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All [Y/N] felt was hunger in their stomach, emptiness in the place they loved the most as they only ate what they could. Ever since they were born into this gluttony ring, there was a lot of food the gluttony imp could eat. But sooner than later, the food started to shrink. That made the poor demon go crazy with hunger, every waking hour they were hungry for food. They started to almost eat their self before a mind came along. "Why not just eat anything..." they thought as they ate anything they could land their hands on. Soon the hope died as there wasn't enough to fill the stomach of  [Y/N]. As [Y/N] was running out of hope, they found a simple demon roaming around the fleshy floors of the torture room.

[Y/N] eyes glowed orange as their teeth sharpened at the smell of 'meat'. Meat is all they want, meat is all they live for, meat is all they eat... what else can they eat beside the dirty bone from those foolish mortals that died by satan's hands or by those hellish whips the imps lashed at them. [Y/N] went into the dark corners, watching the naive imp just curiously poke the double dead bodies in the room they were in. Laughter reaches into [Y/N]'s ears, the laughter of an imp having fun messing around with the dead bodies.

[Y/N] let out an eerie chuckle as well, they wanted to laugh too. What's so funny? Why would they laugh? Why wouldn't they laugh. The small red imp jolts seeing a humanoid demon just standing there, greasy hair covering their nude body, orange horns that curl around the demon ears as their tail wrap around their leg. Their golden eyes already piercing the soul of this poor simple imp, but [Y/N] only saw meat.. meat..they wanted meat. [Y/N] stepped forward into the light, blood was already splattered on the dear hunger imp that begged for to be filled with nutrients.

The stomach of them growled as they eyed the imp, the red imp noticed and checked their pockets. Pulling out a nice loaf of bread for the other hungry imp, as [Y/N] walked closer and closer. They sniffed the air, smiling at the smell of bread, they lost the smell of what bread tasted back then. [Y/N] hungrily ate the bread like a savage beast, their canines/fangs digging into the slight crusted and rough bread. The sounds were slightly horrifying for the imp that was just staring at the poor hungry imp. Each bite made the crazed look slightly go away, but this bread wasn't good...it didn't feel up then poor orange eyed imp.

Nor did it help the growling stomach. The red imp flinched, the orange golden eyes didn't settle in right for the small one as they looked for another piece of bread in their inventory. The stomach growled, making [Y/N] growled louder. "Hungry...." The orange eyed demon says as their fangs grow longer, their spine started to look deform. Cracks and snaps echo in the air. The poor imp ran off screaming, leaving the gluttonous crew behind. Salivating for meat, they chased after the imp to not find them.

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