Chapter 7

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: "She's crying again, Unnie" i hear a tiny voice whisper but I remained my eyes closed

: "It will never be easy on her, right? No matter how long it happened, she will always remember it like it just happened a few seconds ago" i heard a deeper tone and I easily recognized them.

They are the only two people who have seen, endure and understand what is going on with me.

Rosé and Irine. My best friend's

R: "So we will just let her be like that? For how kuch longer, Unnie?" I hear her voice crack and a sniff followed

I: "I really don't know, Rosé" i can hear the sadness in her voice

R: "I miss her so much. She's hear physically but she's like another person. I've been trying to talk to her everyday for the past two years and she gave a shorter answers. Sometimes I think that what if I just made her mad. Maybe she will lecture me and I might be the only person who will be happy being lectured" i hear her giggle and I can't hold back my tears and just let it flow by hearing her.

My baby Chipmunk

I: "There's the tears again. I wonder if it's the same dream she had the day Lisa died" Irine-unnie said and that made me jolt awake with anger in my eyes

R: "U-Unnie " i saw Rosé look at me with horror in her eyes.

J: "She's not dead Unnie. That's her body resting. " I looked at Irine-unnie with eyes flaming fire

I: "Here we go again. Jen, I'm saying this because I'm your friend. Lisa is gone. She's dead" she said with a raised voice and I quickly pushed her off of my bed

R: "Unnie, calm down" She told me but I just ignore her and remain my firm glare at my older bestfriend

I: "What Jen? You'll be violent all the time someone mentioned Lisa's name and her tragic story. Well let me tell you, IT'S NOT AS TRAGIC AS WATCHING YOU KILL YOURSELF " She screamed at my face and soon to be followed by sobbed


She's crying.

Never in my life have I ever seen her cry. She's always a happy-go-lucky person

But I remain my guard up.

J: "You don't know anything so just shut up"  I tried to go to the bathroom but a hand pulled me back making me sit on my bed

I: "NO. You're the one who doesn't know anything." She pointed her finger at me and I looked at her lazily

R: "Irine-unnie, now is not the time. Please let's just go" she tried to pull Irine-unnie but the other girl remained her stance

I: "No. She needs to know this. " She said then looked at me

"Did you know that at her funeral, I don't see a single person don't shed their tears even when they are barely passing the door? I don't even recognize everyone but when I get to talk to them, they mostly say the same thing that Lisa, -YOU'RE AMAZING GIRLFRIEND- help them when no one would? Did you know that while you are busy here trying to drain yourself to tears, many people there were looking for you and asking how are you doing and I was so hurt when I continue to make up lies for you so they won't judge you"

J: "I don't care about them"

I: "But they do care about you, Jen. Lisa cares for them so they care for the one who Lisa loved and that's you. You need to realize that it's not just you who got hurt when she passed"

J: "I was the one who got hurt the most! "

I: "Don't put self-pity on you cause we both know that Lisa will not like that . Lisa would like you to-"

J: "SHE'S GONE." I yelled with all my strength

It feels real now that I say it. For a span of two years I never said that this because I can't accept it

But now, it feels so real

I just put my face on my hand and sob uncontrollably

"She's gone but she promised me she won't let me be alone but she lied. She lied. She left and now I am alone, unnie. "I tried to say the words between my sobs

The three of us are a crying mess right now

I: "She did keep her promise, you know. You have us. You lost a lover Jen but imagine her parents. They lost their only child. Our co-workers, we lost our bubbly girl, now the office is like a ghost town. I lost the only person who can push my buttons and bicker for hours. Rosé lost her partner-in-crime. We all lost her, Jennie but she chose you to be surrounded with people who love both of you so please, come back to us" she continues to sob while holding both of my hands

J: "Can you just do me a favor, Rosé? " I said while staring blankly on the floor

R: "What is it? Anything unnie" i can hear the determination on her voice and I sigh before I reply

"Can you tell me what really happened to Lisa?"


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