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IT WAS [Y/N]'S TURN TO GET GROCERIES, after Micheal stopped being embarrassed about being his full self to the demon. He told the demon where to get midol and other stuff for him when it's ever that time of the month. And the demon listened closely, only for some to blank out. But mainly the reason on why the damn demon was going to the grocery store was because they kept eating the snack and Micheal's favorite snacks.

Micheal was livid as he held his pink slipper and chase the giant around the house. [Y/N] pouted as they were getting scolded, having their hands on their thighs as Micheal bonked them lightly on their head. "Whatever...just go and come back home safe idiot.." Micheal says huffing, pushing the demon out of the house. But now without kissing their cheek and a warning.

"If anyone dares to flirt with you, I'm cutting their head off..understand?" The red haired male said to the demon who seemed to just blink confused.


"Good! Love you, and you bettter bring back more snacks you asshole!!" Micheal says with a quick mood change. Slamming the door in front of the poor confused demon who only sighed and walked out of the neighborhood.

"Why does he always kick me out the house...."

A YOUNG LADY FLIRTED WITH [Y/N], poor demon was just trying to get Micheal's favorite fruits only for a blonde lady in a tight black dress to approach them. As [Y/N] looked at her dress, curious on why a black dress. Her dress was black like licorice, and [Y/N] hated licorice. [Y/N] immediately looked away, unbothered by the lady trying to get their number. It was useless as they didn't have a human phone. So what's the point. But the lady didn't give up, she kept complaining about how lonely in bed it is for her. [Y/N] blank out said for her it get a teddy bear which left her confused and stumped.

"A teddy bear...what kinda softie sleeps with a teddy bear at night?" The lady thought before shaking the thought off.

"Well that okay you delicious hunk! I could be your teddy bear tonight if you know what I mean~" the lady then pressed her boobs against the demon who immediately backed away. "No. I think don't need a teddy to sleep.." the lady scoffed. "Cmon big boy, I'm cuddly like a teddy~"

"No thank you..."

"What about I can be your blanket? I'm warm tooooo~"

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