𝐈𝐜𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲

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SLIVER HAIR FLOWED IN THE WIND, lately after 3 whole years. The chef of the city, the busy city was well known for his amazing pastry making. Julius dean. More as known as JD by his followers on insta or by his close friends. This sliver haired male noticed how he feels watched when taking the sweets out to the trash when it's time to clean the shop up. His icy eyes would look around, only to find nothing there and quickly go back inside. He has told his cashier Luis about it, but the grumpy male didn't care as he "didn't get paid enough" to hear about it. Luis and him were both 24, and finished college together.

Julius let out a small breath, wiping the sweat beads on his forehead after kneading some dough. Making sour bread wasn't for the weak at all, taking time was kicking his ass whilst Luis was on break. Luis's tangerine eyes watch TikTok, clearly not caring about how the sliver haired male was having trouble with this batch of dough.

"Can you get off your lazy ass and help me?" Julius said with a clear annoyed look, Luis looked up before looking down. "Ah I would but..you're too far away dude.." the dark haired male said with a smug smirk. A vein pops on the sliver head's forehead.

"Ah right..." JD smiles before dragging Luis by his ear. "GET YOUR ASS TO WORK!" "WHAT??! BUT MY BREAK TIME!!" "DOOOONT CARE!" JD said before kicking the male out from the back room. Luis scoffed, flipping the chef from behind the door before walking over to the counter to see some teenagers gushing over the pastries in the displays.

"Ah. New customers..."

MILES HUFFED, trying to pull the big ass demon who seemed to coo at the smell of a dead human in an alley. Probably due to alcohol poisoning. Miles tried to hold the demon by its sharp spade shaped tail, only for the grip to slip. Letting the beast go into the alley, eating the dead human by ripping its head off. The nerves system pulsing into the head until it stopped as [Y/N] swallowed the brain and such blood pours to the ground as the gluttonous creature ate like a starving man.

Miles gagged, turning his head before throwing up. He felt sick, but he had to take care of [Y/N] as if they were a dog since Michael was tired of the suppose demon always 'bugging' him. After [Y/N] was done eating the human, they burped exiting the alley blood stain free. "I'm done!" They said with a happy sharp smile. Miles lifted up a thumbs up before gagging again. [Y/N] patted the short male's back who seemed to appreciate the gesture.

"T-thanks man.." [Y/N] only smiled and helped the brown haired male stood up straight. "Next time, ima just walk the other way..." miles says walking with the demon who seemed to go back to their human appearance. "Yes yes..." [Y/N] says with a small smile. [Y/N] didn't know why they were going on a simple walk around the city. Oddly enough, the poor demon had a little bit of separation anxiety after leaving hell from their lord.

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