Chapter 10

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The car screeched as it abruptly stopped and made me slam my head against the dashboard hitting my forehead.

"Ah!"I gasped holding my head.

"Crystal?!"Mark yelled and grabbed my shoulders and faced me towards him. He looked at my forehead closely and pressed his thumb against it.

"Ah!Stop!"I gasped and slapped his hand away. He growled at the gesture and I shrunk back into my seat.

"I'm sorry"he said but he wasn't the one who should be apologizing. He started the car again and was driving at a more comfortable speed.

I need to say something,anything he's so angry right now. It is my fault,I shouldn't have been so stupid. What if that man did something even worse?What was he talking about anyway?That I was one of them. He couldn't possibly know what I really was. But that book,it shouldn't even exist.

The car stopped and I saw that we were already back at the house. He exited quickly and started grabbing the bags from the back. I tried to grab one but he didn't let me.

"Just get inside and go upstairs,Cris"he said and I glared at him. I almost snapped at him for calling me that but just turned around and stomped inside and upstairs to the bedroom.

I realized that I couldn't even go to bed because all the new pajamas I had gotten were with Mark. I growled and threw the covers off and got under them.

Mark came in but I didn't look at him. I heard him put down the bags and then leave.Really?He didn't even say one word to me. He came back a few minutes later and sat on the bed.

"Here"he said and I saw he was holding an ice pack. My lips cracked into a small smile. I grabbed it and put it against my forehead.

"Thanks"I said but he didn't say anything back. I took the ice off my head and looked at him.

"I'm sorry I lied"I said and he tensed."What if I didn't get to you in time?"he growled and I looked at my lap.

"Who knows what that little fucker would have done to you!?"he shouted and I flinched.

"I know I know,but you were there and nothing bad happened"I said and grabbed his hand. He sighed and I knew he had forgiven me.

He moved his hand on top of mine and started rubbing my palm with his thumb. The simple touch was sending shock waves up my arm.

"Were you just about to go to bed?"he asked and I nodded,I still needed to change."Your not sleeping in just this are you?"he said and I laughed.

"Well you had my bags!"he smirked and I looked at him curiously."You didn't look inside of them did you?"I asked and he grinned,I felt my heart flutter oh god he's too perfect. I felt my face heat up and I threw the covers over myself and laid down.

He laughed and laid on me"I thought it was all very cute.....especially that lace one"he said his voice sounding so sexy. I groaned and sank myself deeper into the mattress.

He pulled the covers up and got under with me,"When were you planning on wearing it for me?"he said and I rolled my eyes."Who said it was for you?"I replied playfully but I guess he didn't take it playfully.

He growled loudly and moved on top of me pinning my arms to my sides.

"No one will ever see you like that except for me and me only.You're mine!"he growled and I saw his eyes change a few shades darker. I couldn't help but smile at how possessive he was acting.I leant up and kissed his neck,he moaned and loosened his grip on my arms.

"Let's go to sleep"I said and yawned,he looked disappointed but got off of me.He sat up and took off his shirt and gave it to me.I smiled and took it since I was too lazy to get out of the bed and look through the bags.

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