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BREATHING HEAVILY, [Y/N] was like in heat. But for hunger instead. They thought it would be funny to starve themselves, knowing damn well they go hostile and aggressive when hungry. All because their dumb little brain saw a woman on the internet talking about starving. It was talking about Ramadan, but of course the demon didn't know what it was really about. Clearly not knowing about human culture or any culture or religion.

The demon's curved horns and sharp tail waving aggressively at the thought of clawing someone's neck out and drinking the blood. Their canine teeth sinking into their bottom lip, blood dripping from the bite. They growled, hugging their stomach as it rumbled badly. The demon didn't know how to cook, they didn't even know where to look for the ingredients as they deemed it rude to just look around in someone's house.

Even if the house was something that sheltered them. Micheal was out of the house, so was Ms. Chi because of her work. Micheal was out getting more groceries, the supermarket was kinda far away but traffic was terrible on this slight cloudy day. [Y/N] grunted, holding their stomach more, clawing at the fluffy pillows and whimpering. This demon was going crazy inside, ready to unleash a beast. The demon started to chant what was going on their head.


MICHEAL CAME BACK HOME, he didn't mean to take long from the supermarket market. He says his usual greeting in Korean, sitting the groceries down. But as he looks around the house, it was oddly dark as well. He had left at 3:30, and now it's 5:00 pm. "[Y/N]?? Where the hell are you?" Micheal said with a worried expression. He walked down the hall, the hall looked scary with a nerve wrecking aura. It felt like a trap as the male chi walked down the hall only to be pinned against the wall. Micheal grunted in pain, feeling his wrists feel a tight grip on them.

Immediately the male chi looked up to see glowing orange eyes. Micheal scoffed, "listen asshole. I know I was gone, but that doesn't give you the...right..to..." Micheal slowed his speech when he heard the low growling sound in the demon's stomach and throat. Micheal's eyes widen, scared at how the hungry demon eyed him up and down like a whole meal. Immediately Micheal felt fear, he tried to pull his wrist from the damned creature towering over him. But as he moved, the shape spade tail immediately pierced the wall beside the red head's head. Micheal whimpered scared, those orange eyes were dangerously bright.

Growling vibrated from the wall, Micheal then suddenly kicked [Y/N] in their gut. Just like that one time, and it worked as the demon grunted and held their stomach. [Y/N] let out a low grumble, immediately Micheal dodged the sharp tail trying to pierce him. Micheal ran towards the door only for the demon tail to wrap around the male's leg and drag him to the ground. [Y/N] let a low grumble, vibrating in their throat. Micheal felt tears prick his eye, he was scared that he was going to die.

"P...please don't hurt me..i don't what happened [Y/N]..I know you snapped but I know you are still in there!" Micheal said feeling [Y/N] tower over the fallen chi male. The demon tail tightened around the male's ankle. It seemed the speech didn't go through the hungry demon as the demon man handled the male to the floor. Micheal screamed scared, [Y/N] held their big palm on the male's head. Pushing the Korean's face uncomfortably to the wooden floor, the demon scanned the male's body thoroughly. Until they came upon the neck, they licked their lips.

Releasing a low chuckle, sending chills to the male below them. [Y/N] pinned the male down further, eyes glowing a blazing orange as they bite the male chi in his neck. Micheal screamed and kicked [Y/N], only for the demon to push their bigger hand over the mouth of their human companion. [Y/N] drinks the blood out of the male's neck, gulping a lot of it as Micheal whimpered. His eyes lowing in pain as his body freezes at how he was pinned the ground. The resisting of the male stopped, the face beat red before it faded due to his blood getting sucked.

After drinking at least a few more drops of the blood, [Y/N] licked their mouth with a slow gaze. The hunger stopped, the orange eyes go back to [color] eyes. The demon finally came back to its senses when he heard a feminine like whimper from the male below them. [Y/N]'s eyes widen seeing the male chi look like a complete mess as there was scratches, from the wooden floor scrapping up his knees, and a clear bite mark that seemed to bruise the poor male's slight pale skin. Micheal smiled seeing the real [Y/N] come back, the demon lifted up Micheal worried and with care. Micheal lets out a few words before passing out.

"I'm glad you're back to normal...."

[Y/N] FELT ASHAMED, they hit their head as to degrade themselves for their dumb act. Why must they be so stupid! Why can't they think normally! Hurting their companion is a big no no! [Y/N] groaned and covered their face with their big hands. They were beside the male chi who held a bandage on the bruising bite mark. They cleaned the male, having them wash the body in the bath tub. Even going to the far mesure of dressing the red head male up and setting him in the soft bed. The demon had waited and waited to see if the male would wake up. Our demon protagonist would even keep track of the temperature of the mortal human. Scared that their biting might had infected the human mortal. [Y/N] whimpered sadly before sighing.

"I'm a dumbass..."

Silence rang through the air, [Y/N] sighed again. Covering their in disgust.

"you sure are.."

that made the demon jolt close to the male know as micheal. Micheal smiled weakly before patting [Y/N]'s cheek gently. The demon's eyes teared up, immediately peppering the male's face with kisses. Micheal smiled softly seeing how their companion was acting. The demon was his after all.

"Mimi!! I'm sorry I'm dumb, please forgive me!!" The demon pleaded, rubbing their head against the human's nape. "I forgive you, you big dope. And stop kissing my face idiot..." Micheal said with a flustered expression. [Y/N] only smiled, a small hiccup erupted from their throat as they nodded and purred at the sigh of their friend was okay.

"But...." Micheal raised a brow at how the demon started a new sentence as the demon still looked sad and ashamed. "I thought, you would hate me..mimi...are you scared of me?" Micheal's eyes widen before sitting up, not caring if he was still weak. He cupped the nimbo's face, rubbing his thumb pads gently on the cheeks of the gluttony demon. "No...I'm not scared..." Micheal says before kissing the top of [Y/N]'s forehead.

"Plus I don't care okay? I still love you idiot....."


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