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MILES LOOKED BACK AND FORTH, checking corner to corner to see where  the damn demon went. This time he took them to the park, the demon ran off like a loose dog which made the human male look scared for the other people in the park. "Maybe I should've just taken them to another damn park...and not a public one." Miles said flatly.

The human found the nimbo demon chasing after a squirrel, literally not even for eating. They just want the squirrel to be their friend. "CMERE!! I WANNA HUG YOU!" Yelled the tall creature, having their arms out to grab the poor small animal. Miles deadpanned from far away until the brown haired male turned around to see a blonde lady calling the police.

"OOP! YO [Y/N] CMERE!!" Immediately the demon fell on their face, staying down until they sat up and walked over. Miles grabbed [Y/N] and ran, but clearly it wasn't enough as police were looking for them as of now. [Y/N] realized the situation and shifted to a child height, shocking the brown haired male as policemen started to walk towards them.

"Have you seen a tall adult? Possibly 6'4 disturbing the peace of the public park."

"No sir.."

"....alright then..keep ya child on a leash.."

"Yes sir.."

After the police left, miles pulled the demon into an alleyway as the suppose child turned back into an adult. "The fuck was that?! When could you shift your body???" Miles says astonishingly. "Oh, my lord made me have some abilities to change my body ..guess I forgot to tell you guys that.." [Y/N] says cheekily. "Okay...so you're telling me...that you can CHANGE GENDERS AND BODY PARTS?! AND YOU DIDNT TELL ME WEEKS AGO?!" Miles was pissed as he shook the poor demon back and forth. The demon felt dizzy, so they picked the small body human away from them.

"Yeah, I use to use my female body to trick pedophiles and rapists. Then eat them!" [Y/N] said with a happy smile at the memory of biting off those disgusting things for such a rancid act. "Oh! That's cool BUT WHIP IT OUT!" Miles says, pulling out a measuring tape which shocks [Y/N]. "Whip what out—" "CMON DUDE!" Miles yelled comedically.

After Miles finally convinced the demon to turn their genital to a male part, the brown haired boy measured 'his' and his own. Immediately miles fell to defeat whilst the male demon as if now pulled his pants up. "What? I don't think it's that big..." [Y/N] said chuckling. Miles was literally shocked at a monster cock...he's never seen a cock like that in his life. "...Micheal...I pray for you.." miles says to himself as he closes his eyes and got in a prayer motion. [Y/N] had a dotted eye expression before changing back to their genderless body.

"WAIT!" Miles says turning towards [Y/N], if miles was an anime character. Zenitsu would be him as he clearly grabbed the demon by their shirt. Which looked funny as the male was very short. "What about the female body?! On no weird shit...I won't measure them...just let me look.." Miles said with a cheeky smile. Immediately the demon pulled a tanjiro face towards the brown haired male. "DONT LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT—" after arguing with each other, finally [Y/N] admitted defeat and transformed into a female body of their own.

"She" was getting stared at by the male human who was amazed. "GYATT damn....okay so you are big as well in the chest. Possibly a double D." And after the male said that, [Y/N] smacked his face with "her" tail. "That's so...disgusting..." [Y/N] said turning into their normal state. It seems apparently as well, when the demon changes gender. They have the hormones of the suppose gender they shift to.  Before miles could say anything, a person ran past the short male and took away his wallet. Miles's eyes widen in shocked as he felt the pocket his wallet was in, and then looked at the pickpocket thief. "MY NEW HELLO KITTY WALLET!!"  Miles yelled, having his hand out towards the thief.

"Don't worry! I got it!" The demon said, running after the thief in a flash. Miles ran after them, knowing damn well what's gonna happen next.

"[Y/N]?! NOOOO!"

THE DEMON CHOMPED OFF THE THIEF'S HEAD, after our protagonist caught the person who took the cute hello kitty wallet. [Y/N] mauled the absolute shit out of the thief's face and head. Miles was far away, keeping his own promise. But sadly when [Y/N] tackled the thief to the floor, blood splatted onto the male's shirt. [Y/N] ate the person like a starving man who hasn't ate In days.

After their human face split up into their own demon face, they swallowed the thief whole. Burping and wiping the blood from their mouth. "I'm done!" Yelled the demon from across the other alleyway, miles gagged at the smell of blood. But he sucked it in and nodded. "I—Ight man.." miles said, swallowing his throw up and walking over to see the demon grinning with a happy smile. "You sure were hungry huh." Miles said sarcastically.

"I actually was, but it was a good snack." [Y/N] said with a small smile. Miles then sighed again, thinking on how his life is finna turn out right as now. The two walked a little around the street, coming across the beloved pastry shop the demon was banned from going from their human companion at home. "TREAT!" "NO TREAT!! "TREAT!" "NOOOO!!" "YESS!" Micheal screamed holding onto [Y/N] as a thought went into his head.

"Micheal is gonna kill me..."

MILES WAS ONCE AGAIN TRAUMATIZED, having blood on him. Smelling like sugar, it was like a hellish day for the damn man. The demon felt bad as miles looked uncomfortable in the bloody up shirt. So [Y/N] took off their shirt, grabbing Miles's  shirt and switching them. "There! Brand as new." [Y/N] says, the shirt was basically holding on to a thread because of [Y/N] flat strong chest. "DONT RIP THAT SHIRT!" The brown haired male yelled shocked.

But it was too late as the shirt ripped, making pieces of it fall to the ground. Miles grabbed his head in shocked while a comedic silence filled the air, [Y/N] picked up the pieces and slammed it to their chest. Think into it would stick to their chest, only to fall to the ground again. Miles couldn't believe today...at all...immediately he made his mind up on taking [Y/N] away from Micheal when the Korean male didn't want the demon around.



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