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MICHEAL SIGHED, he was in deep thought about the kiss that was going to happen...he didn't know what he and the demon were to each other, but it was clear those two were destined to be together. Because right as of now, [Y/N] has their muscular arm wrapped around the skin waist of Micheal. Micheal blushed feeling the heavy hand rub the inside of his side. The poor male chi was trying so hard to not squirm as he was trying to shop for some fruits. He was craving some fruits for the day, he liked peaches along with mangos. God he wanted a smoothie, maybe he'll make one as well.

[Y/N] eyes the male chi, from top to bottom before eyeing some meat in the meat section of the market. God did that ham look ravishing, the demon swore that drool seeped through their mouth. Our demon protagonist let go of the concentrated male who was either on making a smoothie or eating the fruits whole. Micheal smiled, putting the mango and fruits into his basket. Not noticing a shady looking man behind him, without a single thought. The man grabbed the poor Korean male's rear, Micheal yelped and turned around fast to scold the person who he thought was [Y/N].

But as the young adult man turned around to meet a perverted male instead of the cute nimbo demon, Micheal jumped back with a disgusted look. "OI...what do you think you're doing touching me so freely..." Micheal said, glaring daggers at the male who chuckled. "Well I'm sorry...I thought you were a girl from behind. But I guess I found an another better thing instead cutie~" the man said, inching toward the male chi. The Korean male scoffed and moved back, easily getting out of the cornered situation. "Uhm no. My lover is waiting for me..." Micheal said, it was clearly a lie. But who knows when the lie might become the truth.

The man scanned the male's left hand, "I don't see a ring?" The male said smirking. The man then grabbed Micheal by his wrist, the poor male winched feeling the tight grip onto his wrist. It would possibly bruise if the man held on any tighter, luckily he didn't before he got pulled back with one hand by the 6'4 demon that sensed their øłm̷a̷ŧɇ best friend in distress. "What business do you have with him..." said the dark low voice of the demon, their hair covering the clear angered face of the creature. The clinched jaw and fist was a clear sign that they were angry. The grip they had on the man's collar made the man almost choke on his spit, the disgusting man never felt such a tight grip on his shirt.

"Hey man...calm down i didn't know this was your girl.." immediately Micheal felt ticked off at being called a girl. "IM A MAN, A MAN!" Micheal said pointing at himself, even the man knew. Michels felt as if the man was mocking him, which made [Y/N] scoffed and thrown the pathetic human to the ground. "If I catch you even staring at him, talking to him, even daring to go near him. I'm tearing your throat out and making it into a homemade hanger for his outfits." [Y/N] said with a deep voice, a growl slightly slipped out which made the man scoot back a bit. "Now scram..." and that was the final word that let the man go and run off like a little bitch. Oddly Micheal found this attractive of [Y/N], the way the demon handles the situation made Micheal feel special.

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