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THE RAT SQUEAKED TOWARDS THE DEMON, it was late at night and [Y/N] snuck out of the house. Not even caring to be quiet, the adult demon wanted to visit their small companion who immediately ran towards the tall demon. [Y/N]'s heart started racing with excitement. They had been planning this for weeks. They knew it was against the rules, but they didn't care. As they approached their rat friend lived, a sense of trepidation washed over them.

What if they got caught? What if Micheal and Ms. Chi found out? Well the demon did leave the snuggle session from the sleeping male chi. The rat climbed onto the demon's hand, making our protagonist calm down those fast thoughts. The squeaks of the rat made [Y/N] smile happily. "It's okay, it's okay! I'm here." They hugged their friend, the rat, and felt a sense of relief wash over them. The demon knew they had made the right choice to visit their favorite companion. They were just happy the rat was okay at least when they haven't visited much after the past 3 years.

And now the demon was happy to say that they were now relaxing with a a dirty city rat. [Y/N] smiled, putting down an uno card whilst the rat just sat there holding 25 cards. "Oops, guess I won! UNO!" Said [Y/N] who slammed their cards down in excitement. The rat squeaked in frustration and pushed their tiny arms to push the cards they had down in their hands. [Y/N] laughed, holding their stomach at the funny moment they just watched.

[Y/N] picked up the uno cards and shoved them in their plaid pj pants, they didn't even care to switch out of their pj's. They only wanted to have fun for the night. "What's good mister rat?" Said the low voice of [Y/N] while they scratch under the rodent's chin. The rat squeaked, probably saying that he was fine.

[Y/N] showed their natural toothy grin, showing their sharp canines. "That's good! I got bad news tho.." [Y/N] pouted whilst the rat sat down behaving strangely like a little kid waiting for his teacher to say something. "Mimi banned from the pastry shop...he's such a..uh bootyhole?" [Y/N] said with a confused expression. "But either way I love him..so I should respect him..but he's asleep which means I can do whatever I want!!" [Y/N] exclaimed, picking up the rat with one hand and lifting it up. Then the demon pointed one hand towards the pastry.

"You're going to love being inside!!

A/N: that's why she said.

THE DUO SMILED AT THE PASTRY, [Y/N] might've been banned from going there by Micheal. Well also by Luis as his ass ran to the door and put the open sign to close. The poor cashier was scared of the big back creature. But who said they couldn't go at from the trash like they use to do back then when they first came to this realm. [Y/N] snickered, handing a cupcake to the rat. The rat smiled happily and eat it slowly. The scent of sugar and spices emanated from the pastries, and [Y/N] instinctively gravitated towards them.

It seemed that fate was on their side tonight, as the pastries were perfectly edible and would certainly satisfy their hunger and thirst. Without hesitation, [Y/N] began devouring the pastries, savoring each bite and feeling a sense of relief with each swallow. The rat paused their eating, amused at how fast the gluttonous ate.

The scent of half-eaten pastries wafting up their nose. Though they knew it wasn't wrong, their stomach grumbled with hunger. They scanned the area for any cameras or other people who may be watching. Satisfied that they were weren't watched, they reached into the dumpster and grabbed a half-eaten bear claw. They hesitated for a moment before biting into it. The flaky crust was sweet and melted in their mouth, and they immediately regretted not having grabbed two. They glanced around again, making sure no one was watching, and then grabbed another pastry, taking a huge bite out of it.

Y/N was so caught up in the taste of the pastries that they forgot about the trash and the smell that surrounded them. The rat dropped their cupcake crumb in pure shock. Squeaking trying to snap the demon out of its food trance. They continued grabbing pastries, stuffing their face until they were stuffed with sugary goodness, no longer caring about others' opinions or the consequences.

When they were finally satisfied, they threw the bags back in the dumpster and walked away with a spring in their step. In that moment, Y/N had found the definition of true happiness and company with the rat beside them. The two best friends started to walk through the streets. Even having fun at the park and the swings. [Y/N] had lightly pushed the swing that the rodent was on.

Laughter was heard through the empty park before it seemed that time was over. [Y/N] now had to go home, but this time they were bringing company. The rat was now their pet, and happily enough the rat jumped in the demon's shirt. The demon didn't mind and only smiled going to the house hold of the chi family. .

[Y/N] chuckled, hushing the cute pet they adopted as the rat squeaked. Happy to come to the house they heard their demon companion talked about. As the demon opened the door of the house hold quietly, immediately the living room light was turned on and a person was standing there with an angry but worry expression.

"[Y/N]....where the fuck have you been at..."

MICHEAL STOOD THERE LIKE A WORRIED WIFE, [Y/N] chuckled nervously as micheal only glared at the tall demon. "Where were you?" He said with a stern voice, standing in some pink slippers and pjs. "I...uuuuhh..." [Y/N] stuttered in their speech, making the male chi narrow his eyes now. "So you don't know how to speak English now huh??!" Micheal grabbed the demon by their collar, having their faces close together.

"And don't even try to tell me lies! I was worried asshole! You left and you didn't tell me..." Micheal's eyes tear up, letting go of the demon's collar. [Y/N] sighs. The demon felt guilty, guilty that they didn't tell their human companion their whereabouts. The demon puts their hands on the male's hips. Micheal relaxes in their touch, eyes softly gazing up to [Y/N]. "I'm sorry Mimi..." [Y/N] says softly, kissing the watery eyes of the male in front of them.

Micheal blushes feeling the romantic tension in the air, [Y/N] only smiled and moved their hand to rub their thumb pad gently on his cheek. It was like the moment was high, the two 'friends' start to inch closer to each other. Micheal blushed and closed his eyes, and so did [Y/N]. The demon got close enough to the male's lip, where they felt each other breaths on another.

Finally as they got closer, Micheal heard a squeak. That made the red hair male open its eyes to see a rat in the demon's shirt. Micheal immediately backed up a bit, confused to see a rat. "Oh! I forgot about that...hahah." [Y/N] said nervously as the rat smiles at the male chi. Micheal raised a brow at the demon and crosses his arms in questioning. [Y/N] picked the pet of theirs out of their shirt and showed the human what they have.

".....why tf is there a rat in your shirt?"

why tf is there a rat in your shirt?"

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