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MICHEAL SIGHED, he hated this month. He hated it with all his heart. Waking up to see blood on his boxers, it made him sick as he realized why he kept getting headaches lately. Every time it's that time of the month, it makes him feel as if he wasn't who he is now. "Miya Chi..." someone who he doesn't know anymore, he only knows Micheal Chi. Of course his mom was and is supportive..but he hated the feeling of looking into the mirror shirtless and seeing those light scars under his chest. He hated it. He hated the feeling of being disgusted by his own body. He hated looking at himself sometimes, sometimes his body reminds him of 'her'.

The person he was before anything else, he didn't know why. He felt so weird. Micheal looked in the cabinet of the bathroom to find no pads, with a scoff he slammed them close. God, those cramps were rising in the boy's lower body. The poor male gripped his guy as tears prick his eyes, threatening to spill as he groans softly. His menstruation cramps were always the worst, he hadn't even noticed a simple demon smelling the smell of blood from afar. [Y/N] knocked on the bathroom door worried. "Hey, you okay Mimi?" Asked the demon who stood crossing their arms, worried for the male behind the door.

"No...I need...pads." Micheal said, slightly embarrassed as he flushed the toilet. "Pads?? Need pads for what??" [Y/N] thought before nodding outside of the door and going to get Ms.Chi on the house phone. After explaining the "symptoms" to the elder lady, Ms. Chi delivered groceries through DoorDash to the house. Not even saying a word. Micheal had a robe over his body when he heard the door bell rang in the house. His mom had texted him about the supplies that got sent to the house.

Micheal rushed out the bathroom with a flushed face, embarrassed for what the demon might see. The robe covering every inch of his body and pushing [Y/N] away from the Walmart bag. [Y/N] stood there shocked before the male entered the bathroom, a ripping noise was made as the light in the bathroom turned off. Micheal stood there without his bloodied underwear, having a new pair one with a new shirt as well that was comfortable. Micheal stood there, wearing one of [Y/N]'s shirts. It was clearly big on the male's body as it was to his thighs, the demon smiled at how cute the human looked to them.

"Aww Mimi is so cu-"

"Don't call me that."

[Y/N] froze, the pure darkness and seriousness in the voice of the male in front of them made them look shocked. "Huh...?" Micheal turned away from the demon, the cramps weren't really the best along with the moods he was feeling. "....dont call me Mimi. I need some alone time, call me when dinner is ready." Micheal says walking away from the demon who frowned. Clearly the male didn't want to be talked to, going to his room and closing it. Practically locking himself in his room.

"What's wrong with him?..."

THE DEMON CALLED MILES, [Y/N] called him because they felt like the friend of the male in the house will know what's wrong with him. Micheal would come out the room being affectionate, and then being cold. Literally the male was on the demon's lap a few minutes ago before they smelt blood again. It emitted from the embarrassed male who got up quickly and walked with his thighs pushed together tightly. Shuffling like a penguin. That made suspicion rise in the gluttonous demon.

So the demon was on the phone with their best friend.

"..listen okay? Micheal is trans, he was a female but transferred to a male. Does that make sense.." the other side was silent, miles sighed before continuing. "Okay so basically he felt like he was not in the right body. He didn't feel comfortable in his own skin I guess? But soon he found out who he wanted to be, so he became it. He felt normal and not trapped in that body. Becoming someone who he knows and is." After the explanation, [Y/N] nodded with a stern look. The demon also asked the brown haired male about what Micheal was going through as well, smelling blood always brought back memories from hell.

"He's on his period, he'll be fine on like day 3 or 4 I assume. It happens once a month, either at the beginning, middle or end. Cramps, mood swings ,and all that shit. I heard from him and other girls that cramps are the absolute fuckin worse man."

[Y/N] hummed, miles stayed quiet before asking the demon something.

"You gonna help him?"

The demon bit their lower lip, the thought of the Korean male in pain hurts their own demonic soul.

"I'll help him..I always will."

MICHEAL STAYED IN HIS ROOM, whimpering as he held a heating pad to where it hurts. [Y/N] walked in with a serious and concerned look, holding midol and some snacks. "...You're hurting baby." Micheal blushed at the pet name as he withers away from the presence of the giant demon in his room. "Blood smells bad, have you taken a shower?" [Y/N] asked before kneeling on the bed side so he can face micheal. Micheal shook his head no, the cramps were getting to him as he cringed feeling it again. Holding the heating pad close to his lower abdomen, [Y/N] sighed holding out the midol pills and the water bottle beside the bed.

"Please..take these. It hurts me to see you in pain micheal." Micheal froze, he never heard his real name being used by the demon who always called him nicknames. Micheal was sure that the demon would've slipped up and called him "Mimi...". The red haired male looked up to see those orange glowing eyes, they screamed protectiveness and concern. The Korean male sat up a bit, cringing at feeling weak. "Here." [Y/N] places the pills on the male's mouth and held the water bottle so Micheal could drink the pills along with the water.

After the Korean male finally took his medicine, [Y/N] picked him up. Not even caring if blood gets on their arm while they walked to the bathroom to run a shower for the poor male in slight pain now. "Taking a bath might seem weird..so please try to stand up to shower mich-" "Mimi..." Micheal says interrupting the demon. "Call me Mimi damnit..." [Y/N]'s eyes widen before softening.

"Okay Mimi..."

And the rest of the day was full of care as the demon took care of their human companion.

And the rest of the day was full of care as the demon took care of their human companion

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