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MICHEAL SCOFFED, feeling the tall demon cuddle him. It's been weeks after coming home from college to this random who he learned of their name being [Y/N]. He felt the demon purr against his neck, the warm breath making him shudder. A slow breath exit his mouth, [Y/N]'s throat purred even more. They were clearly an affectionate person, nuzzling their face in his neck as they both watch a k-drama. The k-drama was kinda cringy as the male lead was so toxic to the female mc to the point the female mc was blind to the red flags.

Micheal didn't mind the big cuddly demon close to him, but the way his body felt warm by the warmth radiating off the dammed demon was making him irritated by heat. "Ugh! Get off me asshole!!" Micheal screamed at [Y/N] who pouted, letting the male chi go and moving to the other side of the couch with a sad frown. Micheal held a tight glare before lighting up on seeing the sad demon. He sighed looking away, he felt bad again for making the guest in his house sad. Looking back at [Y/N] who held their knees to their chest, he rolled his eyes pulling [Y/N] to his body again.

Patting their [hair length] hair, [Y/N] smiled happily again. Their smile showing their canine teeth, purring with a buzz in their throat. They continued to watch the show. Right as of now Ms.Chi was at her job, making the two people in the house alone. It's been at least 3 hours and immediately [Y/N] was interested in the male chi. Wanting to be friends as they wanted to know more about this mortal heir of the nice lady that took them in.

The tv then shows how the male lead was kissing the female mc, the kiss looked amusing to the poor demon. The demon glances at Micheal who wasn't phased at the kissing scene. The demon never experience any type of love like that, they were a curious being as they didn't know what the hell the humans in the show were doing. Micheal heard a loud purr from the demon he only known for weeks on end.

Turning his head, he was faced with a dilated eyed being having a mischievous glint in their eyes. Almost like a predator eyeing their prey. "Fuck you lookin at?" Micheal said narrowing his eyes, [Y/N] only smiled as they moved their hands to Micheal own hands. Micheal blushed, feeling the bigger hands gulp up his own. [Y/N] rubbed their face against Micheal's nape, Micheal gulped feeling nervous to what [Y/N] was doing. The Demon then lifts up their head and start to kiss Micheal's plump lips.

Micheal's eyes widen, trying to say something only for [Y/N] pressed their lips more into the kiss. Deepening it, Micheal closed his eyes. His mind was in a haze, it was like [Y/N] knew what they were doing but at the same time not. Micheal moaned in the kiss as he felt a long tongue wrestling with his own tongue. Whimpers echoed in the living room, [Y/N] purred before pinning Micheal's wrists down to the couch. Micheal struggled to move his wrists, trying to get out of the strong hold only for the demon to press his body more into the couch. A small moan erupted from the male's throat as he squirmed, squirming until he gave up feeling this sensation.

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