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MICHEAL SMILED, after a week after the incident, the gluttonous demon ate more which alarmed the human at least. So he finally got the demon to start working out. The demon started to get more structure abs and muscular body. Their plush thighs were gone into fat and muscular thighs. Their chest was still plump and flat. Which was perfect for the male chi to grab in be—. Their arms were also very drool sighting as Micheal had to stop staring and look away.

Certainly though, Micheal didn't complain about how the old body of his demon companion looked like. He was just worried about his friend's body health, he didn't care about the fast metabolism. He wanted this big ass demon in shape! So right as of now, he's on the back of [Y/N] while our demon protagonist goes push ups whilst watching tv. "Keep doing ya pushups." Micheal says with a smug smile, his lean body resting on the creature's back. [Y/N] groaned, wagging their demon tail before rubbing the male chi up with it.

"How about you do pushups Mimi..." [Y/N] said with a pout. "Because, my perfect body doesn't need it. Duh." Micheal says rolling his eyes. "....y'know, if you were under me while I do push ups. It would've been more effective~" said the flirtatious demon. Micheal blushed, hitting the pesky demon on its head. "Idiot! Do you know how perverted that sounded!!" Micheal's face was red even more thinking about his companion on top of him.

The inappropriate thought rang in his head as he shakes his head in disbelief. "Hahaha! Mimi I was joking, I would never do that without your consent." [Y/N] says, rubbing their tail on the male's slim waist. Micheal shuddered, a small whimper exited his mouth making the demon look back with a mischievous glint in their eyes. "Nope nope nope nope nope!!!" Micheal immediately got off the demon's back and ran off. The demon laughed its ass off, liking to keep the male chi flustered and heated at simple things.

After a few minutes, Micheal came back. Still a flustered mess a bit, the demon definitely approved their speech as well. The demon had sweaty beads on their forehead, huffing as their long demon tongue lulled out of their mouth. Micheal covered his lower face with his hand, clearly flushed seeing that long ass tongue. "I...I'll go get you some water." Micheal says, leaving the demon alone again. "Thanks Mimi!" [Y/N] said with a toothy grin, showing their sharp canine teeth. As the demon faces the tv, the ad for the pastry out protagonist went to weeks ago was on tv! Immediately our protagonist was close to the damn tv like an excited kid seeing snow from outside.

"Ah! Ah! MIIIIIMIII COME HERE! COME QUICK!!" The demon exclaimed while not taking their eyes off the tv. Practically screaming at it. "What?! What?! WHAT'S WRONG??" Micheal came in screaming in fear that the nimbo demon had hurt themselves. The red head held a water bottle like a weapon, until deadpanning. Seeing the damn demon smile a child at the delicious pastries shown in the commercial. "Ugh you idiot..I thought you were hurt." Micheal says with a pout, hitting [Y/N] on the head with the water bottle.

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