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BEELZEBUB SULKED, 3 years, 2 months, 6 days has it been without his servant he missed. He counted the days of the day he left you. He hasn't eat as much, and that's coming from the sin of gluttony. After Lucifer banned you from hell, he immediately acted like an edge lord and ignored Lucifer every time he tried to discuss something to him. Beelzebub was feeling emotional and sad today. It was because his loyal servant and friend, whom he had created in the Gluttony Ring, had been banished to Earth.

Beelzebub had a soft spot for this servant; they was kind, loyal, and always did what they were told. It wasn't fair to Beelzebub why the Lucifer and Satan had against the cute demon. They had decided to banish them while the Prince of gluttony was asleep. All Beelzebub knew was that they missed his other half deeply. He couldn't do anything now but be sad and emotional about the situation that happened 3 years ago.

Everytime he looks at his bed, he reminds himself about how the demon cuddling up close to his chest. Poor Beelzebub. He couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness as he grimaced about his servant. Beelzebub had spent countless days grooming the young demon, teaching them his ways and instilling in them the importance of loyalty and obedience.

To see his servant, a being that he had come to care for deeply, banished to the mortal realm was a painful reminder of the cruel and unforgiving nature of demon society and rules. Beelzebub knew he should not feel sad; the banishment of his servant was for the good of the Gluttony Ring and the others as he failed to feed them that day. Making the poor demon snap and harm another demon in the other wrong. But still, he couldn't help but feel a tinge of regret and bitterness.

Finally, he got tired of this painful feeling, he just had to see the again. Even if it's only for one day. Eventually, the prince of gluttony went into Lucifer's office. Sneaking in and taking a book to the human world, saying a few chants. The male's eyes widen happily, seeing the portal to the human world work. With a huge grin, Beelzebub got ready to walk in the portal. Ready to see his loyal friend.


[Y/N] SMILED, watching their human companion play mortal kombat before rage quitting. Yelling that the other player had hacks on and was cheating. [Y/N] snuzzled the neck of the male chi, micheal didn't have the energy to even complain like usual as he just sighs in annoyance.

Apparently the male chi was sitting in the lap of the tall ass demon. [Y/N]'s tail wrapped around the male's waist, finally Micheal turned to look to see [Y/N] looking at him with a loving look. Micheal blushed, feeling the tail push the human close to the demon's chest. [Y/N] purred deeply, laying their big hands on the male's thighs. Micheal whimpered a little, feeling [Y/N] squeeze them, the warm hands basically groping his own thighs.

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