Chapter 26

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"Crystal!" He yells after me but I have the upper hand and lock myself in our room.

"Leave me alone now!" I yell through the door. I feel tears of frustration form in my eyes. He's becoming  obsessed with killing Marous that he's willing to sacrifice his best friend that's done nothing wrong.

"I'll be back soon...I'll fix this. I'm sorry I love you" he says and I no longer feel his presence on the other side of the door.
I open it immediately,"Mark?!" I call out but he's already gone. Instead I see two men I haven't seen before.

"Where did he go?" I ask them.

"To see Jeremy,Luna. Like you wanted. You haven't met me. I'm Leo the third in command. I'll be watching over you with Ben. Until Isaac is out of the hospital and ready of course." He says and I nod my head.

"Did he say when we would come back?" I ask and he shakes his head. I close my eyes and sigh and excuse myself back into our room. I lay in bed expecting Mark to be back in about in hour or two but he doesn't. I'm worried he's actually done something to hurt Jeremy. As my thoughts jumble around for a few minutes when I hear a knock on the door.

"Luna I've brought you something to eat" I hear Leo's voice. I feel a little disappointed that he doesn't have any news about Mark but I take the food anyways.

It's almost 9 now and Mark still hasn't come home. I take the ultrasound photo out of my purse and run my fingers along the two circles. I didn't even get the chance to tell Mark what we're having. I feel tears well up in my eyes and I move the covers on top of my head and hold the picture tight until I fall asleep.

I wake up to the door opening and Mark's scent mixed with alcohol. I check the time and see that it's almost midnight.

"Are you kidding me?!" I yell my voice raspy from waking up.

"Princess" Mark smiles and throws himself on top of me. His eyes looks glassy but the way he holds me tight makes my anger melt away.

"What happened? Is Jeremy okay?" I ask and he growls and gives me a hard kiss.

"I apologized. He'll be back tomorrow and hopefully he'll be mated as well" he says with a smug tone,my eyes widen.

"What??" I yell and he laughs.

"I'm only joking. We talked for awhile I'm sorry I was gone long. As much as I love you there are things with mates that you don't understand. I helped him out was fun actually. Like we were teenagers again. I'm sorry I acted like that in front of you. I've missed you so much" he says and starts nuzzling himself into my neck and slightly tickling my sides.

I push his arms back and he looks angry at my rejection but I know he isn't really.

"You didn't even give me a chance to give you the big news" I say and his eyes widen as he looks at my stomach.

"How was your appointment? How's our son?" He asks and I laugh.

"What makes you so sure we're gonna have a boy? It's too early to tell" I say and he gets a cocky look in his eyes and kisses my nose.

"Sorry to dissapoint you sweetheart but my family has a history of having only boys" he says and I roll my eyes.

"Well if that's true then it looks like we'll be having sons then" I say and he smiles. Then his eyes widen when his drunk mind realizes what I said.

"Sons? Two of them? Jesus" he gasps and looks down at my stomach and places his hand on top of it.

"More of you to protect..."His voice trails off and he lowers his head so I can barely see his face.

"Mark what's wrong?" I say and shake his shoulder. He shakes his head and looks up at me.

"Nothing. You're carrying my sons. I love you. And me and Jeremy have worked a way to finally kill Marius." He says and I caress his cheek. He lifts himself up to finally lay on the bed fully and I lay my head on his chest as we wraps his arms around me.

"We'll be safe soon. I swear" he yawns and I watch him slowly fall asleep.

Morning comes and Mark wakes me up by kissing my forehead. I moan and turn away wanting to sleep some more. He laughs and tickles me softly.

"Wake up." He whispers in my ear and kisses the back of my head.

I sigh and finally sit up to see him fully dressed and ready meanwhile I'm struggling to see him through my rats nest of hair that I have.

"Get ready I'm having a meeting I want you involved in" he says and I smile feeling excited to be able to finally act like the Luna of this pack. I jump out of bed and shower and change into a loose blue t-shirt and some black jeans.

We walk to his office and I smile as I see Rebecca sitting there with Jeremy standing behind her. But I become overjoyed when I notice Isaac sitting in the office as well. I want to ask how he feels but I know there's more important things to talk about to ensure the safety of this pack. Leo comes into the room finally and I sit down next to Rebecca as Mark clears his throat to talk. Except Jeremy is the one who talks first.

"Tomorrow night is when Marius plans to end it all." He says and Rebecca grabs my hand. I guess I must look nervous.

"Trevor thinks I'm on his side and has told me that Rebecca's family is no longer on his side. Tomorrow I told him I'll be able to lure you and Mark into a trap he's set up." He says and I feel somewhat relieved that no more wolves will be harmed by those humans,Mark starts talking to continue the plan.

"Instead I'm bringing Gabriel with us and some of our best fighters to surround him. As much as I want to keep you away from this Crystal. If he doesn't catch your scent with me then he'll know it's a trap and run again. We'll never get a chance to catch him alone like this. As for your brother Jeremy." He looks at Jeremy and I notice Jeremy nod his head.

"My brother is a traitor. I know what you must do as our Alpha and I won't argue against it" he says but I notice the pain behind his eyes.

"So that's it? It'll all be over tomorrow night?" I say and smile. Isaac stands proud and pats Leo on the back hard.

"He doesn't suspect a thing. You'll finally be safe and this pack will have nothing to worry about" he says and I smile and I look at Mark who's already been looking at me for awhile.

I'm scared but ready. I know I'll be well protected. It'll be over soon. All this pain and suffering will end and soon the only worry I'll have will be to worry about the two lives growing inside me.

A/N: Please don't forget to vote!!

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