Chapter 2

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My ribs ache with every turn and bump in the road. I groan and hiss in pain but they don't care. They're not cruel but they're not exactly nice either. The car finally stops and I feel a chill run through me. My bag is handed to me finally.

"Get dressed. Don't try anything" the one whose name I don't know says. I do as he says. It's hard with my new injury but I try my best and manage to put on underwear and another dress I had.

The door opens before I even say I'm dressed yet. I keep my head down and carefully hop out holding my side.

"Take her through the back. We don't need everyone seeing her." Trevor says and I smell barbecue in the air. I feel guilty for being caught now. As if I intruded on something so personal.

"We can tell Mark tomorrow. Until then just leave her in a cell overnight" he says and my wolf stirs inside me hearing the name Mark. I ignore the feeling and feel him pull me by my arm. I'm limping as fast as I can trying to keep up with him when we reach a cellar door. He let's me go and opens it and I see a stairwell leading underground. My breathing almost stops and I feel cold. This is really happening.
"Come on" he says and extends his hand out for me to grab. I understand why when I notice how far apart the steps are and he keeps me from falling a couple times. There's a scent on him that's causing my wolf to be all riled up. She becomes quiet when I'm overcome with the stench of other rogues.

"What the hell is this place?" I say and he ignores me. He opens a door and all I hear is yelling and then all the attention is on me. I'm the only girl in this underground prison filled with rogues. Some of them with 5 men in one cell. As we walk past the cells they begin to yell vulgar things at me. On what they like to do to me and how I look. I begin to cry again at their words. We reach a cell in the middle that's completely empty and he puts on a pair of gloves next to it. That's when I notice the cells are made of silver. I gasp and back away but he grabs my arm tight and forcefully shoves me inside.

I gasp as the rogues on either side of me begin to cheer and pound at the bars and hurting themselves just to reach me. I look behind me, at the man with tears in my eyes.

"The Alpha will see you tomorrow" he says and leaves.

"Oooh The Alpha outta let us punish you rogue." A male wolf says in the cell to my left. Another wolf on the other side laughs.

"God knows how much he hates us Rogues. He'd enjoy to see one punished real good" he says and smiles and I see he doesn't have much teeth.

I sob and collapse in the middle of the cell not wanting to be near the sides. They continue their threats all night and begin throwing dirt at me and spitting at me. I cry loud just to drown out their words. I'm thankful to finally cry myself to sleep.

The morning isn't any different when I wake up. They're still yelling and acting like animals. I can no longer cry since my eyes hurt so much but instead I sit against the wall waiting for the Alpha to come and judge me. I hear the creak of a door opening all the way on the other end of this prison and the rogues begin to quiet down.

Barely seconds pass when I catch an intoxicating scent that drives my wolf insane. The scent causes my body to heat up and tingle and I find myself out of breath all of a sudden. What the hell is wrong with me?? I try catching my breath when the rogue next to me sniffs the air and looks at me with lust in his eyes. They all begin looking at me and I begin to panic. They're standing and growling at me.

"What's wrong with all of you?? Sit the fuck down!" I hear the voice of the man from yesterday.

All of a sudden a loud growl echoes throughout the prison and all of them stand down. However it leaves a lasting affect on me. My body feels like it's on fire with each step I hear coming towards me. The steps stop a few feet from my cell and I want to get up and look at him but my legs feel like they'll collapse at any moment.

Another growl ripples through the prison and I gasp loudly at the feeling of how much power it holds. I hold my head down hoping to calm myself. I feel his eyes on me now and it takes all my willpower not to look up. My wolf is doing jumps inside me while I'm scared out of my mind. I've never felt like this before.

"Look at me" a deep voice shouts out that sends shivers down to a very sensitive area.

My head perks up immediately and I gasp when I meet his eyes. They slowly become black before me and I imagine mine do the same as my wolf yells in my head. Mate! Mate! Mate!

He growls again lowly as I stand up finally and slowly walk towards him. I have no control of my actions as I reach for him. He does nothing until my hand touches the silver bars and I scream and step back. That's when he regains his composure and storms out shifting into his wolf and leaving the prison.

"What..." I whisper to myself and hold my stinging hand. I look back at the man with him who looks just as shocked. He looks away from me and I can tell his Alpha is talking to him. He grabs the gloves and opens my cell.

"What's happening?" I say my voice cracking.

"I've been ordered to escort you off the pack lands" he says and my heart breaks. My wolf cries inside me and I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out.

"Come on" he says and I hear the sympathy in his voice as he leads me away. My bag is given back to me and I'm led outside.

He rejected me...the one I was destined for...doesn't want me..

It's not true he's ours!! His wolf calls for me even now I hear him!!

My wolf cries and I don't believe her. His wolf wants you. He doesn't want me. I start cry quietly as I'm slowly being led away from my mate and his pack. I try my best to walk as slow as possible but the doesn't stop us from reaching the pack border anyways. I walk past it and look back at him.

He doesn't look back but keeps his head down. "I'm sorry Luna.." he says and leaves me.

I let out a shaky sob and collapse to the ground holding my knees to my chest.

"I'm done crying. If he doesn't want me that's fine" I sob and wipe away my remaining tears. I watch the sun set and the moon come out but I do not change my position.

You can still go back...he wants us

"Shut up! I'm not listening to you" I say bitterly and continue to lay in the dirt feeling like garbage. It isn't until I hear a twig snap closely to me that I sit up immediately.

"Who's there?" I call out and I hear a low growl.

I grab my bag and roll back into the pack territory just as a wolf jumps out to attack me.

I gasp at the sight of him and gag at his smell. He towers over me in his wolf form with black matted fur and patches of it missing as well as his left ear being mutilated and scratches along his muzzle and sore covered paws. As for his smell I cover my nose and mouth and gag as he looks at me closer.

My beautiful your blood will taste

His voice echoes in my head and I gasp and start running. My ribs haven't healed yet so shifting is out of the question. But it's also not necessarily as I run he doesn't chase after me but just watches me. I continue running...

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