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ETHAN AND MILES WAITED OUTSIDE, the two college friends heard that one of their besties was at their house chilling after going to college at an early age. They rang the door bell and waited. Ethan stood at 5'7, cold aura with light grey eyes and light grey hair. He looked emo with his eyes bags and earring on his ears. It was clear that this boy was insomniac. Whilst the male beside him was as happy like the sun, having honey brown eyes and brown hair. The male stood at 5'5, smiling while holding McDonald's.

"O m g, I wonder how Micheal has been doing!! Do you think he finally has a lover?" Miles says while bouncing on the heel of his converses. "How the hell am I supposed to kn—" a big bang inside the Chi household made the edgy male stop talking. Miles hid behind the taller male scared at what happened inside. "[Y/N]!! NO YOU BIG ASSHOLE!" Miles and Ethan raised a brow at each other as thumps and bangs were heard inside. Then suddenly it was quiet before the door busted open. Immediately the two friends gasped at the tall being in front of them, they stood at 6'4.

And that being was [Y/N] who smiled at seeing new people. "Welcome!" The being said as the male chi huffed behind them, tired after chasing this tall ass beast. Micheal stood at 5'8 which was at the demon's shoulder, Micheal immediately grabbed the demon's white tee with some slight trouble. "Idiot! I said wait for me to open the door! What if strangers had come in and hurt you dumbie!" The male chi said, pulling [Y/N] down a little so he could bonk them on the head.

"Sorry mi-mi!"

"And what did I say about calling me that!!" Micheal says embarrassed, pushing aside the tall bastard. As the red haired male turned to face the people at his door, he freezes seeing his college friends.


"mi-mi...." Ethan and miles said together before laughing their asses off at the nickname they heard for their best friend. Micheal blushes furiously before bonking the two on the head "SHUTUPP!!"

After that, the male chi huffed sitting down. One leg over his other leg as he crossed his arms like some type of mafia boss as [Y/N] was towering over the sitting Chi. Leaning their tall body over the poor male who seemed to have a clear irritated face, gritting his teeth whilst his friends laugh. Micheal pushed away, "damnit! Personal space please!!" The red hair male said towards the tall demon. Our demon protagonist nodded with a smile and moved over to sit with the other two that's in the living room. Ms. Chi walked in holding 4 cups of tea.

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