Chapter 20

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: "Let me do this for you. Please? I'm on my way there, anyway" he insists and tries to hold my wrist but I quickly hide it behind me

Jennie: "Mr, Lee -" i notice how his face saddened instantly

Liam: "What happened to L. I liked it when you gave me that nickname" he murmured while looking down and he really resembles how the love of life will make that face when I just called her name. I can't help but smile at him

Jennie: "Okay fine. Stop sulking, you big baby" i chuckled at him and he just looked at me with his pouty lips

"I just want to go down there personally. You think Ms. Sandara won't question you when you're the one who will tell her I will file for leave? People will start to gossip. Your not-so-softie boss vibe will be ruined" i talk to him carefully like he is a baby

Liam: "I don't mind tho. I just don't want you to be tired" he slumped his shoulder and I just sigh

Jennie: "I would be more tired dealing with gossip." I rolled my eyes and he just chuckled at me.

I literally forget how much he loves seeing me giving or having an attitude towards small things.

Like her.

Liam: "I can't win with you, can I?"

Jennie: " You can try tho" i smiled at him and he just took a deep breath

Liam: "Fine. Let's go now" he smiled widely while going out of my office and I just admired his physique from behind.

His soft hair

His broad shoulders.

His not-so-bulky biceps that can be seen since he is  not wearing a suit

The way he walks is so confident

I'm sure that if she gets reincarnated, she IS him..

He totally is the boy version of Lisa.

"Ahmp. Are you coming, or do you want me to carry you? " I didn't even notice that he was walking back to me

Jennie: "Yeah. I'm sorry i just went someplace else. Let's go?" I smiled once again and walked before him

Liam: "You're always like that tho." He chuckled and I slowed down

Jennie: "What do you mean? "I asked nervously

Liam: "You always look at me and then you're gone in your own head. Just admit it. You're already falling for me" he said smugly and I kinda got used to it.

It's like I traveled back in time with a few changes and I like to just think that she's Lisa and she just lost her memory

And she is in his body

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