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THE SMELL OF FOOD, it was early in the morning. It's been years. Not long years but it's been 3 years. Turns out [Y/N] was 20 in human years. But now they are 23, with the help of Ms. Chi [Y/N] have gained fat. In the right place of course, in their thighs mostly. They were like a huggable giant. But mostly, they were like a child stuck in an adult body. But also Ms. Chi kinda adopted the demon into their house, more in a caretaker than a parent perhaps. But our demon protagonist has abs now. Back on track, the smell of food roamed through the house of the Korean woman [Y/N] lives with.

Breakfast, something [Y/N] learnt through the tv and Ms. Chi. [Y/N] groaned softly, opening their eyes and stretching. Our demon protagonist exited the room, smiling at the smell and following it. Their stomach growled, eyes glowing a slight orange from the hunger. As our demon protagonist goes down the hall and see the feast of breakfast, their stomach growls intensely. Ms. Chi turns around with a bunny smile, "ah! Sweetie come! Come eat!" And those words made the gluttonous demon sit quickly and gobble the whole eggs and omelette the kind lady made for them.

Ms. Chi only smiled, she kept the food coming. And as [Y/N] ate off their 20th plate of the delicious omelette and bacon, Ms. Chi did overreact in the gluttonous demon they had taken cared off after her son left for college. "DONT worry sweetie! I'll make you more omelettes later." The sweet lady said as she hands the demon a napkin. [Y/N] took the nap, patting their stomach with a huff and nodded. They were tired after eating, it was basically a feast for the poor hell born. [Y/N] had a fast metabolism, not gaining weight much.

But most of the weight was going to their thighs which was concerning for Ms.Chi, but the demon didn't seemed phased by it making the lady not worry much either. [Y/N] smiled at the sweet lady and get away from the bar stool and went into the living whilst the lady washes the dishes. As the adorable adult child was watching SpongeBob in Korean, the front door opened with it making an unlock sound. [Y/N] immediately sat up, their thighs expanding from the flat pressure the couch did for their thighs.

On high alert, the demon was ready to attack before they saw red hair. It was clear the male was also Korean as he walked in speaking Korean. "돌아왔습니다!" The male said, smiling seeing his mother.

Ms. Chi immediately waddled a bit before hugging her son. "집에 온 걸 환영해!" Ms. Chi exclaimed. "Oh Micheal welcome home! We have a guest living with us now. Come come!" Ms. Chi says, dragging her son to the living room to where [Y/N] is in view of the son. The son's smile faded seeing some random tall ass person in HIS mom's living room.

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