him. He thinks we're already dead. I feel a tear roll from eye into the dirt and see Rebecca running towards me. She's yelling but I can't hear her but I feel Mark's warmth leave my side. I want to turn around and tell him I'm fine but I'm not. Rebecca places her hand on my wound and lays me on my back.

"You'll be okay!" I hear her cry. I cry out when I feel a sharp pain in my back and the same pain comes again.

"It's Mark! He's in trouble!" I gasp and Rebecca stands up grabbing her bow and I see her shoot some arrows far away from us.

I groan and look down at my wound, a lot of blood is coming from it. I start crying even more when I think about dying and bringing my unborn children with me.

"Get away from me!" I hear Rebecca scream and I see wolf lunge at her before she can shoot another arrow.

"No!" I weakly say and lift my arm but it's too late. The wolf that attacks her bites into her shoulder and throws her away like nothing.

He looks back at me and I realize it's Marius.

Isn't this a pretty picture he says in my head and stands above me snarling close to my face.

"You have me finally. You can save me we can get away from here" I lie to him causing him to stop growling. I lift my hands to pet the fur on his neck. He looks at me closely and i know i have him distracted. With my other hand I slowly bring my dress up and grab the blade.

"I have you" I whisper and burn my hand as I use the last bit of strength I have to slash his throat. His wolf whines and he shifts back to his human form and stares at me before grabbing his throat. He opens his mouth to say something and I smile when I see how betrayed he looks he grunts before collapsing on top of me. I feel his blood pouring on me and I cringe until I feel his weight being ripped from above me. Mark.

My eyelids are feeling heavier. Mark is saying something but I can't hear him. He lifts me up and I can't feel whether or not I'm touching his cheek.

I finished Marius. I finished all of this. Mark shakes me and I try opening my eyes but I feel too tired. My arms are getting cold, the ground is warm under me and I realize it's because of all the blood I lost. Then everything goes dark. I don't even remember closing my eyes. Did I ever open them in the first place? I couldn't feel where I was. I felt lost. Did I die?

I feel an overwhelming sense of panic come over me. I couldn't even feel my own body. I saw nothing and felt nothing. Then it came as loud as thunder. It felt like someone was whispering but it hurt to hear anyways. I began to feel warm again and almost like I could get a hold of where I was. It was a thrilling feeling I began to laugh happily when I felt like at any moment I would know exactly where I was.

"This life for yours. An immortal becoming mortal. Cherish your life" I hear the voice call out but I don't know where I can't even recognize the voice. I felt like calling out for them when my eyes finally opened.

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