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[Y/N] WRAPPED THEIR TAIL AROUND THE MALE, the male they have always been around since they came to earth. Micheal was cooking breakfast for Ms.Chi and the demon behind him. Ms. Chi was sick from a co-worker at her job. "Omelette..do omelette." [Y/N] with a soft smile. "you idiot that's literally what I'm doing right now..." Micheal said, swatting off the demon tail around his waist. He didn't mind the tail around him, it's just he's busy cooking right as of now. Few minutes after the omelette was made, Micheal went to go to his mother to feed her.

[Y/N] on the other hand was watching Korean SpongeBob, even if the demon didn't know Korean much. They still laughed at Patrick getting hit on his head. "HAHAH, he got hit by a coconut!" [Y/N] smirked, immediately a commercial popped up about some sour straws. The gluttonous demon felt their stomach grumble, immediately the mouth drooled and they pushed their face against the television. Ms. Chi could be heard coughing a little, saying a small thank you towards the male chi in the household. "Alright eomma get well..." the red haired male said, Micheal smiled.

Walking down the hall and sitting down the tray in the kitchen. It was too quiet with made the male chi nervous. Looking into the living room to see the demon hypnotized by the sour straws shown on the television. "OI, what you lookin at??" Micheal says, untying the pink apron around his waist. "THIS! THIS I WANT!" Micheal deadpanned at the excitement from the demon.

"Ima gulp all these down MiMi!"

"Oh god...."

MICHEAL DEADPANNED SEEING THE SO DEMON, be high. Literally high off of sugar, the demon was waving to the wall with very much dilated eyes. Those sour straws definitely made the poor demon hallucinate and stuff. Micheal felt regret for even buying them, but he wanted the demon in his house to be happy. Micheal was also worried before the demon sat down and started to sob. "Mimiiii!! Where's my Mimi??!!" The poor demon exclaimed as they just look around, not even turning fully. Now Micheal was stifling a laugh, recording this for memories as this was so funny. The demon turned around to see the person they were looking for laughing. "MIMII!!" Micheal flinched seeing the giant run towards them with a happy smile.

"HEY! DONT RUN TOWARDS ME LIKE THAT!!" The male chi said, running away. [Y/N]'s foot steps were heavy, even if Micheal juked the demon, the demon grabbed him by his ankle with their tail. "Mimiii~" the demon says softly, pulling the human to their chest. "Ugh!! I should've never gave you them...." Micheal said as he felt air exiting out of his lungs due to the tight grip around him. [Y/N] purred lowly like a cat, clearly still high as they giggled lowly.

"You got two heads Mimi...I wanna kiss it!" [Y/N] says, leaning close to kiss the red head. Immediately the male chi pushed the face of the demon away. "Nuh uh! Don't you dare bastard!!" Micheal says embarrassed, clearly he wasn't in the mood either to get a damn kiss.

Apparently the high demon got the wrong idea and licked the male chi with their long demon tongue. Micheal cringed, punching [Y/N] in their face making them grunt and drop the slight smaller male to the ground. Our protagonist pouted, seeing how they got treated like dirt from how they were just trying to hug the male. "Ugh, don't ever do that again idiot. Plus, you need to calm down or else my mom wakes up." Micheal said with a stern look. The demon nodded, trying to understand, but honestly the words from the male chi only came in one ear and out the other.

"Okaymimiiunderstandbuticanthelpbutlikehowtheytasted. Thanksforbuyingmethem!" The demon said in a quick pace. Micheal's eyes twitch before pointing to the ground, "I want you to run until you feel tired you asshole!!" The Korean man said, crossing his arms next as he sees the demon salute then start to run in circles like a dog chasing its tail. Micheal sat down, sighing softly as they wondered how much laps can this big as demon do.

"Yep keep running! Maybe if you keep running I'll take you to a buffet." The male said with a cheeky smile. Immediately that brought a lot of determination in the demon's stomach. "Bet!" Said [Y/N] while the ran even faster before smiling at the rush in them. "At least this bastard is getting an extra exercise in...the sugar rush should be ending soon." Micheal thought, looking at his phone. Minutes, til the minutes almost went by 2 hours?! Micheal felt sleepy from watching the dammed demon run.

[Y/N] ran around in circles whilst the human companion only watched with a tired dotted expression. Clearly the Korean male didn't know what to do before the dammed demon fell into onto their face. Micheal winced at what he saw before [Y/N] got up again and started to run in circles again. Micheal only facepalmed himself and looked away.

"Please help me lord...or even Beelzebub..."

[Y/N] PASSED OUT ON TOP OF THE MALE CHI, their big body crushing the slight smaller's one body. Micheal didn't mind it, of course not. The demon was finally done with their sugar rush, and the house was quiet. But it's the fact that this big back was snoring like a tired dad after construction.

Micheal smiled, feeling [Y/N] nuzzle against his neck. The moment and silence was so memorizing to the male chi, Micheal closed his eye feeling tired. As Micheal let out a slow breath, randomly he felt a wet drop on his neck. Making the male squirmed disgusted, turning his head he sees drool seeping out of the demon's mouth. Micheal cringed with a disgusted look.



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